Weird Regulator

Chapter 264 Purpose of Coffin

The fog gradually cleared, and a strange bridge appeared in front of everyone.

From the material point of view, this bridge is not much different from the stone bridge created by the two ghosts.

But the overall structure is extremely strange and even violates the basic theory of bridges.

Because this is a stone bridge divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower, and the starting positions of the three parts are the same.

The upper floor is an arch, convex and extending upwards, the middle floor is a straight stone bridge, simple and old, and the lower floor is concave downwards, with an arc that is almost the same as the arch of the upper floor.

The most terrible thing is that a large part of the depression on the lower level has been soaked in the river water. If you want to walk down, you will inevitably enter the river water.

Ji Li took a brief look and saw that the river under the bridge was calm and there was no sign of flow, not even waves.

But he knew that this was the Wangchuan River under the Naihe Bridge.

The two form an extremely dangerous level. It is said that all the rivers in the Forgotten River are filled with evil spirits who will not be allowed to reincarnate in endless years.

They hide under the water and specifically hunt the ghosts crossing the bridge. They cannot reincarnate themselves, so they have to compete for the right to be reincarnated, so they are the most vicious when facing other ghosts.

It's hard to imagine how many ghosts there are in this Wangchuan River, and the number can no longer be inferred.

Although the river is like a pool of stagnant water at the moment, I am afraid that when someone approaches the lower level or even the middle level, they will encounter the dragging of countless ghosts.

Only the upper Naihe Bridge is the safest.

“If you only do good things in your life, you will go to the upper level; if you do good and evil things, you will go to the middle level; if you do all the evil things in your life, you will go to the lower level…”

Du Xiyue stood at the end of the bridge, looked at the three levels, and explained softly.

Some ghosts have already walked along the bridge and onto the Naihe Bridge. Almost all of them are targeting the upper levels, and they seem to understand very well.

Ji Li observed carefully. He still didn't know how to distinguish the differences between the three levels.

Until he discovered that, for example, if you only do evil things in your life and turn into an evil ghost, even if you want to get to the top, it is impossible.

When your body approaches the upper level, your feet will automatically slip and slip onto the Naihe Bridge on the lower level.

And once you completely board the Naihe Bridge, there is no turning back.

For example, the ghost currently in the lower level is also consciously trying to break free, but it cannot do so no matter what. There seems to be an invisible wall of air behind it.

The ghost began to walk forward tremblingly, but the part of the Naihe Bridge that was soaked by the water of the Forgotten River had already seen waves when it was about to arrive, but before it arrived.

The water of the Forgotten River suddenly surged as the ghost approached.

Not even just the area on the edge of the Naihe Bridge, the entire Wangchuan River set off huge waves, and countless ferocious evil ghosts were exposed. The ghosts that had been soaked here for countless years were all exposed.

The violently turbulent river water even splashed onto the upper Naihe Bridge.

The ghost on the lower level could barely resist, and was instantly pulled into the water of the Forgotten River, disappearing completely.

But no ghost got a substitute to continue walking across the Naihe Bridge in its place, because the moment it was caught, it was torn into pieces by countless ghosts.

Huge waves returned to the bottom of the river, leaving the bridge in a mess.

The upper level had little impact, but as the river splashed, a few ghosts walking in the middle level were pulled into the water.

All this means that as long as you are pulled into the Wangchuan River, you will definitely die.

" can we leave?" Lang Qing was stunned by this scene. He never expected that Naihe Bridge would be so difficult to walk before Po Meng showed up.

Du Xiyue and Qiu Xue were also embarrassed at this time, judging from the current situation.

If a few of them could reach the top, it would be impossible.

As long as he enters the hotel and lives to this point, who dares to say that he has not killed anyone on his hands?

The upper level Naihe Bridge will definitely not be able to take their turn, so only the middle level and the lower level will be left.

Once you set foot on the lower level, it is no different than death.

But betting that you will reach the middle level?

I'm afraid that a few people present were completely unsure of what to do.

The most frightening thing is that once you get on the bridge, you can only follow the unknown arrangement, which means there is no chance to make a new choice except gambling your life.

How to walk on this bridge?

At this time, Du Xiyue and Lang Qing looked at the man who had never spoken.

From what happened in the Wild Ghost Village, even though they were dissatisfied and they were strangers to each other, they had already developed a slight dependence on this man's wisdom.

If there is anyone who can come up with the most reasonable leadership in the current predicament, it would be Ji Li.

"Du Xiyue, can you be sure whether Po Meng is on Naihe Bridge or on the other side?"

Ji Li never looked back to see the people in the fifth branch, but he asked without looking back.

After hearing the inquiry, Du Xiyue also fell into thinking.

If we follow the legend, Po Meng should be holding a big pot at the end of Naihe Bridge, waiting for the ghosts to cross the bridge.

But judging from the situation just now, it seems that it is not on this bridge, otherwise it would never turn a blind eye to the huge waves set off by the Wangchuan River and pull people in at will.

"Maybe, maybe not..."

In the end, she could only give this ambiguous answer.

Ji Li's eyes became dark, with a hint of determination.

"We can only make a bet that Po Meng is on the Naihe Bridge!"

Hearing the word "gamble", the three people in the fifth branch were first surprised. Could it be that Ji Li's plan was to try to make sure he didn't go downstairs?

But even the middle level is not safe, and there is a risk of being pulled into the river.


"We can't go to Naihe Bridge, we go directly to Wangchuan River!"

Who would have thought that Ji Li's next words would make everyone even more stunned.

Lang Qing looked at Ji Li's back and felt it was ridiculous. He didn't trust him to begin with, and he felt even more ridiculous when he heard this crazy plan.

"Why are you so crazy? We can't avoid the Wangchuan River, but you want to cross the Wangchuan River?"

Du Xiyue looked ugly. She was not crazy like Ji Li, but she couldn't follow this line of thinking.

She looked at the distant bank of the Wangchuan River. It was at least five hundred meters away from the other bank. Not to mention the countless evil ghosts hiding here, they didn't have the energy to swim across the cold river water alone!

But she also knew that when Ji Li said this, he must have his own method, "How should we proceed as you said?"

Ji Li picked up the civet cat that seemed to have fallen asleep and threw it on the ground, but it still didn't wake up.

Then he began to untie the ropes and chains on his body, placed the coffin behind him that had turned blood red on the ground, and opened the coffin lid.

“When you walk on the Naihe Bridge, you will most likely encounter Po Meng, and we don’t have the ability to confront her head-on now.

What's more, we are already very sinful people. I conclude that we will definitely be assigned to the lower level. If you take a look at the width of the Naihe Bridge, it is only enough for one person to pass.

If we walk on the Naihe Bridge, we are destined to encounter various defeats and die.

Therefore, crossing the Wangchuan River has become the safest way. "

"How do you want to cross the River of Forgetfulness?"

Ji Li patted the coffin on the ground. The coffin was big enough to completely wrap his body:

“There are so many uses for coffins.”

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