Weird Regulator

Chapter 214 Kill them all

At the door of room 301, everyone was watching Murong's performance with different expressions.

Dai Yingqi was uneasy. He thought nothing would be discovered. The murder weapon was stuck in Helan's chest. No one in this hall could check for fingerprints.

He had no scruples. He believed that in this case, it was impossible to discover the real murderer just by relying on these few people.

The most important thing is that he also has Mei Sheng to testify. Although Mei Sheng should know what Dai Yingqi did, in the script Mei Sheng will provide him with an alibi.

After all, they are husband and wife.

It's just that Jiang Lin's face is not very good. He seems to be a little scrupulous and worried about the lockpicking tool Murong mentioned, and this is also reflected on his face.

As soon as he heard that Murong was going to search every room, Jiang Lin took a few steps back, and this move was immediately noticed by everyone.

Especially Murong, his eyes suddenly lit up and he sneered meaningfully: "Then let's get started?"

At this moment, Mei Sheng finally rushed up from downstairs. Seeing that the faces of the people standing in the corridor were not very good, he hurriedly asked:

"What happened? I've already made breakfast."

Dai Yingqi quickly stood up from behind, held Mei Sheng's hand, and said worriedly: "Mr. Lin had an accident..."

He told me exactly what happened during this period and winked at Mei Sheng.

Mei Sheng's beautiful face turned pale. I don't know if it was a disguise or real. In short, her performance was not much different from Liu Su's.

Murong saw that it was almost time, so he waved his hand and pointed to the three rooms on the west side.

"From left to right, 304 to 306 are me, Jiang Lin and Liusu respectively. In order to get rid of suspicion, let's go search together, starting with my room."

Murong seemed to become the leader of the crowd and began to preside over the search. He suggested that everyone go together and search from the west side first.

When he said this, he glanced at Jiang Lin, who looked a little sad, and smiled faintly.

"Brother Jiang, you seem to be in a bad state. Is there some secret you don't want us to know?"

When Jiang Lin's appearance was revealed, he immediately responded eloquently: "What am I worried about? If you want to search, just search!"

Seeing Jiang Lin's surprisingly violent reaction, Murong knew better and secretly thought that Jiang Lin was the best person to deal with in this mission.

This person is simply a fool, and he has already recognized Jiang Lin in his heart as the real murderer in the first scene.

"Mr. Ji? What are you still doing?"

Just when the search operation was about to begin, Dai Yingqi noticed that Ji Li had been staying in the deceased's room with a cane. Others had walked out, but he had stayed there without moving.

After hearing this, Ji Li waved his hand and said, "You can search according to the procedures. Liusu will take you to my room, and I will stay to take care of the body."

Liusu felt a little embarrassed when she heard this, and felt the eyes of others on her. She took out the cigarette case from her bag and lit one.

"You won't be with Mr. Ji all night, right?" Mei Sheng asked quietly from the side.

Murong stretched out his ears, obviously also wanting to get an answer. Liusu was very generous and agreed directly without any intention of concealing it.

In this way, Ji Li and Liusu can testify to each other. No wonder Ji Li behaves so relaxedly, he is not afraid of searches at all.

Everyone left and started a search. In room 301, Ji Li just looked at the dead body on the bed.

Everyone was there before, so Ji Li couldn't go forward to investigate. This time he wanted to take a closer look. Judging from the reactions of Jiang Lin and Dai Yingqi, Helan's death should be attributed to the three of them.

Ji Li stretched his fingers towards Helan's eyes, which had never been closed. The pupils inside had long been dilated, and the bloodless skin looked a bit scary.

The sheets had long been soaked red with dried blood, and the pale and crimson colors had a great visual impact.

The knife in the chest was inserted very deep, and the entire blade was pierced in. This shows how deep that man's hatred for Helan was.

After Ji Li glanced briefly, he withdrew his gaze and looked to the other side of the room.

In that position was Helan who had become a ghost. The main reason why Ji Li wanted to stay was this ghost.

Until now, Ji Li still doesn't know why the dead turn into ghosts, and the purpose seems not to kill people, so what is the meaning of its existence?

Ji Li's idea is to take the initiative to ask.

Judging from what happened yesterday, ghosts can also communicate with living people, so Ji Li wanted to try to see if he could attack Helan's ghost.

"What are you looking at?"

Ji Li discovered that Helan's Ghost had not left the room, and would circle around in a normal manner from time to time, as if he was looking for something.

The ghost could obviously hear Ji Li's words, but it just glanced at him and then looked around again.

Its actions aroused Ji Li's interest, so he began to observe the ghosts, but found nothing unusual.

"Do you remember who killed you?"

Ji Li asked again, but the ghost was still not willing to pay attention to him. Instead, he walked to the closet, looked at the mirror above and began to think.

In the mirror, there are two figures, one is Ji Li and the other is a ghost.

This situation also made Ji Li feel a little weird. Logically speaking, Helan was dead, and it was unreasonable for his ghost to stay here. It was even weirder that he could appear in front of the mirror.

At this moment, Ji Li suddenly discovered that there were some grains of sand scattered under the wardrobe, which was obviously left by someone who had been here.

Helan's ghost was still standing in front of the mirror without saying a word. Ji Li ignored it. He leaned down and picked up a piece of sand and looked at it carefully, and then opened the wardrobe.

It was empty, no clothes, but there was a pair of footprints at the bottom of the cabinet!

Ji Li's mind moved. It was obvious that someone had been hiding in this closet. Last night's heavy rain made everyone's soles wet and carried mud and sand.

Three hours after the dinner started, although the water stains had almost dried up, the sand on the soles of the feet was probably still standing on the soles of the shoes.

This mark is very shallow, but some lines can be faintly seen.

Ji Li didn't know who the shoe print belonged to, but he immediately realized that it was probably a good excuse to frame someone else's fault.

Regardless of whether it is Jiang Lin or Dai Yingqi, as long as the pattern on the soles of anyone is similar to them, they can be convicted.

After all, there were three people who killed Helan, and he only needed to pin his suspicion on one person.

"Why don't you kill everyone?"

Just as Ji Li was thinking, the ghost of Helan who had been silent suddenly spoke, and it pointed directly at the core of this mission.

Ji Li glanced at it in surprise. To be honest, its behavior had completely violated Chang Zhi's image of a ghost, and it even raised such a weird topic at this moment.

After thinking about it for a while, he found a possibility from this sentence.

This is a scripted killing, and the murderer must be voted for in the final stage, so if Ji Li kills all the people who can vote...

All the voting rights are in his hands alone. Wouldn't he be invincible by then?

Ji Li was tempted by this idea, but then he looked at Helan's Ghost. It was indeed a ghost, but this feeling was too wrong.

Why is this ghost helping him, helping the person who killed it with his own hands?

Ghost, will you help a living person?

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