Weird Regulator

Chapter 238 The corpse hanging from the beam

"Yu Guo entered Tiannan College for more than three days and two nights, and lost contact with him for two days and two nights;

Tong and Fang have been in Tiannan College for two days and one night, and have been out of contact for one day and one night..."

It was unusually hot and stuffy in the taxi, which was not suitable for the current season. Ji Li rolled down the window and thought about the situation he currently knew.

As I hurriedly passed by Minguo Street, a maple leaf slowly fell from the huge maple tree. The weather was already very cold.

Ji Li exhaled a breath of white mist in the car and estimated the time. There was still a month until winter came.

The academy ghost had already given a warning. Last time it entered early, it had aroused its dissatisfaction. But this time, it was obvious that Yu Guo and others had completely angered it, and even led more and more people in.

That ghost is so powerful that it even has deals with the hotel, so I'm afraid it won't let it go.

Ji Li shook his head slightly. He had to do it this time and there must be no casualties.

At the very least, Yu Guo and Fang Shenyan cannot die. Secondly, the couple Tongguan and Chang Nian are somewhat hostile to him for the time being.

However, since the mission in Kyoto, he has no longer thought of trapping the two of them.

If we have to go into details, Tongguan should be regarded as Ji Li's nephew, and Chang Nian needless to say.

"Tiannan Theater Academy has arrived."

Just when Ji Li was thinking wildly, the driver's announcement brought him back to reality.

Chang Nian didn't say much. Before the car had even stopped, she opened the door and rushed out.

After Ji Li paid the money, he also got out of the car. The cold wind from autumn and winter when he went out made him shiver.

He was working non-stop. He had just returned from his last mission and rushed here immediately without even having time to change out of his tunic suit.

Fortunately, the Chinese tunic suit was still wind-resistant. Ji Li tucked his hair back and did not move forward impatiently. Instead, he lit a cigarette and stood at the gate of the campus to observe.

Although Chang Nian was extremely anxious, she did not get carried away. She did not blindly enter the academy, but went to the school guard.

Ji Li stood in the wind with a cigarette in his mouth and a simple and strange appearance.

This situation is not unusual for university campuses, especially art colleges, late at night when people are coming and going.

When I came here again, my first feeling about Ji Li was that something was different here.

Others may not be able to see it, but the university has changed in Ji Li's eyes.

The gray in Ji Li's pupils twisted slightly, and the resurgence of his gray soul was not completely without benefits.

First of all, it gave Ji Li the same ability, that is, when the supernatural power is strong to a certain extent, he can see some clues.

For example, in the current Tiannan Drama Academy, there is a blurry and staring gray air current entrenched in mid-air.

This range is not very large to the naked eye, but it is enough to cover the entire university, and it is continuous, covering almost all corners of the campus.

Starting from the bottom layer, the gray air turned into a vortex, forming that weird air flow in the sky.

If Ji Li could fly into the air, perhaps the effect he would see would be more shocking, and he might also be able to find the spot with the thickest gray air.

That may be the key point where Yu Guo and others disappeared.

At this moment, Chang Nian had returned from the school guard and said hurriedly:

"I asked again, and the guard was very sure that Tongguan and the others did not enter through the main entrance.

Originally, I wanted to use the studio to see if I could use a loudspeaker to look for clues, but I was told that the school had basically left the school and they had no authority to use it.

Ji Li, how do you think we should deploy it? "

Chang Nian was quite meticulous. She had already asked the guard everything he could know and put forward her own ideas.

But Ji Li shook his head. He retracted his gaze from the distant sky and looked in another direction.

"Yu Guo, Tongguan, and Fang Shenyan entered the academy at different times. We don't know if they have merged together now.

But I guess that the space they are in now may not be the space we see in front of us. "

The reason for Ji Li's conjecture was that he thought of the reminder given by the ghost when he arrived last time, which appeared in the mirror.

Maybe the ghost itself is located in the mirror world, I don't know for sure.

Moreover, Yu Guo and the other three are not students at first glance, especially if they were really in the real world, they would have been discovered by school personnel.

After all, their memories have not been cleared yet.

Chang Nian is not a fool. On the contrary, she has a very high level of intelligence. After Ji Li gave some advice, she immediately realized the key to the matter.

"Then, we just need to find the entrance to another world to find them!"

Ji Li nodded and pointed to the back door of the college, "Where are we going?"

The building at the back door of the college, the office building where the teachers were located, was also where Ah Lian worked. It was where Yu Guo took him last time.

Therefore, Ji Li guessed that maybe Yu Guo's disappearance started from there.

But as he was drifting away, he turned his head away from Chang Nian and looked at the main entrance of the college, where the guard room was.

But it was fleeting, and he did not say anything to Chang Nian, as if he saw something unspeakable from there.

Soon after, Ji Li and Chang Nian climbed over the wall of the back door, stirring up dust on the ground.

Ji Li raised his eyes and looked at the camera above his head. There was still a red light flashing there. Without hesitation, he threw a flying knife to destroy it.

"Let's go inside this building."

Chang Nian was picking the lock, while Ji Li stayed in the same position as when he first came, looking up at the central window on the thirteenth floor.

This time, he saw the reflection of the moonlight, which was very bright and bright, completely different from the last experience.

This sudden change left Ji Li silent. In fact, he did not see any signs of despondency rising from the current building.

In other words, there should actually be nothing in this building.

However, Ji Li still chose to start here. After all, it was the closest to the victim and the closest to the first person to disappear, Yu Guo.

Therefore, this building should also have an entrance to another world. After all, no one said there was only one entrance.

There will be at least two, because the route chosen by Tong and Fang is definitely not the one taken by Yu Guo, but they were also dragged in.

What Ji Li is thinking about now is not how to find the entrance, but making sure that he can get in and get out.

Otherwise, it would be no different from their failure in Tongguan.

The door opened. Chang Nian took a deep breath and entered the building first without greeting Ji Li.

Ji Li was brought here by her. Although she had said that Ji Li would be responsible before, those were just angry words. In fact, Ji Li could take the risk to rescue Tongguan and others.

Regardless of the purpose, Chang Nian already owed him a favor in his heart, so was there a crisis in this building?

She was willing to be the first to check it out, that was her idea.

Ji Li was behind him, watching Chang Nian stride in, his eyes becoming more and more serious and alert.

He was sure that there was no gray energy, that is, supernatural power, in this building, but...

When the door opened, he actually saw a female body hanging from the ceiling, just hanging on the ceiling at the door!

What's strange is that there is a blade-like cut on the exposed, pale neck of the female corpse, and even blood is flowing all over the body and dripping on the ground.

Chang Nian seemed unaware of this, stepping on a pool of blood with one foot, and her head was about to touch the feet of the female corpse hanging down weakly...

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