Weird Regulator

Chapter 1139 Story Status

The origin of this supernatural event comes from an unknown disease.

It acted fiercely and cruelly on Achun, transforming her from a good wife and mother into a terrifying mutant.

Although it is still unknown, its origin can be seen from what follows. It can give the infected person a certain degree of supernatural mutation, that is, turn into a ghost.

The role Kunsheng played in this incident should be that of a husband full of pity but helplessness.

As one of the people closest to Achun, he must have used all kinds of methods, and even tortured himself until his temples were gray and exhausted.

But it still had no effect, so he had to tie his beloved wife to the bed to delay the transformation into a ghost.

As for Xiaohe...

She plays an ignorant little girl in this family of three, and of course she plays her true character.

She didn’t understand her mother’s illness;

She could not relate to her father's pain.

A pair of eyes watched the mother's drastic changes and the father's tiredness, but they could never sympathize with them.

Xiaohe, are you really that ignorant?

Ji Li thinks not.

Because according to normal development, the object of her fear should be the "mutated mother" and not the "tired father".

Of course, another possibility cannot be ruled out...

Ji Li held the needle and looked at Cheng Ming, who was standing on the right, also "Kunsheng". This father also "changed" in the subsequent story.

It even became scarier and scarier than the ghost mother, and even this impression was deeply engraved into Xiao He's heart.

At first glance, you can only take in so much information.

Ji Li did not forget his "role", so he walked forward again with the needle in hand.

Taking this second step, there were only three steps left between him and Ah Chun.

But as this step was taken, the scene in front of him changed dramatically.

The room returned to darkness and dilapidation.

Achun's figure disappeared from the hospital bed, and the sheets were still scattered. Cheng Ming and Xiao He returned to their original positions, leaning under the bed to block most of the light.

The scene is back again.

This change made Ji Li suspicious again, and he subconsciously turned back to look at the doctor.

The doctor still stood in his original position, keeping the distance between him and him unchanged. His headless body faced Ji Li.

Because the previous scene of the first step was too important, Ji Li did not dare to look back and observe the doctor.

But judging from the current situation, when the scene returns to the "story state", the doctor does not exist and is played by Ji Li.

After taking the second step, the scene returns to the "real state" and the role play ends.

"What does this mean?"

After getting the big hint, Ji Li had to start thinking about the significance of this scene.

The emergence of clues is often accompanied by a crisis.

Ji Li looked down at the needle in his hand and then at the hospital bed in front of him.

According to the original rules, when he is close to Achun and can get an injection, he should be in the "story state".

In other words, the few people in the room will play the roles of "Kunsheng, Xiaohe, Achun and the doctor".

"Could it be that as long as I give Ah Chun an injection, she will turn into a ghost instantly?"

Was it Achun or the doctor who committed the murder?

Ji Li's eyes were confused and he stopped at the second step without moving forward. He had to be sure of this, otherwise he could not continue to get closer.

After three seconds, his eyes became firm and his speed slowed down when he raised his legs.

But after taking the third step, his speed urgently increased. Almost in the blink of an eye, he took the remaining three steps and stopped directly in front of the hospital bed on the fifth step.

Story status!

Cheng Ming's "Kunsheng" stood on the right side of Achun, touching his wife's forehead with his hand;

Xiao He plays himself, standing on Achun's left side, holding the bed with his hands and watching in ignorance;

Ji Li's "doctor" stood above Achun, grabbed Achun's left hand, raised the needle and stabbed it in without any hesitation.

He is confident.

The murderer will only be Achun. This injection will not save lives, it will only "kill" people.

Ah Chun will definitely lose control because of this injection, become a female ghost, and start killing people.

The story would only go this way, otherwise it would be meaningless.

As for the female ghost Ah Chun, Ji Li is not afraid at all now, because it is currently in the "story state" and his role is "doctor".

The doctor has a very powerful identity in this supernatural incident, and its weight is much higher than that of the female ghost Achun.

Even if Ah Chun really turns into a ghost, he will only kill Cheng Ming's "Kunsheng".

This is why Ji Li is confident.

With his current identity as a doctor, he must seize the time to advance the next part of the plot.

At the same time, he wants to get an answer - Ah Chun has become a ghost, and she must kill someone.

Doctor, husband, daughter.

Among these three people, she cannot kill the doctor. The deceased will choose one from the remaining two. Who will it be?

The answer was soon revealed.

Sure enough, everything was exactly as Ji Li expected.

When the needle pierced Achun's arm, "Kunsheng" Xiaohe had no reaction.

But Ah Chun himself began to tremble violently, and began to talk nonsense. His tied head was tossed back and forth, and his long hair was swaying from side to side.

The entire figure seemed to have transformed from a human into a ghost in an instant. Although the characteristics of a ghost were not apparent, her skin was rapidly dehydrating and cracking.

It was as if the thing injected by the needle would completely drain her life force.

"Kunsheng" played by Cheng Ming had no idea about this, and his eyes were filled with shock, fear and heartache.

Even though Ah Chun was turning from a human to a ghost, he never had the intention to evacuate. He just pressed his hands on Ah Chun in panic, trying to stop her.

Instead, Xiao He was frightened to death at this moment, and kept backing away with his eyes wide open.

After completing the task, the "doctor", Ji Li, withdrew gracefully, and he had the answer in his heart.

From this position, the first person Ah Chun killed was definitely "Kunsheng"!

"Bang bang bang!"

The bandages that tied Ah Chun to the bed were broken one by one. At this moment, she was completely the image of the resentful ghost she would see later.

The torn face, sparse and scattered hair, and the bandages on her body.

Ji Li attached great importance to the number of bandages, because later, the female ghost Ah Chun would have a bandage wrapped under the first lamp to bind her.

Comparing the two scenes of becoming a female ghost for the first time and seeing the female ghost later, Ji Li clearly found that Ah Chun in front of him now had 12 bandages on her body.

But when they met later, she only had 11 bandages left.

In other words, when Ah Chun first became a female ghost, she had not been trapped under the first lamp by the "mysterious person"!

Who is it?

Who has the ability to trap Ah Chun after she becomes a female ghost?

And Ji Li did not withdraw too much, after all, the first person that the female ghost Ah Chun wanted to kill was most likely "Kun Sheng".

The current Kun Sheng is actually played by Cheng Ming, and Cheng Ming cannot die yet. In the moment of crisis, Ji Li has to rescue him.

However, at this moment, the lamp placed on the bedside table was touched by someone and went out.

The only light source was gone, and darkness began.

Ji Li heard the sound of flesh and blood stretching and the sound of bones breaking, but the dead did not make a sound, and the female ghost did not make a sound either.

In the darkness, he could not see the death scene, but only knew that the sound was far and near, and he could not judge the dead person by the location.

The first person Ah Chun killed did not show the death scene.

Then, a small, cold hand grabbed the back of his hand, and the key chain jingled as he ran.

Xiao He led Ji Li and rushed to the door quickly, and a childish voice rang out:

"Mom is not in the bedroom, let's go find Dad."

The story status ends.

But Cheng Ming did not follow.

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