Weird Regulator

Chapter 432 The number of trump cards

That is the cry in the soul, breaking through the fog in the layers of memory. It is the most distant and the most recent.

It should be a man's voice, the tone is slightly hoarse, as if he has been trapped and tortured for a long time, full of sorrow and anger, and vented after being suppressed.

Ji Li forgot all the pain in an instant, and a figure struggling in pain and suffering seemed to appear in front of his dark eyes.

He was pointing at himself angrily, ordering him to get out.

Because this body is not owned by Ji Li, he is the owner.

Ji Li gasped for air, clenched his fists and asked vaguely:

"Who are you?"

But there was only nothingness in response to him, and the roar never appeared again.

Gradually, Ji Li realized that the sound was just a scene in his memory.

It was after his eyes were replaced that he recovered a moment of memory, and in that memory was only this sentence.

The cold female voice squeezed Ji Li's right hand tightly and comforted her softly as if she was feeling the same:

"Mr. Ji, are you okay?"

Ji Li did not hear her concern. He just lowered his head silently and kept repeating three words:

"Who am I... who am I..."

Time did not give Ji Li more opportunities to reflect. This problem will last throughout his life and cannot be solved in one day.

At the moment when the light source in the dim room is completely destroyed, the space is flowing.

The moment Ji Li lost his mind, the sofa he was sitting on disappeared immediately, and everything in the room seemed to have been replaced.

A ray of dark red light, like blood, once again enveloped the entire room, and a strange and strange sense of oppression was injected into all directions of Ji Li.

This is exactly the feeling of oppression that the female voice mentioned earlier.

The tower-killing ghost has never left, because it is always located in another parallel space.

And now Ji Li is here.

The soul and reality are two realms that are torn into two parts through supernatural power, which also splits the store managers.

When Ji Li was in this dark red world, he was complete.

There was only darkness in his world, but just half a meter in front of him, the strange red paper tapes became the shackles of torture.

In the middle of the shackles, there is a living person who is about to die.

Li Guanqi's blurred face looked lifeless under the red light. His eyes were half-closed at the moment, and even his chest was not rising and falling.

The arrival of death seems inevitable.

There was no time for him to adapt to death, and there was no time for Ji Li to lose his mind again.

The moment he entered this place, he felt a tremor in a large space on the right.

While losing his eyesight, his hearing was greatly improved.

As he listened carefully, he heard the sound of metal scraping against each other, accompanied by the violent sound of breaking wind.

Amidst the loud rumbling noise, Ji Li's body was shaken and tilted. He staggered a few steps and was supported by a female voice.

"It's Chen Hansheng. He is controlling the shadow puppet general and confronting the tower-suppressing ghost head-on!"

The female voice's exclamation reached Ji Li's ears, giving him a concise understanding of the current situation.

"But Chen Hansheng can't hold on for long. The ghost's whole body is made of red paper cutouts. After being chopped into pieces by a sword, it will be put back together again.

This kind of attack is ineffective against the Tower-Suppressing Ghost and can only delay time. "

Ji Li listened to the battle report and ignored it. Instead, he asked:

“Does this house have an exit door?”

The female voice immediately replied: "No."

She glanced around the structure of this place, and said that the layout of the room was indeed the same as in the real world, and even the household appliances were all available.

But there are only no windows or doors. Those few locations are filled with paper windows and doors blocked by pieces of paper.

On the other side, Chen Hansheng, who was struggling to support himself, finally saw Ji Li who had suddenly arrived in his spare time.

This made his eyes light up. Without asking how Ji Li came here, he drove the black-armored shadow puppet general and shouted hurriedly:

"Manager Ji, help me save my eldest nephew!"

As soon as Chen Hansheng finished speaking, the tower-killing ghost once again launched an attack formed by the note, trying to entangle him.

The killing method of this house-killing ghost is actually not complicated. The only difficulty is the weird illusion caused by the separation of the soul and reality.

Once the two are in the same space, they can only attack in a visible way.

The only reason that made it so difficult for Chen Hansheng was that he simply did not have the ability to break through the restrictions of the Tower-Suppressing Ghost.

Time is good for the ghost, not him.

Ji Li, who heard the words on the other side, turned a deaf ear. Li Guanqi's life and death had nothing to do with him.

His only purpose in coming here was to find a way out and continue going down.

So he asked the female voice again: "Please tell me in detail the layout and form of the entire house. Chen Hansheng can still hold on for a while."

The female voice explained the current situation concisely and concisely, and recounted everything she saw in front of her.

After a while, Ji Li took out a knife from his sleeve, sent it to the direction of the female voice and said:

"Try and see if you can destroy this space made of paper."

This is the paper space created by the House-Guarding Ghost, and it is also the place where the soul is trapped. If you can’t do anything about the soul, you can only do it through paper-cutting.

Now Ji Li can no longer complete this task and can only rely on female voices.

The female voice took the dagger, searched for it randomly, and pointed the dagger at the paper there at the nearby window.

The sharp blade made a sharp silver mark on the paper window, but to the female voice's dismay, there was no scratch at all.

Unwilling to give up, she teleported to the door again, and this time she stabbed it into the paper door.

The results obtained remain unchanged, the paper door is unbreakable.

At this moment, Ji Li, who was standing there, suddenly felt a biting cold wind coming, which seemed to be carrying some kind of will.

He immediately realized something was wrong and responded hastily, but the physical injuries prevented him from reacting at his original speed.

A soft piece of paper wrapped around his left wrist like a ribbon, and like a leech, the piece of paper started to tear open his flesh and burrowed crazily into his blood vessels.

Ji Li was overwhelmed but didn't panic much. The man who wanted to attack his left arm made a mistake.

Because there is another terrifying existence on his left arm, a hundred-headed monster baby that is half evil creature and half ghost.

An extremely shrill cry of a baby suddenly echoed, and the piece of paper stuck in the flesh was instantly shattered into pieces and forced out of Ji Li's wrist.

The strange baby, which had grown into an unknown number of heads, suddenly appeared in the air, and as soon as it appeared, countless eyes emerged from its body.

All eyes were fixed on the building-killing ghost made of paper cuts.

A strange thing happened. The moment the hundred-headed monster baby appeared, the ghost who guarded the building turned around tacitly.

He actually gave up on Chen Hansheng, who was struggling to the limit, and went straight to the hundred-headed monster baby.

This scene should be related to the countless eyes on the strange baby. After all, the way this ghost kills people is to take away the eyes.

Although Ji Li is a store manager without sinful objects, he has four supernatural objects in his body that are more powerful than most sinful objects.

The borrowed ancient bronze coffin is a guarantee of survival in extreme conditions;

Although the strange tanuki hardly takes any action, it has incredible abilities and can deflect truly fatal attacks;

Although the current hundred-headed monster baby cannot be used by Ji Li, the two have a cooperative relationship. If it threatens its own existence, it will naturally choose to resist on Ji Li's behalf;

As the will of the Seventh Branch, the female voice looks like a human but not a human, a ghost but not a ghost, and plays an alternative supporting role.

Even if there is no life left, the gray soul will revive, but Ji Li cannot bear the price.

Therefore, Ji Li is not without fighting ability. On the contrary, his comprehensive strength can crush almost all store managers, except for Li Yi and Gu Xingjian who can be regarded as his enemies.

It's just that Ji Li can't take the initiative to use it. Only when his life is really hanging by a thread will his strength be revealed to the maximum extent.

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