Weird Regulator

Chapter 438 A malicious smile

The moment the door opens, it means that the chaos has ushered in the first intruder.

The raging flames were shining with golden light in the long and narrow corridor.

But there is not much heat. Instead, there is too much supernatural power condensed here, and the temperature on the entire floor is even very low.

Before Ji Li's feet stepped into the real area of ​​the fifth floor, a particularly sharp scream suddenly reached his ears.

The sound was sudden and penetrating, making his whole mind buzz in an instant, and he couldn't help but take two steps back.

But Chen Hansheng had already controlled the shadow puppet and took the lead in stepping into the fifth floor.

The face that was pale due to the injury, and the small amount of blush that had just emerged disappeared again at this moment, but it faced the difficulties.

The white-robed general in white helmet swung his spear horizontally, and something seemed to be swept away in the invisible darkness ahead.

But it turned out that it was only a step away.


Chen Hansheng roared suddenly, but the tone was particularly strange.

He opened his lips but didn't let go, his teeth gritted loudly, and he didn't dare to let out the breath he was holding in his chest.

Now that things have happened, Chen Hansheng understands that whether he can continue and whether he can go further depends on this tone.

Once it leaked, he would be out of the game with the loss of the crime and nothing gained.

Ji Li couldn't help, so he naturally didn't say anything and followed Chen Hansheng's footsteps and took a step forward.

This is barely considered entry into the game.

There are generally two types of ghosts in black and white buildings.

The first type is similar to the hanged ghosts or paper-cut ghosts on the 18th floor. They have restrictions on killing people.

Or you can figure out how to crack it through reasoning.

The second type is more difficult to deal with, similar to the ghost on the ninth floor who kills people with emotions.

This kind of ghost is just unreasonable. As long as it is a human being, it qualifies for killing and has no way out.

In addition to escaping, the only option is to rely on criminal objects to resist.

Such as the former ghost, if you are a top store manager, you can still rely on your brain power to crack it even if you don't use sin objects.

This is also Ji Li's strength.

But for the latter, without using his trump card, Ji Li would basically have no choice but to run away if he randomly faced one.

So at this moment, ghosts are overflowing on a large scale, and there is no time to guess the way out.

Ji Li's resourcefulness was useless. He could only look forward to Chen Hansheng and rely on the female voice to take care of him.

"Sir, there are ten ghosts in front of you and Chen Hansheng.

There are four of them, even I can only capture the vague aura, and their power is far more powerful than the ghosts of the mission!

This is a journey of ten deaths and no life. Not to mention Chen Hansheng is seriously injured, you are blind.

Even with ten times more combat power, it would be impossible to reach the end of the corridor.

give up! "

The female voice grabbed Ji Li's arm and her tone was surprisingly frightened. There were few ghosts that could scare her as the will of the hotel.

But there were four of them in the corridor on the fifth floor.

Every single one taken out is enough to crush most of the mission ghosts Ji Li has performed!

Ji Li was hesitating. He was not bound to get the puzzle, nor was he bound to compete with Gu Xingjian.

But he understood that he had fallen into Gu Xingjian's plan early on, and now he was here as part of the plan.

In other words, he cannot go on and cannot withdraw.

Then, there is only one way to rescue him, to break the situation head-on.

To achieve this goal, Ji Li can only rely on the gray soul in his body.

But he cannot actively activate it unless he is really on the verge of life and death, or there are unknown changes.

Li Yi is the key figure in triggering the resurrection of the gray soul.

When he first met Ji Li, he realized that as long as he had too much contact with Li Yi, the gray in his body would become more active.

Therefore, he had the confidence to come to the fifth floor and try to compete head-on with Gu Xingjian.


Ji Li miscalculated this time, because Li Yi had no intention of coming to the fifth floor.

Obviously, Li Yi must be located in the lower four floors, and his progress has already far exceeded everyone else.

By the same token, it can be inferred that Gu Xingjian's big deal was not for the purpose of snatching the puzzle at all.

The fact that he gave up the thing that everyone was fighting for showed that there was another thing that tempted him, even more than the puzzle.

Since this is the case, Ji Li can't let him get his wish!

Gu Xingjian once said that Ji Li was the one he wanted to wait for. Ji Li couldn't guess whether this was a smoke bomb, so he could only go with the flow.

These thoughts only appeared in Ji Li's mind for a moment. A moment later, a cool breeze suddenly blew in front of him.

A piece of intermittent lyrics flowed into his ears, which seemed to have a strong temptation, causing a blurry image to appear in front of his eyes as a blind man.

A large screen appeared in front of him, and an actor dressed in antique style was waving his sleeves on the screen.

Ji Li's attention was completely attracted by that figure, as if he had forgotten where he was at the moment, and actually started to deviate from Chen Hansheng's back and turn to the side.

Chen Hansheng couldn't see this scene. He was busy using his shadow puppet general to fight against the attacks of two ghosts in front of him.

But it startled the female voice. She was only in a daze for a moment when she realized that Ji Li had left the team and walked towards an open door on the left front.

In a hurry, she quickly put away the oil-paper umbrella in her hand and threw it hard, hitting Ji Li's back.

But the attack was neither painful nor itchy, and could not bring Ji Li back from his dazed state.

The originally illusory figure of the female voice began to materialize at this moment, and she was obviously preparing to use her real abilities.

But the first thing she looked at was not Ji Li walking farther and farther away, but fifteen steps away from them.

For some reason, Gu Xingjian was not affected by the ghost tide.

The woman looked at him with a vague emotion and meaning that could not be known to outsiders.

Here, Ji Li's eyes were filled with the dancing figures. As they got closer and closer, he recognized that the graceful shadow should be a woman.

The woman is vague, but she has a strong magical power. As long as she sees it, she will be irresistibly attracted.

The woman in Ji Li's eyes became clearer and clearer, which also meant that he was about to step into that room in reality.

At this moment, Ji Li's right face suddenly felt a stinging pain, and a fishy-sweet liquid entered his mouth.

This was the taste of blood. He suddenly woke up and touched the right side of his face.

A shallow scratch appeared on his face, blood flowed from there, and a low, dissatisfied meow sounded in his ears.

The civet cat returns and saves Ji Li's life again, while seeming to blame him for being so careless.

The woman's figure stopped abruptly, and the scene before her eyes returned to nothingness.

Before Ji Li could take a breath, he discovered that his body was out of control.

He raised his left arm little by little, making an incomprehensible gesture with his fingers, and his feet performed a weird dance.

This posture is clearly a repetition of the dance of the previous woman.

And Ji Li clearly felt that his right hand began to lift uncontrollably, as if it had touched a cold hard object.

That's the door handle.

Ji Li's heart palpitated. He felt the ghost controlling his body and trying to close the door.

Even though he couldn't see and he didn't know where he was, if he let the door close, he would probably end up in a dead end.

And at this critical moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Manager Ji, this ghost comes from the seventh floor and has only appeared once.

Its method of killing is to first put people in darkness and then play random videos.

People who watch the video will repeat the actions of the people in the video.

I don’t know if you have watched the video to the end. If you have, you should be able to know how you will die in the end.

Promise me a condition, how about I tell you the fate of this ghost? "

Even when Gu Xingjian spoke, there was a smile in his tone that could not dissipate.

It's just that his smile is often accompanied by deep malice.

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