Weird Regulator

Chapter 1113 Four-layer Screen

The top ten branches, the two strongest pairs of eyes.

Predict the upcoming mission fragment - the prosthetic eye crime object, which belongs to Gu Xingjian.

Passively determine misfortune, actively fight against the supernatural - the eye of disaster, belongs to Xiao Qianduye.

The former has the highest predictability effect on the sky, sea, tasks, and supernatural beings.

The latter has the most efficient judgment effect on fate, events, life and death.

If these two kinds of eye evil objects could really be owned by the same person, it is simply unimaginable what kind of level that person would reach.

Especially, what if this person really became Gu Xingjian?

"Ji Li, Fang Shenyan", "Ji Li, Tongguan", "Ji Li, Mei Sheng", these are three different groups of the Seventh Branch.

The effect of each one will be different, and even the final "Ji and Mei" are enough to compete with other branches.

But by chance, Ji Li's final choice was Little Qianduye.

Fang Shenyan entered Tiannan Drama Academy, but turned into a ghost at a critical moment and was unable to participate.

This can be said to be an accident, but it is also reasonable, because his character will inevitably lead to such a result.

Gu Xing's simple calculation is not difficult.

This can also be explained by the fact that the combination of Mei Sheng and Ji Li was too repetitive, so it was discarded.

Gu Xing's simple calculation is understandable.

However, no one knows whether Tongguan's absence on the day of his parents' sacrifice was an inevitable fate or the product of some kind of design.

But even Ji Li didn't know about the news about the "anniversary of the death of Tong En and his wife", but Gu Xingjian had known about it early on, which made people suspicious.

Gu Xingjian said: "If I ask you to choose Qiandu leaves, you must choose Qiandu leaves."

This sentence happened before Ji Li selected someone.

Being able to predict things like a god is no longer an adjective for Gu Xingjian, but has truly become an ability that has been used to terrifying limits.

The most terrifying thing is that Ji Li and Xiao Qianduye know nothing about it.

Fate seemed to be on Gu Xingjian's side this time. He had already won half the task before it even started!

It was the last few minutes before 3 o'clock in the afternoon on January 3, 2016.

Ji Li, who was dressed in black and had long hair, stood leaning on a staff, with faint flashes of wind and thunder in his seemingly calm pupils.

He is looking for his own rhythm. Although he is tired from receiving the tasks again and again, the new store manager task can bring him a surging mood.

The second and third personalities have fallen into silence due to the excessive consumption of mental energy by the mission of becoming an immortal, and it is difficult to reappear in this mission.

But Ji Li's mental state was saturated. He stared at the afternoon sunshine outside the window, aiming for the fourth puzzle piece.

The little Qianduye, standing tall in white clothes, covered his eyes with a thin white cloth on the upper side of his tall nose, tied it tightly behind his head, and his braid in a high ponytail hung down to the back of his neck.

A few months ago, she was an intern reporter who had just graduated from school, living the beautiful life of a young girl in Kyoto.

From the panic and emotion when working in Kyoto, to the calmness and restraint of Mu Nianmei when working, until now he is qualified to perform the task of store manager.

Her transformation is inspirational but arduous, and her growth step by step is achieved with blood, tears, life and death.

Today's little Chiduha is no longer the little girl hiding in the Rubik's Cube building crying, but a truly brave and tenacious senior store clerk.

Time, with the arrival of the female voice, reached the final limit.

When the clear female voice counts down, milky white light shines on the body.

"Mr. Ji, please get ready and start teleporting."

The moment Ji Li closed his eyes, what sounded in his mind was the explanation given to him by Huang Banxian:

"I always regret that this body is not mine. What if I have talent but no life?"

"Miss Xiaoqian, please get ready and start teleporting."

Little Qianduye raised her head slightly and took the initiative to welcome the light of teleportation. What came to her mind was the self she saw swallowed by misfortune through the Eye of Disaster.

But a second before leaving, she suddenly turned her head back, with some complex emotions and indescribable attachment.

With one last glance, she looked behind Kong Kong.

The feeling of teleportation is not unfamiliar, but when the little Qianduye steps on the ground, he still can't help but feel a little frightened.

Before her vision returned, the first thing she felt was a damp and cold feeling, as if she had arrived at a place filled with decay and dilapidation.

As her vision slowly recovered, she saw a giant long screen two steps ahead.

This screen is about one meter high but dozens of meters long. It is embedded in the wall and cannot be seen to the end.

The screen as a whole has the feel of a Chinese painting, with light brushwork depicting a scene in an unknown location.

This is like an area, but there is no physical location or even physical content, making it impossible to see what it is trying to express.

And when she looked around for the first time, she found that she was in a long corridor.

Obviously she is only located on a certain floor of a certain building, and the most eye-catching feature on this floor is the screen that runs through the entire floor.

Ji Li stood beside her calmly and calmly.

At the same time, there were many strangers on this floor, all of whom were looking at her tentatively.

Little Qianduye would be unfamiliar with everything at this moment, but Ji Li was not. He was just calm on the surface, but his heart was throbbing.

The decoration here is undoubtedly that of a certain floor in the black and white building.

Although the screen in front of him was unfamiliar, he had heard rumors about it several times.

According to rumors, Li Congrong's black clothes and soft armor, prosthetic eye artifacts, and Chen Hansheng's shadow puppet artifacts all came from the screen.

Black and white building, fourth floor!

A floor that only Li Yi, Gu Xingjian, Li Congrong, and Chen Hansheng had visited.

Unexpectedly, the beginning of the sixth store manager mission would directly transport all participants to the fourth floor.

Ji Li was familiar with the figures around him who were unfamiliar to Xiao Qian.

Among the flickering figures, he saw Luo Xian, Bai Huaiguang, Li Guanqi, Lu Caiwei, Su Chenghe, Wang Dachui, Huangfu Jiajia...

There are also Gu Xingjian and Huang Banxian.

The teleportation positions this time should be in order of branches, from one to ten, so he couldn't see Li Yi at the seventh position.

It seemed that no one had expected to go directly to the fourth floor, so there was a slight commotion in the corridor.

Nearly twenty people suddenly squeezed into a small floor, which was indeed a bit crowded and disorderly.

And at this moment, an old voice suddenly came and sounded in everyone's hearts, accompanied by a heavy echo.

“The last store has arrived, ten branches, a total of nineteen people have arrived.

Now let’s start with the rules for the sixth store manager mission. "

Ji Li frowned suddenly because he suddenly discovered that the source of the sound came from the screen in front of him.

His eyes began to move to the left, and he saw a light pink peach forest appearing in a certain position in the giant painting on the screen.

In the shadowy peach forest, an old man squatted on the bluestone.

The long white hair covered the facial features, spread to the ground, and spread out in a patch, with peach blossoms falling down to cover the hair.

It was wrapped in tattered coarse cloth, with many holes on it. Judging from the details of the holes, it seemed that there was no flesh and blood under the clothes, but white skeleton bones.

The old man is neither human nor ghost!

At the same time, Cheng Ming, who was standing at the tenth store, quietly bypassed everyone and came to Ji Li and Xiao Qianduye.

Among the nineteen people who were attentive, the white-haired old ghost raised his slender bony fingers and tapped the bluestone under him, which actually pointed to the giant screen in front of him.

"The sixth store manager mission uses the fourth floor screen as the main venue. The original goal remains unchanged, but new rules are added.

Everything you desire and fear is inside this screen. "

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