Weird Regulator

Chapter 1193 The First Target

"211 pieces..."

Needless to say, just the number of gold coins at the beginning is enough to declare the huge advantage of the first branch.

Gu Qingyun also had a happy face, carrying two large bags of gold coins, with a strand of blond hair loose, and asked:

"Are these the rules?"

Seeing his anxious expression, the man in the suit said with a smile:

“That’s basically the mission rules, but there is an additional requirement.

In this mission, you must not use any violent means to steal other people's commissions. "

As soon as this request came out, some people frowned.

The people frowning are basically low-level clerks in their branches who have insufficient commissions and low skills.

In their view, sometimes the danger of clearing a project is far less than competing with others.

Unexpectedly, the man in the suit's words directly blocked this method that could make everyone lose their minds.

Gu Qingyun's eyes flickered. After making sure that the man in the suit had no further comments, he walked directly out the door carrying two bags of gold coins.

The other two people from the first branch followed quickly.

This mission is competitive and has a time limit. Earning more gold coins within the specified time is the only strategy for survival.

The first branch, the first gold coin, the first ranking, and now the first one to leave, it can be said that he has the best time.

But Li Yi was not in a hurry, maybe because he was confident, or maybe he didn't care about it.

He did not leave with Gu Qingyun, but went to the beverage area and ordered a cup of iced coffee.

But what happens to Li Yi has nothing to do with these clerks.

In the third branch, Chang Sheng poked a lean young man next to him with his arm and motioned for him to come forward.

The lean young man had an ordinary appearance, and with a hint of eagerness in his brows, he opened his mouth and said:

"The third branch, commission is three hundred!"

When everyone heard it, their first reaction was to be stunned, but some people immediately tasted it.

The third branch is now in the hands of Hou Guisheng. He has just returned from the mission ten years ago. When Chen Hansheng died, he definitely took away most of the commission stock. How could it be three hundred?

I'm afraid it's not easy for the current third branch to raise fifty.

The man in the suit was stunned when he heard that his behavior was no different from the others, but after a moment he showed a sinister smile:

"Manager Hou, your clerk is more anxious than you..."

Hou Guisheng's face was gloomy. He glared at the lean young man fiercely, and then looked at Chang Sheng dissatisfied.


But he was not given a chance to speak. In full view of everyone, the lean young man's whole body began to emit white smoke, and the red light of flames flickered on his body, and in an instant he turned into a handful of ashes.

This is the first death in this mission, and he died on the first step.

“With rewards comes punishment, that’s the rule today.

Manager Hou, it's not your third branch's turn yet. I told you to come one by one. "

The man in the suit killed someone, but he couldn't see anything unique about him, and he didn't know how he did it. However, the death of the lean young man had become a fact.

"Second branch, commission 80."

Wang Dachui was like a black tower, with two pairs of big hands pushing aside the crowd, he easily walked to the front and received the gold coins.

At the same time, Hou Guisheng complained to Chang Sheng, who looked ugly:

"He even knows my name. How could he not know the amount of the commission? It's too hasty of you to coax Cai Zhuo into lying."

Chang Sheng looked at the man in the suit with pity and said nothing.

Behind them, Ji Li watched the scene in front of him quietly, then turned his head to a couple in the lounge.

The lean young man died on the spot, but the couple turned a deaf ear, as if they didn't even see him, and were still joking to themselves.

This seems to indicate something.

Fang Shenyan put one hand in his pocket and held a cigarette in his right hand. His eyes were firmly fixed on the man in suit handing out gold coins. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"The third branch, commission 45."

"The fourth branch, commission 30."

"The fifth branch, commission is 60."

"The sixth branch, commission is 80."

It is worth mentioning that since the number of the first branch was more than 200, the number of subsequent branches did not exceed 100 at all.

These were beyond Ji Li's expectations. After all, he had a total of 150 coins here, but after thinking about it, it made sense.

The reason the commission numbers for other branches are so low is because they lost a lot of important people.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the second branch. It is not easy to have 80 branches in Suchenghe;

Chen Hansheng of the third branch died during his fifth store manager mission. If he had survived, his single commission would have been no less than 100;

The same is true for the fourth branch. Once Xue Tinghai died, the whole branch was not destroyed because of Wei Guang's repair;

And Li Congrong from the fifth branch...

On the other hand, Luo Xian's commission was only 80 pieces, which was a bit surprising.

However, tasks with additional commissions are rare, and there is also a matter of luck involved.

Finally it was the turn of the seventh branch. Fang Shenyan did not say hello, but walked directly towards the man in the suit with a cigarette in his mouth.

After exchanging gold coins in the first six branches, they have already left in search of suitable projects, and there are not many people in the lounge.

As soon as Fang Shenyan left, Clyde, Huang Banxian and Bai Lang walked towards Ji Li.

The two parties took the opportunity to chat for a few words, but the topic basically focused on Gu Xingjian's death and the news that Huang Banxian only had three days left to live.

Huang Banxian, on the other hand, inquired about the ownership of Gu Xingjian's puzzle piece at the end, but Ji Li remained silent.

"The seventh branch, commission 150."

Fang Shenyan took the initiative to go forward to collect the gold coins, with only one intention.

When he leaned over to pick up the gold bag, he suddenly stabbed the man in the suit in the neck without any warning.

The knife was so fast, accurate and ruthless that the man in the suit didn't notice it, and even the two clerks closest to him didn't see Fang Shenyan's move clearly.

This was an action that no one had imagined.

In everyone's mind, the man in the suit was basically equivalent to a ghost painting. At the beginning of the mission, especially under the premise of prohibiting the use of sinful objects, he dared to stab a ghost with a knife.

This knife was naturally useless.

Even though the entire blade had penetrated the man in the suit's neck, leaving only the handle, no blood flowed out.

While the man in the suit was stunned, Fang Shenyan had already withdrawn the knife and turned back with a complete gold bag. The other dozen people spontaneously gave way and dared not say a word.

When Fang Shenyan put the gold bag at Ji Li's feet, he said coldly:

"He is not the ghost I mentioned."

Fang Shenyan's actions, no matter how strange, are reasonable, and Ji Li does not need to say more.

He knew very well that the reason Fang Shenyan dared to take such a big risk was actually to find the only ghost hidden in Orange Lake.

And the man in the suit was basically impossible to be it, so even if there was a risk, it was not a big risk.

Although the thin young man in the third branch died at the hands of the man in the suit, it was actually because he violated the rules and lied about the amount of commission.

Even if there were any hidden rules, Fang Shenyan could be sure that his knife would never violate them.

In fact, it was true.

The man in the suit looked at Fang Shenyan deeply, but did not say anything. He did not even mention the matter and continued to distribute gold coins.

"The eighth branch, commission 40."

"The ninth branch, commission 80."

"The tenth branch, commission 20."

The distribution of gold coins lasted for nearly 20 minutes before it was declared over, and most of the branches had already left.

Only the third branch, the sixth branch, the seventh branch and the tenth branch remained in the lounge.

After looking at the remaining people, the man in the suit crossed his legs and said:

"I will be here before the park closes. If you have any questions or doubts, you can always come to me."

After that, he took out twenty yuan and handed it to Xiao Zhang, asking her to buy a box of soft lotus cigarettes.

After confirming that there would be no follow-up rules, several branches began to do their own things.

Except for Li Yi who stayed in the lounge, everyone went back to the outer park.

Ji Li led Hong Fu, Cheng Ming and others, holding a map and walking towards the avenue they came from, while discussing the formal actions of the mission.

But Fang Shenyan finally stayed at the ticket sales area where they gathered. He leaned close to Ji Li and whispered:

"I will not be too involved in this mission. This man in a suit has a secret."

Ji Li nodded silently, let him go, turned around and lit up an area on the map, and said to Hong Fu:

"Let's go here first. Your task is to double the existing two branches, a total of 164 gold coins, within one hour."

The map area is marked as: Southern Chenghu, indoor game area.

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