Weird Regulator

Chapter 434 Human Desire

Except for Zhu Xiaoning, all store managers have at least one store manager mission crime item.

Aside from Li Yi and Gu Xingjian, who are so powerful that they can only look up to them, Chen Hansheng is currently the only store manager who has reached the fourth floor.

The Black and White Building has eighteen floors, but it is divided into eight upper floors and ten lower floors.

The tower-killing ghosts on the eighth floor are nothing more than ghosts with more powerful tasks than ordinary ones. For ordinary store managers, the threat is not too great as long as they are treated with caution.

But starting from the tenth floor, the further down you go, the more terrifying the tower-killing ghosts inside become, and their strength simply increases exponentially.

Generally speaking, players such as Su Chenghe and Huangfu Jiajia are eliminated here.

Only levels like Chen Hansheng and Luo Xian could go all the way down. Xue Tinghai relied on the map that could be used as a prison to barely fall behind.

Moreover, there is a very important rule between the upper eight floors and the lower ten floors.

That is, the ghosts on the eighth floor will change randomly. The ghosts you will face every time you enter the store manager mission are different.

But on the tenth floor below, except in rare circumstances, the Town Hall Ghost will not be replaced.

Because they have almost no way to survive, or the conditions for survival will be extremely difficult to achieve, and they can only force their way down and escape from the level they are on.

This shows that the ghosts on the lower ten floors are powerful enough to withstand the entire mission mechanism.

But ten floors below, there is also a watershed.

That's the fourth level.

Apart from Li Yi and Gu Xingjian, only Chen Hansheng and Li Congrong were lucky enough to have reached this level.

Not even Luo Xian has reached it.

Chen Hansheng's shadow puppet crime object was obtained on the fourth level.

On the fourth floor, I didn't see the tower guard ghost, there was only one painting there.

There Chen Hansheng got the shadow puppet crime object, and Li Congrong got the black soft armor.

That painting is obviously also a sinful object, and it is particularly precious.

Because the painting is a space, and there are countless ghosts hidden in this space, and it also represents endless evil objects.

Unfortunately, it is obviously impossible for the store managers to obtain such a level of sin.

But Chen Hansheng and Li Congrong have become one of the most powerful store managers just by relying on shadow puppets and soft armor, which shows how powerful this evil object is.

The fourth level is already so terrifying and the sinful objects are so powerful, so what kind of gains will Li Yi and Gu Xingjian gain from going to the lower three levels several times?

Maybe it's not what they can imagine.

The shadow puppet evil object has always been the evil object that Chen Hansheng relies on infinitely. He firmly believes that with this alone, he can resist most ghost attacks head-on.

Although it can't compete with the paper-cut ghost, it must not be difficult to destroy a red paper binding Li Guanqi.

But this time, he still miscalculated.

Because the single black-armored general had slashed at the red paper several times, but the papers seemed to be indestructible, with no damage at all.

This situation made the already weak Chen Hansheng break into cold sweat. He had reached the limit of activating the evil object, but he still could not save Li Guanqi.

Just when he was about to grit his teeth and cast the second shadow puppet, an illusory cat meow suddenly sounded from his ears.

He was confused for a moment, but then he immediately woke up. The meow must have come from Ji Li.

Because he also heard the cat meow when he was snatching the hundred-headed monster baby, and then the monster baby fell into Ji Li's hands out of thin air.

He secretly screamed, "Oh no!" and was about to take back the crime, but it was too late.

The black-armored general was raising his arms, and when the huge and simple golden-backed sword was about to be struck down again, crackling sparks came from the armor on his chest.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of scales shattered, pieces of armor began to fall off, and the lining of the clothing also showed signs of tearing.

The black-faced black helmet was shattered layer by layer, and the scars formed were long and thin. The invisible attack made the shadow puppet general immediately lose his strength, and he even showed signs of collapse.

Chen Hansheng's complexion was livid, a cloud of black energy shrouded his head, and his right hand continued to control the shadow puppet.

But the shadow puppet in his palm turned into a pile of fragments after a few seconds. At this moment, one of the seven shadow puppets was permanently torn into pieces.

From now on, he only has six shadow puppets left.

A stream of blood flowed from the corner of Chen Hansheng's mouth, his round eyes stared tightly, and there was an aura of extreme grief and anger around him. He turned around and strode towards Ji Li.

Ji Li couldn't see what the civet cat had done, but at this moment he realized something was wrong.

He tried to get the civet cat to snatch away the shadow puppet's crime, but he didn't come back for a long time, so things didn't go as he thought.

At this moment, a strong hand grabbed his collar and almost lifted him up.

An angry voice roared in his ears:

"Ji Li! It's okay if you don't save people. Why did you tear up my crime?"

Ji Li was unable to struggle and could only turn his head slightly. Chen Hansheng's questioning had told him the truth.

The civet cat didn't follow his instructions to steal the crime object, but directly tore it into pieces.

"Old man, take your hands away!"

A silent rebuke sounded, and Chen Hansheng's expression suddenly changed. His already broken left arm now showed an exaggerated twist.

The sudden severe pain caused a large amount of sweat to immediately appear on his forehead, and he wailed in pain while covering his left arm and fell back.

Ji Li, who had lost his grip, staggered weakly back a few steps before being supported by a warm hand.

Ji Li was naturally unable to resist, so it was the returning female voice who took action.

The female voice looked worriedly at Ji Li, who was getting paler, her eyes full of concern, and she asked softly:

"Are you OK?"

Ji Li shook his head. He had no time to pay attention to Chen Hansheng and just said in a deep voice:

"Did you get the scissors back?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a cold and sharp object on his palm. Just holding it in his hand made his hair stand up immediately.

There is no doubt that this is the key item to break through.

Ji Li's brows filled with joy. He had already paid a heavy price for this building ghost.

Now that the injury is getting more serious, he can no longer delay it.

The moment he tightened his grip on the scissors, he spread his hands out and showed them in the direction of Chen Hansheng:

"Look at this paper house for yourself, and then look at the conditions for survival. Do you want to give up on Li Guanqi?"

Chen Hansheng's eyes were full of grief and anger. He gritted his teeth and stared at Ji Li without saying a word.

In fact, the moment he saw the paper house in Ji Li's left hand and the scissors in his right hand, he knew what his way out was.

Now there are only three paper figures left in this paper house, and the two who can still move around freely are naturally Ji Li and Chen Hansheng.

The only bound paper man, Li Guanqi, is extremely special.

It can be said that the center point of the entire paper house is Li Guanqi, and the components in all directions and every corner are connected by the red paper strips wrapped around his body.

If you want to use scissors to destroy the paper house and break through this supernatural space, you must cut into pieces the paper man represented by Li Guanqi.

In this case, Li Guanqi will undoubtedly die.

Chen Hansheng was still hesitating because he had always had a plan in mind about Li Guanqi.

No one would be nice to someone for no reason. Although Chen Hansheng has always been unwilling to use intrigues, it does not mean that he does not have a yearning for life.

He clearly remembered when he and Li Congrong went to the fourth floor painting.

He only got one crime, which was the shadow puppet.

But Li Congrong obtained two criminal objects, but the only ones that were always on display were black clothes and soft armor, and the other mysterious criminal object was not made public until his death.

After Chen Hansheng enjoyed the power of the sinful object in the fourth layer of the painting, he became even more eager for the mysterious sinful object that Li Congrong tried his best to hide.

And Li Congrong would definitely hand over the mysterious sinful object to Li Guanqi before he died.

Therefore, he must please this junior in every aspect and find out the whereabouts of the mysterious criminal object.

Now that the road to survival is approaching, if he wants to continue on, he must abandon Li Guanqi.

But in this case, all the previous costs would be nullified, and he was really unwilling to do so.

After all, Li Guanqi was in a state of fainting from the beginning to the end, and Chen Hansheng's efforts had to be seen by him!

Ji Li here is also in a difficult situation. He has been injured for a long time.

It is indeed not difficult to survive, but when he completes the conditions for survival, someone must help him stop the ghost.

The closer you get to the road of survival, the crazier the ghosts will become.

Through his connection with the hundred-headed monster baby, he had already guessed that the monster baby would be defeated in a few seconds.

Ji Li needs Chen Hansheng's power of crime, and Chen Hansheng is also thinking about the choice of interests.

In the final analysis of all problems, it is human desires that complicate simple problems.

I already have a fever. In this case, I should be positive.

I'm going to take a break after writing this chapter and wait until my health gets better before I update. Sorry everyone.

Alas, the end of this chapter was supposed to be the climax of the store manager’s mission, so we’ll have to wait.

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