Weird Regulator

Chapter 294 A handful of incense ash

Only by truly entering the vast ghost tide can we understand how strong the overwhelming feeling of oppression is.

Ji Li had never experienced a ghost wave before, and he had experienced it only during the mission in Kyoto.

But the number of ghosts that time was absolutely incomparable to this time.

When he really entered the center of the ghost tide, Ji Li realized that he had thought everything was too simple.

Without the protection of the crime object, he could hardly see anything clearly, let alone hear the shouts of others.

Surrounding the body were all black panic and jittery cries.

And those were all ghosts from the surroundings. He was swept up in the center, with only the fluorescent link at hand that led to the tenth hall.

This is also the only light here, representing the long road of hope.

If Ji Li falls short, his flesh and blood will be scratched by some kind of knife-like bone claws, which makes his already overwhelmed body heavier and heavier.

The blood-red coffin had long been lost in the judge's hall, including the Abang Rakshasa chain, which meant that Ji Li was no different from an ordinary person.

The repeated attacks by those ownerless souls are like the scythe of death to Ji Li. Although they are extremely humble ghosts, they will not die violently if they are caught once or twice.

But he couldn't stand so many ghosts, and they attacked Ji Li at the same time.

This made it difficult for Ji Li to achieve anything except relying on the few clerks behind him.

Ji Li, who had always won through intrigues, only realized his own weakness when facing the ghost tide.

Without any sinful objects around him, he was extremely weak.

Yu Guo on the other side also realized this. He was holding Du Xiyue's biggest trump card.

That is, the crystal jade hanging around the neck. This jade will automatically emit a faint light when touched by supernatural power.

It is equivalent to an object that absorbs damage and is a complete passive defensive object.

Yu Guo reached out his hand forward in three steps and two steps, grabbed Ji Li's shoulder who was originally in the front, and struck hard, and the two of them changed positions.

"Chang Nian! We can't let Ji Li die!"

When Yu Guo came to the front of the team, he was immediately attacked by the ghost hand. The dark palm pressed on his face in an instant.

In the darkness, he couldn't tell which ghost's hand had grabbed him, but there was no difference now.

The jade stone on his chest suddenly shone with light, dispelling the darkness for a moment, and he could see clearly the wave of ghosts in front of him that were still swarming forward like a tide.

And Jade's passive defense also withstood the fatal injury for him, causing him to move forward two steps.

Behind him, Ji Li's hair was messy, his breathing became increasingly irregular, and he had lost the lightness of the blood-red coffin. He was now carrying Shi Dalu's black coffin.

The weight almost made him unable to breathe, but after seeing Yu Guo push out two steps, Ji Li held his breath and kept up the pace.

But during this gap, three other ghosts got into the gap of the seventh branch, grabbed Ji Li's way, and at the same time extended their ghost hands to him.

Ji Li was suddenly startled and was about to duck to the side, but the loss of physical strength reduced his reflexes again.

Such a low-level attack method, with his ability, actually gave him a sense of sight that was unavoidable.

Two palms that were as dry as branches pressed down on his right shoulder almost at the same time. Then they used their fingers as knives to pierce Ji Li's flesh and blood and tear them apart suddenly.

Ji Li's right shoulder seemed to have been torn off a large piece of flesh and blood, and a sharp pain suddenly hit him, making his nerves ache and at the same time he became more focused.

At the same time, the original fatigue was dispelled, and he rushed forward.

All this was said very slowly, but in fact it only happened in an instant, so that Yu Guo's warning was only heard by Chang Nian.

In the increasingly chaotic situation, the formation must not be chaotic, otherwise it will be dispersed by the ghost tide, and everyone will lose contact until death.

What Chang Nian holds in his hand is Du Xiyue's fluorescent mask, which is also quite unique.

It can completely isolate attacks from ghosts and ensure the safety of an area. Du Xiyue had used it to stop a small wave of ghosts in the Wild Ghost Village before.

However, this sinful object can only have an effect of ten minutes, and this effect will be greatly reduced among so many ghosts.

So when she first entered the ghost tide, she didn't dare to use it at all, and just wanted to stay at the critical moment.

But at the moment, Chang Nian also underestimated the terror and destructive power of the ghost tide.

She was in the middle of the team, using her reflexes and physical strength to resist, but when she saw that the road ahead was becoming increasingly difficult and the team was falling apart, she couldn't help but be shocked.

Because Ji Li was blocked by several ghosts, Yu Guo, who was at the front, was already separated from the team.

Chang Nian knew that if they no longer used fluorescent masks, they were afraid that their seventh branch would fall under the first wave of ghosts.

So she took out a crystal ball that she had prepared a long time ago and pressed her finger on the switch.

A sheet of snowflakes fell from the sky, just like the snow scene in a crystal ball. Chang Nian couldn't recognize it when he was in the center of the sinful object.

But over at the Fifth Branch, they could see the dark place to their right. White snowflakes suddenly appeared in the sky, covering the darkness there.

This purity that should not have appeared here is not for purification, but for complicity.

Three of the four black chess pieces in Li Guanqi's right hand had been used up, and only the last one was left, which he handed to Lang Qing.

At this moment, he was folding his hands together, with the index and middle fingers of both hands touching each other, holding the piece of fragrance between his fingers.

It seems to be a seal gesture from Taoism, but everyone knows that this power actually comes from the supernatural.

The incense stick was never lit. The moment the snowflakes fell in the seventh branch, the incense stick was lit.

At the same time, when the aroma was lingering, the ghosts around the fifth branch became agitated in large quantities, and even the ghost tide surrounding the seventh branch showed signs of approaching them.

Li Guanqi put his hands together, seemingly calm, but actually he was trembling slightly.

Seeing Gui Chao's strange movement due to the incense stick, he quickly pinched the incense head with two fingers and used his fingernails with his other hand to pick off a large piece of incense ash.

A large amount of incense ash fell on his palm. Li Guanqi spotted a certain oncoming ghost and poured the large handful of incense ash on it.

Then Li Guanqi pushed Lang Qing and ran forward quickly.

And the wave of ghosts that had attacked them fiercely before began to pounce on the ghost that was sprinkled with incense ash.

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