Weird Regulator

Chapter 227 The same person


There was a sudden noise from the ceiling of a room on the third floor, and then a man in an awkward shape, who had no time to adjust his posture, fell from the ventilation duct.

He also smashed the iron net down, and his whole body fell on his back on the cold floor!

At the same time, a pitch black crutch also fell.

Dai Yingqi, who had been crawling in the pipe for half an hour, was now covered in dust and the bloody stench of Jiang Lin's corpse. She had long lost her previous delicate and scholarly spirit.

The first time he fell to the ground, he suddenly raised his head and his throat trembled.

There was only a whooshing cool breeze in the open ventilation duct. Fortunately, no other figures or extremely scary things appeared again.

Dai Yingqi looked at the crutch on the ground. He was very familiar with it. It was the one Ji Li was leaning on. He suddenly raised his head and glanced at the passage above.

After his face changed several times, he grabbed the crutches and didn't dare to rest for a moment. After just taking a look, he rolled around and crawled on all fours to escape.

Only then did he see clearly whose room he had entered.

As he hurried by, he caught a glimpse of the body that had been dead for a day and a night on the bed, Helan!

This was the first living person he had killed with his own hands. The knife from the corpse's chest had not yet been removed. At this moment, the corpse was stiff and gray-faced, making people frightened just by looking at it.

Dai Yingqi felt cold, quickly looked away, and fled anxiously.

He will never come in this room again!

However, at this moment, he just turned his head and found that the bathroom door next to him was opened from the inside.

A blurry shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, and he was in a daze for a moment, making him almost collide with that person.

"Su Liu? Why are you here?"

Dai Yingqi barely passed by without running into Su Liu head-on. She leaned half on the door and asked in confusion and shock.

Su Liu glanced at him coldly and said nothing, as if she didn't know him at all. She just passed him by and continued towards the bedroom.

This sense of indifference made Dai Yingqi feel even more strange.

Under the current situation, Su Liu came to Helan's room alone, looking like he was observing something.

But what should they observe now?

The more Dai Yingqi thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. He guessed that Su Liu and Mei Sheng might have discovered something while he was away, so they returned to this place.

Looking at Su Liu walking farther and farther in front of him, the back view was correct, but he always felt that it was extremely inconsistent with the Su Liu he knew in some aspects...

It's the temperament...

Su Liu now looks and feels inhumanly cold and distant.

This is somewhat similar to Mei Sheng's temperament, but even Mei Sheng is not so serious.

Dai Yingqi felt that Su Liu in front of her was like a piece of solid ice under an iceberg. Just being close to it could make people feel chilled.

"What did you find? Mei..."

Dai Yingqi still wanted to ask, and asked why Mei Sheng was not with her, but only halfway through his words, he found Su Liu in front of him turned around.

Moreover, she still held a pen and paper in her hand, as if she was about to take notes, and asked in a deep voice:

"What? What are you going to say Mei?"

Dai Yingqi finally realized that something was wrong. The Su Liu in front of her was definitely not the real Su Liu, and the severe pain in her mind hit her again.

If it weren't for the effect of the hallucination drug, maybe he would have realized something was wrong.

He waved his hand and said, "No... nothing?"

When Su Liu heard this, he turned around and left, but a name had already been written down on the yellow piece of paper:

"Su Liu!"

Dai Yingqi watched her leave, watched her walk to the corner, and couldn't help but take two steps closer to see where she was going.

But the moment the figure disappeared, he discovered that Su Liu was no longer in the room.

It's like everything before was just an illusion.


After Dai Yingqi was in a daze for a moment, she began to bang her head against the wall. At the same time, her chaotic mind finally regained temporary sanity.

At this time, he finally realized that he had done something wrong!

This Su Liu is definitely not the real Su Liu, it is most likely a fake ghost!

And its purpose seems to be to search for something, and it is vaguely related to the names of the remaining clerks...

Dai Yingqi took two steps back, then sped up and rushed out of the room, running towards the 305 position.

He leaked Su Liu's name to the ghost. Although it is unclear why the ghost did this, he may have laid the groundwork.

At the same time, on the stairs of the second floor, Mei Sheng, who was coming up from the first floor, met Su Liu, who had just come out of the ballroom on the second floor.

Both of them saw the disappointment on the other's face, and their mission to find the script failed.

Previously, the two of them jointly searched on the third floor, and then split up to search the first and second floors without success, but now they obviously found nothing.

"We have searched every corner, but there is no trace of those four scripts." Su Liu couldn't help but feel a little discouraged. She held on to the railing and sighed.

Mei Sheng turned her head and looked at the location on the first floor. She couldn't help but begin to wonder how Ji Li or Fang Shenyan, a veteran who had gone through several missions, would handle the current situation.

Thinking of this, she took out a blood-stained handkerchief from her arms, and wrote one word in blood on the pure white texture:


The season of the rites of the season.

Judging from the fact that Ji Li still had time to leave clues, it is impossible for him to die, otherwise he would not have gone to all the trouble to write a complete word "Ji".

When they searched the third floor, they found this in the gap of the sofa where Ji Li was sitting. It was very secret.

It's just that the information left above is very obscure and impossible to analyze.

Mei Sheng made it clear that they lacked the most critical script information, otherwise they would have been able to solve the mystery.

But if we really wait until the third act starts tomorrow to find out the answer, I'm afraid it will be too late.

"I don't believe it, let's look for it all over again!"

Su Liu couldn't stand this kind of behavior of sitting still and waiting for death, so he decided to do it all over again.

At this moment, a shout attracted her and Mei Sheng's attention.

On the stairs of the third floor, a figure with shabby clothes and an anxious face appeared. It was Dai Yingqi.

"Su Liu, come up quickly!"

This call attracted the attention of both Su Liu and Mei Sheng.

And because he was calling Su Liu's name, Su Liu turned her head subconsciously, and her blank look fell entirely into Dai Yingqi's eyes.


"Don't believe him! He's a ghost!"

Just when Su Liu was about to call out Dai Yingqi's name, another figure suddenly appeared in the corridor on the third floor.

That person was also Dai Yingqi!

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