Weird Regulator

Chapter 1089 Heart Burning

"Zhang Huairen..."

Huang Banxian's consciousness was rapidly blurring, and he guessed that the black cat had some kind of stunner on its claws.

With little thinking ability, he recognized the slightly hunched old man in front of him and saw the other person's purpose.

A sense of humiliating anger emerged in his heart. He clenched his bleeding palm tightly and allowed the blood to spread in his palm.

As a clerk, especially a clerk at the Ninth Branch, it was simply a fantasy that he was plotted against by an ordinary person.

All of this is actually due to the fact that he was temporarily distracted by the ghost and failed to think carefully about the not-so-ordinary Zhang Huairen among this evil spirit.

The black cat was fierce and cunning in front of others, but in Zhang Huairen's arms he seemed very well-behaved, and would rub his arm with his head from time to time.

Zhang Huairen hugged the cat and squatted next to Huang Banxian, carefully looking at his appearance.

And it also gave Huang Banxian the opportunity to observe him.

Zhang Huairen is an unattractive little old man, who looks to be around sixty years old.

The skin on the face has begun to relax, and the cheeks are sunken, giving the overall look a bitter look.

However, the short black hair on the top of his head made him look much younger, especially his bright eyes, which turned around giving people a cunning sense of déjà vu.

"To kill or not to kill..."

For ordinary people, killing someone is still very difficult, even if Zhang Huairen has been doing psychological construction before.

Zhang Huairen has studied numerology for many years. He can infer a person's longevity, illness, life and death, or destiny from the growth marks on a person's appearance.

However, numerology cannot be judged simply by looking at faces.

Success depends on the right time, place, and people, and the same applies to fortune telling. He only has Huang Banxian's face, so he can't actually infer much.

But with his ability, he could already tell that Huang Banxian did not deserve to die in his hands.

Therefore, Zhang Huairen clearly took the initiative on the court, but he hesitated after the meeting.

He was thinking whether he should fight against God's will again.

"You can't kill this person."

An unexpected voice sounded from behind, pulling Zhang Huairen out of his thoughts.

When he turned his head, he saw a strange face.

The right side of that face was alienated from everything in the world, but the left side was filled with madness that was about to get out of control.

Ji Li slowly walked down the stairs with his cane while looking at the person he had been looking for for a long time.

From five ropes and five coins to seven sons breaking the evil, and now scheming Huang Banxian, he has been able to confirm Zhang Huairen's position.

This Zhang Huairen is really extraordinary.

He should have predicted his death a long time ago, and even guessed the time, place and method of his death.

Perhaps after hesitating for a long time, he decided to confront his destiny head-on.

This was the reason why he had to stay in the heart-piercing situation.

What happened to Huang Banxian was actually what Ji Li had expected.

Since the ghost wants his heart, he needs a tree of origin. This tree is either Huang Banxian or Zhang Huairen.

But Ji Li was sure that the person who was destined to die should be Huang Banxian, because Zhang Huairen's "play" in the hearts of ghosts far outweighed his.

Therefore, Ji Li deliberately went up to the second floor alone and let Huang Banxian leave on his own, just to lure out Zhang Huairen who was hiding.

He needs to have an honest conversation with Zhang Huairen and get his full help so that this operation and this mission can have a chance of survival.

Zhang Huairen hugged the black cat, his smart eyes stopped moving, and stared straight at Ji Li, his temperament became serious, and he asked in a deep voice:

"Who are you?"

As early as eight years ago, he calculated his destiny.

In eight years' time, that is, this year, he will have a bloody disaster that he cannot escape, and those who deserve it will be rewarded with gold and fire.

The gold is himself, the fire is Ji Li, and the one who killed these two people is the dark wood.

Mu is a yellow half-immortal. As for why he is all black, Zhang Huairen doesn't understand, but the shop assistants understand that it is because of the influence of ghosts.

"We are a group of people fighting against ghosts."

Ji Li's steps were slow and firm, and he looked past Zhang Huairen to Huang Banxian on the ground.

In the flashing red left eye, he saw a pale white face on the other person's chest again.

At this time, although the human face still had no facial features, the feeling it gave Ji Li had changed.

It was turning from hatred to madness, just like his left eye, except there was no blood.

The change in the face represents the deterioration of the situation.

Ji Li knew that time was running out, so he stood in front of Zhang Huairen and took out a knife.

Under Zhang Huairen's shocked eyes, he cut his wrist and let the blood flow to the ground, while asking:

"You know numerology and know today's deadline, right?"

Zhang Huairen nodded with a heavy expression.

Ji Li took off his coat and wrapped it around the bottom of his cane, then dipped it in blood and drew the familiar five-element talisman on the ground.

"I have a question about the five elements and five internal organs that I must ask you for advice. At the same time, this is also the key to whether you can survive today."

As he drew, he looked at Huang Banxian with his peripheral vision. At this moment, the human face on the other person's chest began to expand.

The face, centered on the yellow Taoist robe, is spreading at a constant speed and slowly enlarging, just like the Tai Chi diagram on the Taoist robe, except that the Yin and Yang are missing.

“Three things now.

The first thing is that this Taoist priest cannot die, because if he dies, the ghosts will come directly to you. "

Zhang Huairen's face turned pale, he was shocked.

He can't be considered an ordinary person, but he has never seen a ghost, and he even scorned such supernatural events before.

He believes in fate, Feng Shui, and education, but these are all traceable things that have been passed down for thousands of years, but the supernatural rumors are just rumors.

But today, the man he regarded as a fiery person told a truth that shocked him.

Ji Li had no time to pay attention to Zhang Huairen's mental activities. He had limited time, so he quickly completed the Five Elements Talisman and continued:

"The second thing is, you have to help me break this fire caused by wood, but the prerequisite is that the person who lives by wood cannot die."

The correct way to solve the Five Elements Murder can only rely on Zhang Huairen, but this incident must be connected in series with the first incident.

The reason why Huang Banxian cannot die is simple. Once he dies, there will only be one gold and one fire left in the room.

The murderer is determined to win Ji Li's heart this time. If he loses the person with a wooden life, he must create another one.

Of course it is impossible for mortals to do it.

But don't forget, there is also a root ghost hidden deeply in this room that has never been seen.

It was the murderer's trump card for this operation.

Thousands of people and thousands of faces... The root ghost is fully capable of shaping a person with a golden destiny into a person with a wooden destiny!

Huang Banxian was born with a wood zodiac sign and possesses top-notch skills as a store clerk. He can delay the process of creating a fire barrier from wood as much as possible.

But once he died, if Zhang Huairen, an ordinary person, had his destiny tampered with, not only would he be unable to decipher the Five Elements and understand the purpose of the five internal organs to kill, but it would also make the situation unsolvable.

“One last thing, the ghost will soon attack me with full force and try to take away my heart.

In the process, Lao Huang will tell you a story about the five elements and five internal organs. I need you to help me extract the ultimate goal of killing with the five elements! "

Things have finally progressed to this point.

Zhang Huairen must give an answer for what the five elements and five internal organs are killing, otherwise this trip will really become a killing game of ghosts.

Zhang Huairen's face was half red and half white, his already slightly hunched back sank lower, and his breathing became heavier.

He calculated that he was destined to be doomed and escaped for eight years. Only today did he muster up the courage to face it, but the truth was far more terrifying than he expected.

The already torrential rain was accompanied by strong winds at this moment, like a sign of the end of the world, threatening the fragile peace wantonly.

Fate's pursuit was already approaching his figure. Amidst the suffocating truth, he looked up with a ferocious expression.

"I can hack wood to make a fire, but it will take time!"

The last stroke has been painted, an obscure and strange bloody talisman, looking terrifying and solemn between the coffin and the paper man.

Ji Li faced the violent wind and rain, his figure bleak and swaying slightly. There was not much sanity left in his right eye, but the madness in his left eye was even worse.

As a result of the massive blood loss, he repainted the golden talisman of water to provide the only guarantee for the upcoming killing.

Amidst the lightning and thunder, the fire in my heart burned fiercely and my blood suddenly boiled.

Ji Li's pupils were completely occupied by scarlet almost instantly, with only a subtle ray of light guarding his last sanity, and he growled:

"I'll give you time!"

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