Weird Regulator

Chapter 1127 Two lights collide

Luo Xian, dead?

In this store manager mission, death means real death. Did she die just like that?

The area where the lights are on is where the death occurred and also the area that illuminates the body.

The effect of the meat chopping in Ji Li's ears has not completely dissipated, and he saw this puzzling scene.

So, from this point of view, he seems to have worried too much.

Chopping meat and dripping blood, this is actually a way of killing.

The bleeding Luo Xian and the Luo Xian in front of him are all Luo Xian, and there is no such thing as being replaced by a ghost.

It's just that the bleeding Luo Xian has entered the countdown to death. When she is cut into pieces by the person who chops the meat, the real Luo Xian will also die at the same time.

And this kind of horrible death seems to be sensed by only Ji Li, who is the only audience.

The rest of the people are just listeners, and they can only hear the chopping of meat, but not the "bleeding Luo Xian".

This is a hidden killing method.

Even a store manager of Luo Xian's level was killed immediately without any warning before the incident.

Of course, the main reason for her sudden death was that Ji Li misjudged the situation.

He didn't expect that chopping meat and dripping blood were not strange events, but a method of killing.

Therefore, he chose to conceal it and failed to make such an important information public.

Ji Li's suspicion killed Luo Xian.

However, he still doubted that a store manager of Luo Xian's level died just like that?

But reality did not give him and everyone else time to be shocked and analyze.

When Cheng Ming's light was turned on because of Luo Xian's sudden death, the female ghost Achun arrived as expected.

This time, it did not appear from the ceiling, but appeared directly on Cheng Ming's body.

With the illumination of the light, everyone finally saw the female ghost Achun's killing method.

Its body bound by bandages was like a long snake wrapped around Cheng Ming's body, and its broken limbs violated the rules of reality and locked Cheng Ming to death.

Perhaps it was because of the last experience that it changed its strategy when it killed again.

Last time it lay on Cheng Ming, but this time it used a winding method.

Cheng Ming's right and left hands were firmly trapped by the broken limbs, which prevented him from using the sin again.

At the same time, under Ji Li's gaze, he found that Cheng Ming's face was blocked by the sparse hair of the female ghost Achun.

These hairs blocked his face, and it seemed that Cheng Ming's face had cracks...

The new killing method came from the female ghost Achun, which was the first time everyone had seen it.

Ji Li did not do it, he just watched quietly, even though he was Cheng Ming's store manager.

Luo Xian's life was given to the sound of chopping meat.

Cheng Ming's life should also be given to the female ghost Achun.

He needed to get further information about this ghost, just like the killing method exposed when Luo Xian died.

Even from the current situation, the information about the female ghost Achun is more important, because the repeated crises all come from it.

He had to solve the female ghost first, and then go to see the girl in the red skirt.

Ji Li stood by and watched, and Bai Huaiguang did the same.

But he couldn't care, because he was already dragging Luo Xian's body and severed head towards the door.

The one who was really anxious was Xiao Qianduye.

Her eyes saw far more than what she told Ji Li.

It can even be said that as she stepped into the forbidden area, she could capture more and more information, many of which were beyond cognition.

However, the more she saw, the less she could make it public.

Because in this forbidden area, some things may be saved if they are not said, but once they are said, they will really come true.

"Bai Huaiguang! Where are you going?"

Xiao Qianduye did not call Ji Li first, she aimed at Bai Huaiguang who went out inexplicably.

But Bai Huaiguang turned a deaf ear to her and just carried Luo Xian's body and left without saying a word until the door closed.

Xiao Qian didn't have many sins, she only had these eyes, but she didn't dare to use them recklessly.

The eyes of disaster, close your eyes to see disaster, open your eyes to see disaster, she can't fight against the female ghost who is already close to Cheng Ming.

At this critical moment, she had no choice but to ask Ji Li for help:

"Cheng Ming can't die, you come and save him, put him in the coffin."

Turning off the light was useless from the last experience, and they couldn't find Ah Chun in the other stages in a hurry.

So facing the female ghost's unsolvable killing, they could only rely on the sin object if they wanted to survive.

Ji Li was indifferent and pretended not to hear.

Xiao Qianduye's face was bright and dark, she stood in front of Cheng Ming and pressed her hand on the light in his left hand.

She wanted to take the light away and leave the room.

From the previous two experiences, it seemed that whoever had the light would be killed by the female ghost.

If Ji Li was unwilling to help, she had to resort to this last resort.

Because she saw the future of Cheng Ming in him, the little starlight hidden in the endless disaster.

Cheng Ming, perhaps carrying the hope of survival for everyone in this forbidden land.

He must not die.

Perhaps because of Ji Li, Luo Xian, and Bai Huaiguang, everyone's goal is so long-term that they actually skip survival and directly define it as destroying the forbidden area.

But Xiao Qianduye climbed up from the bottom, and she really knew that if there was any mistake in this forbidden area, everyone would be wiped out.

She would rather exchange herself for a little starlight from Cheng Ming.

"The lamp... this lamp cannot be destroyed... it doesn't attract ghosts, it contains ghosts!"

It was Cheng Ming's own choice to turn on the light this time. Since he dared to do so, he must have thought of something.

The light was in his hand, and even if someone else took it away, it might not be effective. This female ghost was like a thorn in his throat, and he had to get rid of it.

Cheng Ming wanted to take a gamble.

Through the first and second close contact with the female ghost, the close contact with the electric light, especially the third time.

After the light was turned on, the female ghost actually appeared directly on him.

This gave him a bolder idea. Maybe it was not the electric light that attracted the ghost, but the electric light pretending to be a ghost.

The female ghost, Achun, had actually been hiding in the electric light, and turning on the light was to release it.

And through his action of smashing the lamp last time, he also checked it after turning on the light this time, and found that there were no scratches on the lamp body.

The method of destroying the electric light was impossible, so he had a bolder idea.

"Help me turn off the light, you go find the second light, and use the second light to destroy the first light!"

This is Cheng Ming's method.

In this forbidden area, the electric light is a very unique item, which itself represents the supernatural.

Therefore, Cheng Ming thought that if human power could not destroy the light bulb, could the rest of the lights do it...

For example, if two lights collided and the bulbs broke when they touched, would it be a way to completely avoid the ghost girl Achun's survival?

Based on the experience from last time, as long as the first light went out, the ghost girl Achun's killing speed would slow down countless times. Although the final outcome would not be changed, it could at least delay the time by about five minutes.

For all tasks, no matter how big or small, the clerks were at an absolute disadvantage.

Even the most advanced minds could never escape the element of "gambling". If you want to survive, you often need "gambling luck".

It's just that the level of gambling luck depends on the accumulation of clues and the accuracy of reasoning.

Cheng Ming reached the limit of his reasoning and was willing to test the law with his life.

Because he and Ji Li had the same view, the ghost girl Achun had already caused great resistance to the clerks. If it was not eliminated, it would be difficult to move forward.

Xiao Qianduye did not move or speak after hearing this.

Until Ji Li on the other side said something that really reassured her:

"Go to the place where Kunsheng disappeared, the second light will most likely appear there.

I'm here, Cheng Ming can't die."

Ji Li's silence doesn't mean that he can't see the situation clearly. On the contrary, when Xiao Qianduye asked for help, he caught the deep meaning of the other party's words.

The reason why he remained silent was that he wanted to take the opportunity to think about Cheng Ming and the female ghost Achun.

There are also Luo Xian and the sound of chopping meat, Luo Xian and Bai Huaiguang.

Luo Xian, shouldn't die like this.

Bai Huaiguang, shouldn't leave with her body.

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