Weird Regulator

Chapter 1141: Falsehood and Unsolvable

Xiao He is gone.

Ever since Kun Sheng appeared as a "butcher" and his identity as the butcher was revealed, Xiao He suddenly disappeared from Ji Li's side.

The light source of her portable electric lamp naturally disappeared, and now there is only the swaying light above the table in Room 3.

Is the second act of the story about to begin?

With such a sudden and tragic beginning...

Behind the table, the shadowy figure seemed to be shaking slightly, and something was unable to hold back.

On the table, Xiao Qian Du Ye was like a lamb to be slaughtered, and could only watch the butcher's knife chop down towards his neck.

Ji Li was inexplicably brought to Room 3 and witnessed all this happening with his own eyes, but he had no time to stop it.

He didn't have time to think about how Xiao He disappeared and why she disappeared, but he only knew that Xiao Qian Du Ye couldn't die.

Xiao Qian had just used the Eye of Disaster not long ago, and now the price may not be completely eliminated, and even if it is used again, he may not be able to resist.

The situation was so tense that Ji Li had no way to think about how all this happened, let alone rescue.

A white man was about to walk out of the shadows, and at this moment, a strange "click" sounded.

This strange sound suddenly paused the tense situation, but it did not turn the danger into safety, but the scene became more weird and indescribable.

Kunsheng had a stiff smile on his face, and the butcher knife in his hand was only a few centimeters away from Xiao Qian, but his shriveled head suddenly tilted to the side.

The head tilted into a very strange arc, and then the skin and flesh on the neck began to wriggle, and something kept drilling upwards.

The skin on his neck seemed to have turned into a cocoon, and the hideous worms were devouring the epidermis and trying to break out of the cocoon.

Until this "cocoon" was finally broken, a fist-like "thing" drilled out, and then began to grow and collide.

It was a head, a human head.

But this head was very strange, there was no face at all, and the only facial features left was a mouth embedded on the surface.

Although there was a lot of minced meat and blood, you could still see the lips were red and the teeth were white. In other words, the mouth was very delicate and beautiful.

The two heads were squeezed together, making Kunsheng look more terrifying and distorted.

When the butcher knife was frozen, Ji Li suddenly heard the mouth in the quiet room open.

"You three, do you agree that Kunsheng will get rid of her?"

This deformed head finally exposed its identity. It was a doctor.

It was a doctor again.

It was indeed the second act of the story!

Ji Li did not feel bad, but felt more at ease after seeing it.

Since it was the second act of the story, and since it was the doctor who asked the question, it meant that there was a solution to this step.

Xiao Qian's crisis should be due to the fact that she skipped the first act, skipped the normal main line, and went directly to the second act.

This place is not a trap, but still an opportunity!

Ji Li already had some experience with the same rhetoric. This time the doctor was instructing Kunsheng to kill Xiao Qian.

"Do you three agree that Kunsheng should get rid of her?"

There are four people in the room now: Ji Li, Bai Huaiguang, Xiao Qianduye, and Kunsheng.

According to the doctor's previous logic, the "she" in his mouth is Xiao Qianduye, who can actually be regarded as the person answering the question.

Last time, the deceased would be Ah Chun, so Ji Li had no reason to refuse, but this time the clerk has changed, so he must not "agree", even in a different way.

So what might happen if he says "disagree"?

Kunsheng, furious.

It is obvious that Kunsheng cannot be a person, because he died in Ah Chun's hands in the first act, which means that Kunsheng is now a ghost.

Once he disagrees, it will provoke Kunsheng to kill people.

And the big difference from Ah Chun is that Kunsheng, the butcher, has no solution to killing people.

If he agrees, Xiao Qianduye will die, and this mission will be more difficult;

If he disagrees, Kunsheng will be furious, and everyone will fall into the crisis of unsolvable killing.

The story of the second act is more desperate and difficult than the first act.

Ji Li's face was not good. His brain was spinning rapidly, and his eyes were fixed on Kunsheng and the doctor, a strange combination.

How should he answer the doctor's question this time...

At the same time, one of the figures in the shadows behind him slowly walked into the light and shadow. It was Bai Huaiguang.

At this moment, Bai Huaiguang did not seem to be affected. He was obviously not bound like Xiaoqian and could move freely. He was just hiding before.

He first looked at Kunsheng beside the table, then looked at Xiaoqian who did not dare to speak, and finally walked towards Ji Li.


When Bai Huaiguang just crossed the table, Ji Li took the lead in speaking to stop him, whispering:

"I have been through a similar situation once. We can communicate, but there is only half a minute. You must answer or you will die."

Bai Huaiguang subconsciously looked back at Kunsheng who was frozen, lowered his head and pondered for a moment and responded:

"I am sure I can save her before the butcher's knife falls."

Ji Li understood that Bai Huaiguang meant what Luo Xian meant, and this was their answer.

"I agree to deal with Xiao Qian."

But Ji Li knew the consequences of using the sinning object to pass the test. This was the case in the first act. Even though his answer was perfect enough, Cheng Ming still couldn't get out of room 2.

Although that was because of the first act story, there was a premise of role-playing, but this solution was not the right way after all.

The time is coming.

Kunsheng's neck was a little loose, and the doctor's deformed head was shaking. The two heads on the same neck showed similar weird smiles.

From Ji Li's position, Kunsheng's hands were shaking slightly, and the butcher knife showed signs of falling.

The time limit has reached the limit. In five seconds, an answer must be given, otherwise everyone will die.

Bai Huaiguang has made up his mind. He can't find the correct answer to this unsolvable problem.

He even thinks that there is no answer to this question at all.

But Ji Li is still insisting. Xiao Qian is looking at him with a very complicated look, but dare not disturb him.

Now a series of scenes flashed through his mind.

From chopping meat when he first entered the forbidden area, to seeing Kunsheng in person, and the story of the first act, Xiao He's various performances...

Ji Li seemed to have caught a thread in the fog, but it was very ethereal.

"In the first scene, the doctor appears as a headless figure.

In the second scene, the doctor's missing head grows in Kunsheng's body.

Does this foreshadow something..."

From the current plot, the doctor is the beginning of the tragedy of Xiaohe's family.

It gave Ah Chun an injection, causing her to turn into a ghost, and its head grew in Kunsheng's body to stimulate her ghost nature. It seems to be the initiator, turning the whole family into ghosts.

But during this period, there should be a time sequence problem.

The body is on Ah Chun's side, and the head is on Kunsheng's side. These two should not happen at the same time.

That is to say, Kunsheng's transformation into a ghost should be after Ah Chun's transformation into a ghost, so...

Ji Li no longer sticks to the problem itself, his perspective begins to extend, and he sees the blood on the ground that is still flowing.

There is also a pool of minced meat on the other side of the table.


He suddenly found that under the scarlet minced meat, a white cloth strip was exposed, and the edge of the cloth was inlaid with lace.

This is a white sock.

The lace sock edge is Xiaohe's dressing feature.

Ji Li finally realized where he was wrong.

In the first act of the story, it was not Kunsheng who was killed by Ah Chun, but Xiao He!

And Kunsheng survived from the first act to the second act. The so-called "handling" was actually just like dealing with the body of his own daughter, dealing with Xiao Qian.

Kunsheng is a living person!

His trembling hands when he raised the knife were not a demonstration of oppression, but fear under panic.

The doctor's head is the power of chopping meat and killing people.

In this case, there is a solution to this question - kill the questioner.

The last second.

Ji Li did not give Bai Huaiguang a chance to answer, and directly raised his cane to Kunsheng, shouting coldly:

"Seize the knife and kill Kunsheng!"

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