Weird Regulator

Chapter 1207 Horrible Memories

"Melted into my eyes..."

"Melted into my eyes..."

"Melted into my eyes!"

Li Guanqi suddenly woke up from his trance, his head resting on the cold and stiff wall, and the cold wind blowing around gave him goose bumps.

He stared blankly at the two ends of the empty corridor. He was dull for two seconds, then lowered his head to see the broken right arm.

The heart-wrenching pain came back after a short coma, and this time he needed to fight it soberly.

After taking a few deep breaths to calm his mind, he leaned against the wall and slowly stood up. After staring at the ground for a while, his eyes finally moved to the corridor on the left.

"Did Xiao Chen go to find Dachu?"

Li Guanqi raised his remaining left wrist and looked at the time on it pointing to "18.42", thinking that he should not have been unconscious for more than five minutes.

Five minutes is not a short time. Why didn't Xiao Chen come back, and Wang Dachu was nowhere to be seen.

Standing alone in the silent corridor, Li Guanqi felt a chill in his heart, and he felt the sign of doom.

"Xiao... Xiao Chen..."

He staggered towards the location of Class 4 of Grade 1, but his pace was not fast because his brain was still a little dizzy.

His vision was shaking with his swaying body, and the corridor in front of him was also shaking, and the dark floor tiles made people's vision a little misplaced.

Li Guanqi's head was heavy, and the world in front of him had a little double vision. The pain in his right arm made him sweat again.

"Is the injury too serious..."

But then, when he was in a trance, he suddenly saw a figure appear at the innermost end of the first floor.

Li Guanqi supported himself on the wall with his left hand, opened his eyes wide and looked at the figure carefully, his head became more dizzy, and he almost couldn't stand upright.

The man at the end of the first floor was more than two meters tall, with broad shoulders and thick back, and an extremely burly figure.

This feature was too eye-catching, and it was Wang Dachu that Li Guanqi was looking for.

In his excitement, he was about to shout out the four words "Brother Dachu", but then he suddenly stopped talking urgently.

Because in the difficult sight, he vaguely saw the "Wang Dachu" opposite, who seemed to be holding a bright book in his hand.

This book was also releasing some strange light, illuminating the face of "Wang Dachu".

In the blurred vision, Li Guanqi saw with doubt that "Wang Dachu" had lost his pupils, and his eyes were all white, and even flowing like liquid!

Li Guanqi quickly shook his head and concentrated his eyes to carefully distinguish, but in the blink of an eye, the "Wang Dachu" opposite disappeared on the first floor.

Everything just now seemed like an illusion after a serious injury.

He stood there panting, and the bad feeling in his heart became more and more obvious. He quickly quickened his pace and ran towards Class 4 of Senior One.

It's strange.

The dizziness that he couldn't stop just now disappeared at this moment.

The pain in his right arm made him unusually clear-headed. Apart from being physically weak, he did not feel any mental discomfort.

It was as if... the dizziness just now was only because of the appearance of "Wang Dachui".

Li Guanqi had already guessed something, so he ran very fast and almost rushed into Class 4 of Senior One.

What caught his eyes was naturally the messy scene of books and desks. Apart from that, there was no one else, and there was no sign of struggle or fighting.

Stepping on the waste paper on the ground, he picked up one of them, identified the half shoe print on it, and followed this footprint all the way to the podium.

His eyes saw the things on the podium at a glance...

With just one glance, Li Guanqi's eyes closed again, and the breath he had held was finally exhausted, and his clenched left hand trembled secretly.

When he saw this thing, he already understood Xiao Chen's ending.

There was nothing used for teaching on the podium. It was just a dark wooden table, and in the center, a "closed eye" was drawn with several curved lines.

"Melting into the eyes..."

This is a hint, and also a way to die.

Xiao Chen died from this eye. The moment he looked into its eyes, he died tragically without any solution.

Li Guanqi could imagine that maybe a few minutes ago, when Xiao Chen rushed over in a hurry, he did not find Wang Dachui.

Xiao Chen walked around the classroom for a while, stepped onto the podium, and was attracted by this eye. It was also the moment of eye contact that caused him to die without even giving up his qualifications.

The closed eyes are the state at this moment.

If Li Guanqi guessed, the eyes Xiao Chen saw at that time might be open.

And his situation of not seeing the body after death just corresponds to the phrase "melting into the eyes".

"Wang Dachui..."

After mourning for a moment, Li Guanqi raised his pale face and stared at the back door of the classroom, with a myriad of thoughts in his mind.

"Wang Dachui must have opened Chen Ping's notebook in advance for unknown reasons, which led to the resurrection of the ghost.

It is hard to say whether he is dead or alive now, but the ghost has killed people and went upstairs for other purposes."

After thinking about it, Li Guanqi felt even more sad.

Su Chenghe handed Wang Dachui to him before leaving, but he ended up in a situation where he was neither alive nor dead. How should he explain to Su Chenghe...

After taking a few deep breaths, he abandoned these thoughts.

Li Guanqi wrapped the broken part of his right limb with gauze while walking towards the back door.

The two desks placed by the back door blocked the aisle, forming a relatively protective area with the back door and the wall.

That must be where Wang Dachui was waiting for him, and it was also where the disaster began.

"The only place where Dachui had a chance to open his notes was here, so the supernatural events also started from here.

What I saw in the corridor was not an illusion, but Dachui after death, or a ghost.

It saw me but did not kill me, but went upstairs, which shows that it has a more important goal than killing."

Li Guanqi kicked a desk away with his leg, flipped through the books that fell on it, and finally found half a piece of waste paper.

This half piece of waste paper came from a page of a textbook, and there was a crooked big word on it, which was written temporarily - "eight".

Wang Dachui, after all, is the deputy manager of a store. It is difficult to kill him instantly unless in extreme circumstances, because he must have been alerted in advance.

Li Guanqi really found the clues and intelligence left by him before his death, but looking at this capital "eight", he could not figure out the mystery for a while.

"Is this a number?"

It can't be a number, otherwise there is no need for him to choose to write it in capital form at the critical moment of life and death.

This is not a detective drama or a movie. Leaving a suicide note is definitely not a word game, but a real clue.

Why is it difficult to guess? It is because it is difficult for the writer to fully express all the information with a single word, so he has no choice but to use it as a proxy.

How should Wang Dachu's "eight" be understood...


In the corridor outside, a light footstep sounded, but it hit Li Guanqi's heart hard.

His left hand trembled, and when the half piece of waste paper fell to the ground, he suddenly raised his head.

The panic that made him tremble before came back again, and this time it was more fierce.

His own injuries have not been suppressed, and the fear of external invasion has increased his mental pressure.

Li Guanqi was completely at a loss for a while, and he felt that his soul was about to leave his body, and he couldn't even think the most basic things.

The strong and terrible sense of oppression went straight to his heart, and it was tightly clenched, so that he couldn't breathe freely.

The footsteps were not in any direction, so he could only use all his strength to lie on the glass of the back door and look out.

And at this glance, he actually saw a ghost figure that was very familiar, even imprinted in his soul.

The ghost with gray body was wearing old clothes with holes, with his feet on broken tiles and high ceiling.

The slender and dry fingers pinched the heavy prayer wheel and turned it slowly. With every step, the sound of the bell and the collision of the armor pieces were particularly pleasant.

That was a terrifying memory that Li Guanqi would never forget.

In this ghost...


It should be said that the place where such ghosts live is also the place where Li Congrong was buried.

The extremely high-level and oppressive ghost outside was actually a ghost messenger from the underworld? !

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