Weird Regulator

Chapter 212 Bystanders

The morning of a new day does not mean that everything is over. On the contrary, it is the beginning of the storm.

On this morning, Helan's miserable body will be made public. It is foreseeable that the people in the entire hall will be completely plunged into deep suspicion and vigilance.

When the time came to half past six in the morning, Ji Li stood in front of the mirror, straightened the collar of his tunic suit, glanced at Liusu, who was still in a coma, and walked towards the door.

He wanted to see if the script written by Helan, a dead man, for him could really be established.

When the door was opened, Ji Li's eyes narrowed. Standing in front of him was the pretty woman who was about to raise her hand to knock on the door.

Mei Sheng looked at Ji Li with some surprise, just as Mei Wusheng looked at Mr. Ji.

"I didn't expect Mr. Ji to wake up so early." She smiled brightly, not seeing anything out of the ordinary, and completely inconsistent with Mei Sheng's essentially cold nature.

It must be said that Mei Sheng's performance was very vivid. She played two characters with completely opposite identities with almost no flaws.

Ji Li nodded and looked at the silent corridor. There were not many people getting up at this hour.

"What's wrong, Miss Mei?"

"I'm here to see Miss Liusu. After all, the supervisor said before he left that we are responsible for three meals a day. It's always better to have more than one person helping us."

Mei Sheng's answer was reasonable, but it only made Ji Li's expression slightly awkward.

Everything is going according to what is written in the script. Until now, Ji Li can't tell whether there is a problem with the script itself or with Helan's ghost.

"Liu Su hasn't woken up yet. If Miss Mei doesn't mind, Ji will go downstairs with you."

Ji Li finally chose to follow the arrangement of the script. Before, his script was empty, so he could do whatever he wanted, but now there are words in the script.

Although he wrote this all by himself, and some ghosts helped him write it, it still belonged to the plot of the script, and he did not violate it for the sake of caution.

The two walked side by side from the innermost room on the third floor. When passing by Room 302, Ji Li saw the open door and Dai Yingqi.

"Dai Yi, please help call the others." Mei Sheng said to Dai Yingqi as he passed by.

Dai Yingqi saw Mei Sheng, and of course he also saw Ji Li next to Mei Sheng. When his eyes focused, his pupils suddenly shrank and he subconsciously took half a step back.

This detail is not very eye-catching, but it made Ji Li aware of it, and he was not looking at himself, but behind him...

Ji Li turned his head and glanced with interest, and this glance made him realize that Helan's dead ghost had been walking behind him from unknown time!

He didn't sense any advance warning. He Lan's sudden appearance made him feel a little surprised, but Ji Li was different from Dai Yingqi after all, and he didn't show any signs of strangeness at all.

After just a casual glance, he turned around naturally and followed Mei Sheng down to the third floor.

Ji Li couldn't hear the footsteps, but he knew that He Lan had been following him. He didn't know what the purpose was, but it was definitely not to kill him.

If Helan died and became a ghost, he could have taken action long ago without waiting until now. Last night was the best opportunity, but he did not do that.

In other words, Helan's transformation into a ghost has another purpose. It's unclear what it is, but it won't be as simple as killing people.

"Mr. Ji and Liusu are old acquaintances?" When they reached around the second floor, Mei Sheng suddenly asked without looking back.

This question made Ji Li's heart move. From last night to now, every sentence Mei Sheng and Ji Li said was inseparable from Liusu.

It seems that there should be a great connection between these two people.

Ji Li did not answer Mei Sheng's question, but asked, "So, are Miss Mei and Liusu old acquaintances?"

Mei Sheng paused, then returned to normal. Still not looking back, he stopped talking.

In this way, in silence, the two of them arrived at the restaurant on the first floor. Mei Sheng went to the kitchen first, but Ji Li did not move and sat on the sofa.

Looking at Mei Sheng's leaving figure, Ji Li suddenly had a strange look on his face without any deliberate intention.

The more he looked at Mei Sheng, the more he felt that he had seen this woman somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it anyway.

When Ji Li found this feeling in his mind, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Because this idea came from the perspective of Mr. Ji, not Ji Li, but because he is a blank slate, he has never had this kind of role-based thinking.

Then there is only one answer. As long as there is a plot and description in the script, the clerk will be affected by the script.

Although this script is not a place where ghosts live, I am afraid it is also linked to supernatural powers!

Maybe... the script is also a sinful object, but it should be hidden in the scripts of these seven people. Only one script is a sinful object.

Ji Li thinks that the setting of sinful objects is quite interesting. If there is really a person whose script belongs to sinful objects, who could he be, and who can hide it so deeply?

And now, he has a very bold idea in his mind, that is, after killing people, he wants to snatch the script!

Although Ji Li doesn't have any use for the crime object, it doesn't mean that he won't steal it. If the crime object falls into the hands of the enemy, it will not be a good thing for him.

On the contrary, if he grabs the crime object, he can give it to Yu Guo even if he doesn't use it himself.

Soon, Yu Guo will face the powerful evil spirit from Tiannan College. He must have enough capital to fight against it. Ji Li promised to help him fulfill this long-cherished wish.

Ji Li sat on the sofa, holding the pocket watch in his hand, staring at the time and watching the second hand turning round and round.

At the same time, he was also expecting that if six thirty-seven came, there would be an exclamation from upstairs, and then the magic of the script would be confirmed.


When the time came, shouts from Jiang Lin came at the same time. Ji Li slammed his pocket watch into his arms, grabbed the crutch next to him and stood up.

"Miss Mei, something happened upstairs!" Ji Li hesitated and shouted to the closed kitchen.

But Mei Sheng did not go out immediately, but shouted: "Soon, the soup will boil."

Ji Li ignored her and went straight up the stairs. When he reached the third floor, he saw the door to Helan's room 301 open.

There was a person sitting on the ground at the door, covering his face. It was Liusu.

"What's wrong with you?" Ji Li walked up and asked condescendingly.

Liusu's spirit was still not very good, her pretty face turned pale, and she pointed at the room: "Inside..."

Ji Li had already been warned, so he slowly walked into the room, and there were three men with different expressions surrounding Helan's bed.

The evasive Dai Yingqi, the suspicious Jiang Lin, and the frightened Murong.

But Ji Li's attention was not entirely focused on these people, because he saw Helan's dead body on the bed with a dagger stuck in its heart, and he also saw a figure...

He mingled among the three men, standing on the edge looking at the body on the bed like a bystander.

And here's the weird thing, the person looking at Helan's body is also Helan...

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