Weird Regulator

Chapter 299 This is not a way out

One step away...

The tenth Yin Mountain, which no living person has ever set foot on, stood in front of everyone, watching them quietly and quietly.

It looks quiet, like Mount Fuji with falling snow, but everyone knows that Mount Fuji is an active volcano, just waiting to erupt.

After experiencing many life and death, ghosts and monsters, and scheming, he was finally just a hair away from the hope of survival.

Of course, the opposite of hope is endless despair.

The cold wind from the Yinshan Mountain wakes up the fatigue of the long journey, and makes every living person feel a complex mood of fear and expectation.

Everyone was looking at the road ahead. Only Ji Li turned his head and looked into the boundless darkness.

Not without reason, he looked behind him because he heard a familiar voice calling him.

It was a lazy meow with a hint of warning.

The civet cat that disappeared since Meng Po finally appeared again.

This time only Ji Li could hear him, as if the civet cat appeared and came just for him.

But it hid in the darkness and never showed up. It just sounded like it was in a very far away place, as if it was in a wave of ghosts.

Ji Li didn't know why the civet cat was in the ghost tide, and why it called him like a call at this time.

What he knew was that the cat's meow was not a cry for help, but contained an extremely complex emotion that he couldn't identify for a while.

"I didn't expect it to be so peaceful here."

Li Guanqi had long lost his previous restraints. He mingled among Yu Guo and Chang Nian, took a step forward, and looked up at the majestic Yinshan Mountain of the Tenth Palace.

"There are no ghosts because Chakravartin himself is the strongest ghost and he doesn't care..."

Yu Guo squinted his eyes and looked at the top of the mountain, as if he wanted to penetrate the fog and darkness and collide with the eyes of the legendary ghosts and gods.

"Let's go, the time has come for everyone to do what they can."

Li Congrong said this very calmly, and at the same time he had already stepped out with his left leg, taking the lead in stepping on the wooden bridge that seemed unsound, but in fact would never collapse.

But no one could see it. In fact, his heart was not at all peaceful. The weak and uncontrollable rise and fall of his chest represented his state of mind at the moment.

No one can ever die calmly, especially for a man with deep obsessions like Li Congrong.

For him, this is the last step of this mission, and it is also the last step of his life.

Li Congrong hoped that this step would be done calmly and that there would be no accidents.

The first person to step on the bridge appeared, and the second one was Chang Nian, the only woman in the team.

The moment he walked onto the bridge, his loose ponytail was finally blown away. Chang Nian, who was in a mess, stretched out his hand to make a new bun.

She silently put her right hand close to her heart and whispered in her heart:

"Tongguan, I will go back to reunite with you."

The third one was Li Guanqi, who had an extremely complex expression. His eyes never left the first figure.

At first, his steps on the bridge were a little messy and staggering, and he had some thoughts of catching up with Li Congrong, but gradually he slowed down.

Li Guanqi's slowly and firmly eyes told him that the bridge could walk very steadily just by himself.

But the people on this bridge cannot live without Li Congrong!

The fourth person on the bridge was Yu Guo.

Compared with the first three, Yu Guo's face is always filled with an inexplicable sense of faith, which makes him extremely determined no matter what he does.

Whether it's good or bad.

Therefore, Yu Guo's pace has always been firm. The dead man in his heart is giving the living self unparalleled faith.

Then there is Hongfu. It is a miracle to me that he can survive to this day.

Maybe as he said luck is also a key to success.

The last ones to get on the bridge were Ji Li and Dong Yuan. They got on the bridge side by side almost at the same time, and they have maintained this formation ever since.

Ji Li wanted to go to the middle part, but was delayed by the civet cat's call, causing him to fall behind.

Dong Yuan seemed to be particularly afraid of the Wheel King in front of her, as if she had heard some strange rumors.

So she had to stand at the same place as Ji Li to face him, and the two of them became the most special couple on the wooden bridge.

Ji Li naturally didn't care. He wished Dong Yuan would be closer to him, which would be more secure for his survival.

In fact, the people who observed Yinshan the most were not those in the front row, but Ji Li.

He himself has a gray soul, and he will sometimes see some clues when looking at supernatural things, such as the fog shrouding his eyes that is spreading more and more.

This is something that other people cannot detect at all.

Only Ji Li discovered that the mist rose from the abyss of the tenth Yin Mountain and was spreading at an extremely fast speed.

When Ji Li was about to cross the wooden bridge, he had already seen that the most substantial parts of the fog had floated to the top of the mountain.

And this means that he doesn't know yet.

The progress of entering the tenth Yin Mountain has not changed at all, it is still peaceful.

It was as if the store clerks were just walking on an ordinary trestle at the top of the mountain.

However, this situation did not make anyone feel any sense of security. On the contrary, they were all thinking about what terrible abilities the Wheel-turning King would have.

The levels of Po Meng and Judge are obviously not as good as Wheel-turning King, but they are fully capable of killing people without any solution.

The most terrifying Wheel-turning King will...

The road to the top of the mountain is not that difficult and even comfortable.

Because after crossing the wooden bridge, a rising stone step appeared in front of everyone, going all the way up from the mountainside, with no detours at all.

The seven clerks all stopped talking to each other at this time. They looked at each other in a tacit understanding and quickly communicated.

Li Congrong clenched his fists during this period. He was at the forefront of the team and was extremely fast, as if he was in a hurry to reincarnate.

The first person to climb the bridge also becomes the first person to reach the top of the mountain.

When he arrived at the tenth hall, Li Congrong's pupils suddenly shrank for a moment, and his breathing became rapid.

It wasn't until Ji Li arrived last that he was in the same state.

Because the situation in the Tenth Hall was far from what he imagined.

At the top of Yinshan Mountain, there is an open space. The space is not even large, only about forty square meters.

Where is the palace, where are the strange lights, and there is not even a shadow of a ghost.

Similarly, the situation in the Tenth Hall was unexpected, and the Wheel-turning King, who had been feared by everyone for a long time, also appeared.

Appearing in an unimaginable and unprecedented manner.

In the southeast corner of the clearing, there is a boulder hanging on the cliff. On the boulder, sitting cross-legged, is a figure wearing a black robe.

This strange posture makes people think of the tenth palace King Yama who "lives in the fertile stone of the netherworld and controls the way of life."

However, the distance was not far, and everyone could see that this legendary and terrifying ghost was actually just a motionless corpse wearing a black robe!

This is obviously a corpse, because it doesn't even have any flesh and blood, just a piece of gray human skin covering the skeleton.

It is like a monkey that died of illness, or a sitting Buddha, but it represents the ultimate and simple weirdness.

The Tenth Hall and the Wheel-turning King both appeared, and the last thing was right next to the Wheel-turning King.

That is the pool of reincarnation.

Different from the Samsara Pond in Ji Li's imagination, it was just a pool-like cloud, but transparent.

Ji Li could really see that this was where the mist was most substantial, and the Samsara Pond was located to the left under the wheel-turning king's boulder.

The Samsara Pool is also hanging on the cliff. If you want to enter, you can only jump in through a run-up.

And the coffin-changing place that the store clerks have always been confused about is actually in the Samsara Pond.

Seven black coffins are reflected in the water of the Samsara Pool.

Then the meaning is obvious.

All the shop assistants need to do is to rush into the reincarnation pool desperately to complete the coffin change and restore the body, thus completing the task completely.

It's just that simple.

When Ji Li saw this scene, he lowered his head and frowned slightly. He always felt that the situation was not clear enough and something was missing.

Almost as soon as this thought came to his mind, he suddenly saw a crisp sound of bones coming from the wheel-turning king who lived alone in the rock.

A stick of burning incense appeared on the right palm of Chakravartin King, and like a knife, it penetrated directly into the palm of his hand.

Its posture has also been changed from sitting cross-legged with hands folded to holding the right palm flat.

"Can you enter the pool of reincarnation while alive for just one stick of incense?"

Ji Li felt that things were even weirder. Could it be that this mission ended up ignoring the chance of survival and relying on hard resistance?

Zhang Ming said things won't be that simple

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