After returning to the rental house, Ning Yu began to sort out his harvest.

Maple Leaf Hotel and his trip were full of harvest.

The only downside is that he lost his shadow.

But who knows if this is a loss of horse.

[Name: Blood Curse].

[Type: Active Skill].

【Quality: D】

[Function: Curse of blood, bloom into flowers].

This is a powerful curse mediated by blood.

The quality is also good, born D grade.

“Learn the Blood Spell.”

Detect anomalous data…



【Repair successful…】

[Unknown changes in skills…].

【Skill learning success】

After a series of ascensions, the sound of the blood spell appeared.

“Hello master, it is an honor to work for you.”

Very elegant sound.

From the voice alone, I thought about it, as if I saw a polite lady vampire.

“Well, work hard to cultivate and strive to advance to the C rank as soon as possible.”

Ning Yu chatted with the blood spell for a while, and began to study the second reward.

A large net woven with black string.

[Name: Corpse Catcher].

[Type: Props].


[Function: cast a net to catch corpses, occasionally fish].

This net can catch the water ghosts and yin fish in the water.

The underwater is their world, extremely difficult.

But once ashore, terror is greatly discounted.

“Good, it will be of great use later.”

Ning Yu nodded and put the corpse trapping net away.

I am not afraid of many props, nor of miscellaneous props, I am afraid that I will not have it when I use it.

“It’s number 6.”

Ning Yu glanced at the phone, as if he had thought of something, and hurriedly walked to the window.

The sky in Pingliang City today is particularly gloomy.

“The ship is coming.” Ning Yu muttered to himself.

Today, a big event is happening throughout the world.

More than half an hour later, a rumbling thunderstorm appeared.

The thick black clouds were like sea water flooding the sky, giving people an extremely strong sense of oppression.

“Here it is.”

In the sea of black mist that shrouded the sky, a huge black shadow appeared.

It was a big ship.

A large ship sailing in the sea of black mist.

As the big ship moved, the entire sea of black mist was boiling.

The thunderstorm became more intense, accompanied by lightning.

The crackling rain kept falling.

The whole world blurred.

Countless people raised their heads and looked at the amazing scene in the sky.

No words can describe the shock they saw.

The visual impact of that scalp numbness makes people lose their words, lose their concentration, and lose their souls.

“Double eyes.” Ning Yu opened his eyes.

He tried to see through the sea of black mist and see who was really on the big ship.

But all this was in vain.

Can’t see through, can’t see through.

The big ship is like a huge shadow, slowly sailing in the sea of black mist.

No one knows where it came from, and no one knows where it is going.

It is more mysterious and terrifying than the Crimson Train.

The sea of black mist lasted for two hours and then gradually dissipated.

The long-lost sun once again filled the earth, as if ushering in a new life.

But no matter who it is, they can’t forget the scene they just saw.

That scene, as if eternal, penetrated deep into the marrow.

It wasn’t the first time Ning Yu had seen it.

But it’s still impressive.

“It’s too far away.”

After a long time, Ning Yu sighed deeply.

Even at the peak of the previous life, he was not qualified to contact these great horrors.

But in this life, Ning Yu squeezed his fists.

He has the perfect growth plan and more opportunities.

One day, he will reach that height and see what is in the distance.

The Internet is full of voices discussing big ships.

The big ship that sailed in the sea of black fog frightened the whole world.

It’s terrifying.

【Emergency update】

[Bluestar version 1.3 detects the bug and is being fully repaired, please don’t panic].

The sudden appearance of the big ship is a bug for the world.

According to Ning Yu’s inference, it appeared too early.

It was an absolutely terrifying existence, and even the limits of the world could be broken.

The large ship lasted for two hours.

But these two hours have become a lingering shadow for countless people for life.

“Why doesn’t Mr. Ning speak.”

“Does Mr. Ning know what that big ship is?”

“Will it appear again?”

“My concern is whether it will dock our world and go ashore.”

The atmosphere on the Internet is extremely uneasy, and even countries rarely choose silence.

And they said Mr. Ning, this is sleeping with a stuffy head.

After the ship disappeared, he developed inexplicable heart palpitations.

Most of it is that Linghua is going to dream.

Dreams are very mysterious existences.

It seems real and it seems false.

Ning Yu stood deep in the desolate jungle, with layers of dead leaves on the soles of his feet.

“Linghua finally dreamed.”

Looked around.

Only the range of 100 meters is clear, and a hundred meters away is blurred.

That blurry world is like a map that hasn’t been loaded yet.

A few hundred meters ahead, a clearing covered with white bones appeared.

There is a lonely well in the middle of the clearing.

The lonely well is dilapidated, ancient, and lifeless, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

Approaching the lonely well, the front is much clearer.

An abandoned wooden house.

The huts are surrounded by overgrown weeds and garbage.

Tinkered windows, potholed wooden doors, as if telling some story.

Pushing open the wooden house and walking in, it was a deserted yard.

The yard is empty.

A piece of land that has been cultivated

A fence for poultry.

A pile of wood stacked with firewood.

When the autumn breeze blows, the garden is lonely.

“Why isn’t Linghua there?”

Ning Yu watched for a long time and did not see Linghua.

Just when I feel strange.

Tick, tick….

It’s raining.

No, not rain.




The next is… Flesh and blood.

Flesh and blood rain and horror.

The blood clots in the sky are like minced meat.

Blood stained the ground red, and minced meat covered the ground.

The dream becomes bloody.

The smell of blood became the main theme.

Everything came too suddenly, too caught off guard.


A vague red figure appeared at the door accompanied by a heavy rain of flesh and blood.

She neither spoke nor moved.

But Ning Yu knew that she was Linghua.

She… Here it comes.

[New book, ask for support, ask for data].

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