Weird Regulator

Chapter 234 The prophecy comes true

Ji Li has now become a real ghost, the only ghost in this mission.

He has the power to control life and death, although other than that, he has no power of his own.

Although most of the supernatural aura of this real ghost has been absorbed by the gray soul, it is still a ghost.

Even the lowest level of ghosts is not something that a living person can fight against, so being able to escape is pretty good.

Mei Sheng felt extremely unwilling to give in. If she had a confrontational crime object in her hands now, even if it was a special functional crime object, she would not be so passive.

But she only had one auxiliary evil object. Although the effect was extraordinary, she needed another evil object to use it together, otherwise she would have given Ji Li supernatural expansion in vain.

Dai Yingqi finally burst out with unprecedented courage at the critical moment of life and death. At this moment, his neck was pinched by Ji Li's clear-fingered palm.

There was still a glimmer of hope in his frightened eyes.

He couldn't explain how he made the decision to exchange his own life for Mei Sheng's.

He only knew that when Mei Sheng's beautiful face showed despair and her silky hair was ruffled by the wind, his heart ached like a knife.

Dai Yingqi still has reason. He knows that he has been influenced by the script. This influence has taken root in the depths of his mind and lingers in the corners of his memory.

But he still chose to replace Mei Sheng and become the object in the ghost's palm, so that he could feel at ease.

His head was tilted slightly, looking towards the escape staircase.

Mei Sheng was rescued. She fell all the way from the third floor to the first floor. She was covered in bruises and half of her face was bruised, but she was still very beautiful.

Painful tears flowed from the corners of Dai Yingqi's eyes because of suffocation. After he saw that Mei Sheng was rescued, he turned and left without even looking at him.

Without even looking at him...

Mei Sheng was very anxious at this time. She ran away knowing that time was running out. At this time, she took out the handkerchief again.

This clue has not been used so far. She has determined that this is the final breakthrough.

Because she had no choice.

The space on the first floor is actually the largest in the whole building. There are many areas in it, and the restaurant where I have been staying for a long time is just one of them.

Mei Sheng was at a loss. She saw the broken door at the entrance of the guild hall. She only had one thought to leave here.

But even after leaving, Ji Li would continue to hunt Dai Yingqi after killing her, and besides inside the guild hall, she didn't believe the script could appear anywhere else.

The handkerchief was turned over and over in Mei Sheng's hand, but the blood stains had basically soaked the snow-white texture.

Apart from that word, there are almost no other clues.

Mei Sheng rubbed the swollen cheek under her chin and carefully recalled everything they had experienced since the beginning of the mission.

Everything that happened before the dinner started can be ignored, so did the dinner itself reveal any clues?

The crux of the matter is still in the restaurant.

Mei Sheng didn't have an idea at the first time, but she still chose to go to the restaurant first.

She pinched the handkerchief and started running away. There was not much sound of struggle upstairs. Dai Yingqi no longer knew what the situation was.

But at this moment, she suddenly thought that she had been ignoring the most fundamental issue.

That is, she has been paying attention to the clues on the handkerchief, but she has forgotten the handkerchief itself!

Mei Sheng once again put the handkerchief in front of her eyes and slowed down her pace. After several comparisons, she suddenly understood.

This handkerchief was not brought by Ji Li, but was distributed to each guest by the supervisor at the dinner!

The sound of plum blossoms instantly opened up the inspiration in his mind. The handkerchief Ji Li deliberately left behind, with the word "Ji" written on it, may be a double reminder.

First of all, the handkerchief itself represents the restaurant, so maybe the script is in the restaurant.

The specific position must correspond to the word "season".

Mei Sheng's heart was filled with emotion and she couldn't help but quicken her pace. She felt that she was getting closer and closer to her chance of survival.

The dark patterned door of the restaurant was covered in dust in front of her. Mei Sheng took three steps at a time and pushed the door open.

The restaurant, where the dinner started, where people used to come and go has become a place in memory. Now there is only a cold body and a few voting papers scattered on the ground.

Mei Sheng couldn't help but shudder, those fake ghosts had obviously been devoured by Ji Li.

However, she was not affected at all. Instead, she walked straight towards Su Liu's already cold body, and the blood on the ground became a river.

The meaning of the word "season" represents a coordinate in the restaurant.

This requires a before and after comparison.

When the dinner started, there were seven people, and the chair Ji Li was sitting on was at the edge of everyone, at the side and back, and in the southeast corner of the dining table.

At the beginning of the voting, six fake ghosts appeared. They were in the same position as the clerks at the dinner.

So as the actor of the real ghost, the position where Ji Li was sitting at that time should actually be where the real ghost was.

Mei Sheng stared closely at Su Liu's unblinking eyes, walked through a pool of blood to the southeast corner of the dining table, and then leaned over to take a look.

There was nothing on the ground or on the chairs, but after lowering her body again, Mei Sheng suddenly discovered that there was a hidden compartment on the back of the dining table!

The position it corresponds to is the chair Ji Li was sitting on previously.

Mei Sheng was overjoyed and opened the hidden drawer, and the four neat scripts were placed in front of her.

Four scripts were placed in a pile in front of her, and she accidentally touched one of them.

At the same time, a detailed piece of information about the criminal object appeared in her mind.

“The object of sin is the root of evil.

This script has the ability to make predictions come true and can write events that will happen in the future. The time span cannot exceed four hours and the cooling time is eight hours.

The price is that every time it is used, the user will lose the ability to think normally for half an hour, and so on.

Note: This crime object cannot be used to obtain other crime objects;

Note: In this mission, the effect of sinful objects will be amplified three times. "

"Four hours, triple the size, twelve hours!"

The moment Mei Sheng came into contact with the sinful object, she realized that the sinful object and the way to survive in this mission were actually the same.

Twelve hours were enough for her to spend the rest of the mission.

And this crime script was Ji Li's murderer's blank copy. It was also the one with the most pages and the thickest among all the clerks.

Mei Sheng understood clearly in her heart, no wonder there had been no trace of the crime.

That's because the sinful object was in Ji Li's hands, and because he couldn't use the sinful object at all, he couldn't obtain relevant information even if he touched it.

This also put Ji Li into a dark situation under the lamp. His special physique made it further and further away from his chance of survival.

However, at the moment before turning into a real ghost, he got a very important tip from Murong's script.

In Murong's script, when Helan's body was discovered on November 11, his script mentioned this sentence:

"You glanced at Dai Yi and Jiang Xian from the corner of your eye, but there seemed to be another person between them.

You heard him say: Strange, shouldn't Dai Yi be the first to discover the body in the script? How did it change?

But you didn't take it to heart and just regarded it as other people's nonsense. "

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