Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 448: The Transformation of Conceptual Chaos, the Great Kingdoms and the Prehistoric Evolutio

Withdrawing his gaze to observe the corridor of time and space that cuts off the past and present, and the ultimate heavenly connection, Lu Yu felt his current state.

He has now completely entered the realm of immortality, and all his powers have once again been deeply integrated.

If we say that in the original time, he had a complete control over the concept of evolution.

So now, the two have been completely integrated into one.

He is the concept itself, and concepts such as the existence or absence of chaos are him.

As long as there are these concepts in the world, Lu Yu will be an immortal existence, and he can be reborn from these concepts at any time.

Moreover, his perception of similar and identical concepts in the world has become extremely clear.

The mastery of derivative power is also more comfortable and tight.

If we say that in the original time, the source point was the true spirit, the peripheral concept was the soul and spirit, and the natal world was the body.

Then the external chaos and other forces are equivalent to the released vitality power. Although it can be controlled freely, it is always controlled from a distance and has a certain stagnation.

Just like in the past, Lu Yu showed signs of being unable to fully control Chaos' external engulfment and expansion because the scope was too large.

But now, the concept of origin is completely integrated into one. The origin of the concept is Lu Yu's fundamental spirit, the natal world is the soul, and the chaos and power derived from the outside world are equivalent to Lu Yu's body.

Controlling these powers is the same as controlling one's own body, not a layer apart like before, and it is no longer possible to fully control it.

In addition, Lu Yu's perception of all related concepts in the world became completely clear.

Looking into the depths of the universe, the densely packed connection points are just like the stars in the universe.

It can only be said that although the entire universe seems vast and boundless, there are desolate and dead stars everywhere, as if there is no life.

But in fact, over countless years, there are countless civilizations in the entire universe.

Regarding nothingness, existence, chaos, world, information and other concepts, most civilizations will have some involvement.

Moreover, as long as no one takes up these concepts of these civilizations, then Lu Yu will feel it.

Added together, wouldn’t it be like the stars in the universe?

Of course, they are the stars in the universe that can be observed by normal humans.

After all, there are always more stars than civilizations.

The most important thing is that Lu Yu can come into consciousness at any time for these sensed concepts, or project his own conceptual power.

Although Lu Yu has reached his current state, he is no longer worried about lack of energy. No matter how much power Chaos devours, it will not enhance his essence much.

However, in this process, the rules that are annexed and integrated can also complete the concepts and avenues to a certain extent.

What's more, in other places, there must be rules different from Earth Star?

After all, the earth star is just an inconspicuous life planet in the universe, and it is naturally impossible to cover all the rules of the universe.

Therefore, even for the different rules of the universe, Lu Yu must spread his conceptual power to the relevant concepts to complete his own conceptual rules.

As soon as the thought occurred, mysterious power fluctuations spread, and instantly followed the mysterious induction and connection, arriving at many intelligent civilizations.

Most of the targets where Lu Yu's conceptual power came are in the dream space.

Basically, it is about the concepts of existence, non-being, chaos, world, etc., and the level of civilization is often not developed.

After the conceptual power arrives, it immediately begins to transform the dream space, quickly transforming it into chaos.

There are also some goals that are directly in reality. This part is often about concepts such as information and exists in information networks.

What Lu Yu has to do is to completely cover these information networks with his own information concepts, and then integrate his own information concepts into this civilization.

However, these information networks may be strong or weak, and the weak ones have just entered the information age.

And a strong information network directly covers hundreds of galaxies.

Those general information networks naturally cannot prevent Lu Yu's concept coverage.

But those powerful information networks are not without resistance.

The quantum brain in it was actually able to detect the existence of Lu Yu's conceptual power.

It can even mobilize the power of quantum information to encircle and suppress its conceptual power, and even begin to erase its concepts.

After feeling this, Lu Yu couldn't help but sigh, whether it is technology or practice, once it reaches a certain level, it must not be underestimated.

After all, Lu Yu's power has existed on Earth Star for a long time. Except for the supreme gods and Tianzun, no one has directly noticed the existence of the concept, let alone erased it.

As for the power of chaos, it is only a derivative of the concept of chaos, and it is still different from the concept of chaos itself.

However, the quantum brain of a powerful technological civilization deep in the universe actually noticed the existence of Lu Yu's concept and even began to erase it.

It can be seen from this that the quantum intelligent brain of technological civilization is, at least in one aspect, far superior to ordinary gods.

However, Lu Yu didn't care. There were so many conceptual inductions in the entire universe, and there were no shortage of civilizations.

After the induction of other concepts has been completely covered and one's own power has further transformed, it can naturally be reversed and assimilated easily.

Therefore, after realizing that these civilizations could directly erase concepts, Lu Yu did not force it, but allowed the concepts that were deeply embedded in them to be erased without forcing the power to come.

Afterwards, Lu Yu turned his attention to the boundless chaos beyond the Earth Star.

The world of the evolution of the Great Qin, Great Zhou, Great Shang and other countries is what needs the most attention.

After all, these countries suppress the passage to nothingness.

Who knows what impact this covering of chaos and the sudden change in its form will have?

The world that Lu Yu looked at first was naturally the Great Qin that had come before.

The original Great Qin country had a radius of hundreds of millions of miles.

But now, just looking at it from the outside, it would be measured in light years, but inside, it would definitely not be much smaller than the Milky Way.

When he saw this place, Lu Yu couldn't help but glance at the strange world that was also measured in light years, as well as the worlds of many other powerful immortals and gods.

It didn't seem like it would take long for him to advance this time, only about ten years.

But when he woke up again, the outside world had undergone earth-shaking changes. An extremely huge world lay across the chaos, as if hundreds of millions of years had passed.

It can only be said that with Lu Yu's successive promotions and the complete integration and transformation of concepts, the essence of chaos has now become the most powerful in the world.

There is no beginning or end, a blend of order and disorder, and no concept of time and space, but the concept of time and space goes deep into it, presenting an extremely weird state.

The most important thing is the weird state of the concept of time and space.

This allows a huge world measured in light years to exist within a small range in chaos.

Otherwise, so many huge worlds would really not be able to exist based on the previous dream space and dream world.

It can only be said that in the past, the dream realm of all the powerful immortals could not exceed a million miles in radius. In addition to the imperfect rules, there was also this reason.

That's the natural limit of the world's rules.

After all, there are too many powerful dream realms. It is difficult to fully carry the dream space and dream realm that only evolve from the earth and stars.

But the current chaos, because of the strange state of time and space, no longer limits the growth of the dream world.

Therefore, many dream worlds are growing rapidly.

After all, the dream realm that used to be a million miles in radius was actually the limit of the third-S level magic controller;

After that, in the realm of emperors and gods, it is not that their world cannot expand, but that the rules of the world do not allow it.

Well, if someone gets 100 points in the test, that means he can only get 100 points in the test; and if someone gets 100 points in the test, that's because the test paper only has 100 points.

These are two completely different situations.

But now, after losing their restrictions, the dream world they evolved has naturally grown rapidly.

The three-S level has a radius of millions of miles, while the emperor level has a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

As for the realm of immortals and gods, the lowest is hundreds of millions of miles, and there is no upper limit to the higher.

Just like the world of Great Qin, it now spans several light-years from the outside, and is about to exceed the Milky Way from the inside.

But even so, the expansion of the Great Qin world has never stopped and has been expanding and growing at a high speed.

The only ones with flaws are probably the people of Great Qin among them.

Too little, and it only occupies a drop in the ocean at the center.

As the world expands, unconscious animals and plants may be able to actively create and reproduce.

However, it is difficult for sentient and intelligent life to develop in a short period of time.

It can only slowly multiply and grow as time goes by.

Of course, Lu Yu didn't care about this. What he focused on was the void passage leading to nothingness.

At this time, the Daqin world, which had been transformed into a dream world, naturally could no longer stop Lu Yu from snooping, and he had everything in it in an instant.

The Great Wall that Great Qin used to suppress the evil gods outside the territory was integrated with the world barrier, making the world barrier stronger and more difficult to be broken by external forces.

The prohibition of formations that once spread across the world was directly transformed into the rules of heaven, and the law network of heaven and earth was derived to suppress all alien forces.

However, because it evolved into the rules of heaven, ordinary people no longer need to provide strength.

Therefore, the people of Great Qin today have completely liberated their power. In addition, they have been baptized by the power of the growth of the world, and their various strengths have been greatly improved.

The weakest children are at the third S level, and normal adult humans are at the emperor level.

And those elite soldiers are basically in the realm of immortals.

Even the weakest immortal gods, when they form a military formation, are enough to suppress the strongest among the immortal gods.

It is no exaggeration to say that the world of Great Qin at this time is the world of Immortal Qin.

And that space passage leading to nothingness still exists in the space above Xianyang City, blocked by layers of heaven and earth laws.

However, the one who suppressed the passage was no longer the First Emperor, but the general Wang Jian.

It was not that there was something wrong with the First Emperor, but that after the Qin Kingdom transformed into a dream world and grew up, it had too much power.

The First Emperor directly entered the realm of Tianzun from the half-step Tianzun, and he belonged to the extremely powerful group.

The strength of the civil and military ministers under him has also increased rapidly. Wang Jian and others are also close to the half-step Tianzun realm. Coupled with the law of heaven and earth, the twelve huge golden men who suppress heaven and earth are more than enough to suppress the void passage.

As for the First Emperor, Lu Yu found no trace of him in the world of Qin.

"Did you leave? Or did you enter there?"

Looking at the void passage in the space above Xianyang City, Lu Yu said to himself.

Shifting his gaze, Lu Yu looked towards the Great Zhou World.

The gods are criss-crossed between heaven and earth, and they are spread all over the heaven and earth. They suppress the rules of heaven and earth, the evil gods outside the territory, and block the erosion of the power of evil gods outside the territory.

This is the way that the Great Zhou Dynasty followed, sealing the gods and sealing the heaven and earth.

In the big business world on the other side, the mighty destiny of the emperor permeates the world, and the destiny of the emperor and the country suppresses all disobedients.

In the subsequent Daxia world, the Human Emperor also suppressed the world.

After that, there will be no other world, only the time and space corridor of Jedi Heaven.

It's as if historical time has been cut off and broken here.

Looking at the time and space corridor of the Jedi Sky, Lu Yu looked thoughtful when he recalled the ancient world he saw later, the figures of immortal gods with overwhelming momentum.

I'm afraid that in the era before Xia, we all entered that prehistoric world.

In it, the stability of the ancient world is maintained, and the arrival of evil gods from outside the territory is suppressed and blocked.

Looking at the many powerful worlds in the chaos, Lu Yu looked back at himself.

He feels that even if he cannot reach the realm of Tianzun now, he should be close to it, right?

And in terms of pure strength and combat power, it even exceeds the realm of Tianzun.

After all, in today's world surrounded by chaos, there are also some masters of heaven who have broken through to the realm of heaven. As the master of boundless chaos, he can't be inferior to them, right?

So now, it seems that he can also go to the depths of the dream world.

But before that, he still needs to analyze the remaining power of the boundary sea.

When the time comes, the power of Chaos will definitely be able to further transform, which will also increase his strength by one point again and give him more confidence.

As soon as he thought about it, Lu Yu had already arrived in front of the power of the world sea.


Lu Yu raised his hand, and a mysterious force emerged, instantly covering the power of the boundary sea.

This time, Lu Yu did not use the power of chaos to erode and devour, but directly mobilized conceptual power. This was also the first time that Lu Yu used conceptual power against the enemy.

Although this enemy is just a force in the outer sea outside the world.

"Buzz buzz"

"Boom boom boom"

The moment the two sides came into contact, a fierce confrontation began.

Although Lu Yu's conceptual power was not instantly swallowed up by the power of the world sea, it was scattered and scattered again and again.

For a moment, the conceptual power exerted by Lu Yu not only did not gain the slightest advantage, but actually put him at a slight disadvantage.

However, after feeling this, Lu Yu not only did not show any disappointment, but instead showed a slight smile.

The power of his self-set concept, which has evolved and transformed over and over again, is now no less than the power of the boundary sea.

This means that he can at least survive outside the world for a while.

Moreover, when the two sides collided with each other, the secrets and information contained in the power of the boundary sea were also revealed bit by bit in front of Lu Yu.

As time went by, the secrets and information about the power of the Boundary Sea began to be analyzed, sorted out, and integrated bit by bit by Lu Yu.

The power of chaos rapidly evolves and changes silently.

In the end, the secrets and information of the power of the Boundary Sea were thoroughly analyzed by Lu Yu, and Chaos completed its transformation once again.

The space-time corridor that originally blocked the spread of chaos was instantly submerged by chaos, and the energy of chaos began to spread toward the last place in the dream world.

The vast and primitive world was suddenly covered with a layer of hazy fog, and everything that came into contact with it was eroded and swallowed up by it.

This sudden change instantly alarmed the gods of the prehistoric world. They burst out with powerful power and instantly reached the sky and borders of the prehistoric world, watching the spread of chaotic energy.

"Is this the power of chaos?"

"What's going on? Why does the power of chaos appear here? Isn't it restrained and suppressed by the great god Pangu?"

"Did something happen to God Pangu?"

"Shouldn't it be possible?"

"I think these powers of chaos seem to come from the depths of the dream world.

Could it be that something happened in the real world and the dream space? .”

And just as everyone was talking about it, a voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

"You don't need to worry, this is the emergence of a new strongest one.

And this is just the initial state of the power of chaos when it comes into contact with the world. The power of chaos will not endanger the prehistoric world."

Hearing this voice, everyone was slightly startled at first, and then their faces showed joy, and they all responded with respect.



"The new strongest one? It has something to do with the power of chaos."

Looking at the chaos that was spreading, everyone couldn't help but think to themselves.

And just as everyone was talking and thoughts were surging in their hearts, in the entire prehistoric world, the earth veins that were blocked by numerous formations began to shine with brilliance inch by inch, and eventually spread to the entire world.

The rules of heaven and earth flow, collide and interweave with chaos and the rules of the great road, and instantly create a space-time barrier, covering the entire prehistoric world.

As time goes by, the rules of heaven and earth flow, and the time and space barrier is eventually transformed into a world barrier.


Immediately afterwards, the prehistoric world was shaken violently, and the rules of heaven and earth rapidly changed and evolved. The power of the rules of the avenue came, and the mark of the avenue was evolved, which merged with the rules of heaven and earth to evolve.

A high-dimensional space attached to the prehistoric world, but higher than the prehistoric world, slowly evolved in the depths of the prehistoric world.

In this high-dimensional space, among the endless circulation of the rules of heaven and earth, a hazy will that unifies all the rules of heaven and earth emerges, and the way of heaven in the prehistoric world is born at this moment.

At this moment, this prehistoric world finally became independent from the dream world and turned into a prehistoric world spanning boundless chaos. (End of chapter)

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