Weird Regulator

Chapter 440 When the flame goes out

It was a face that was exactly the same as Ji Li's, but his temperament was completely opposite.

If Ji Li is like a deep pool, it will make people feel sad.

Li Yi is a walking mountain, with enough power to crush everything in the world. He will crush a ghost as soon as he appears.


This extremely powerful figure was not Li Yi.

The majestic supernatural power flows on its body like streams of water, condensed into its body shape with black.

The only thing with color was the face, but it was far from as clean as Li Yi's own face.

The black supernatural power in the blood vessels carved a winding snake shape on the face, spreading from the chin to the eyes.

The black snake seemed to have autonomous consciousness, and at first glance it felt like it was staring at a living creature.

And on the shoulder of that figure, a dark red crow was staring straight ahead with its scarlet eyes.

This is a different kind of Li Yi, and that different kind of crow.

Because it is a ghost.

That was Li Yi who died after the first store manager mission started.

Li Yi is already powerful enough, but after turning into a ghost, it can only be called a disaster.

Even the defenseless ghost was crushed into mud in its hands.

Likewise, as one of the special ghosts in the Black and White Building, it was also attracted to Gu Xingjian.

And behind it, there were several special figures vaguely revealed.

They seem to come from the same place as Li Yi, who turned into a ghost, and they are also the things that the store manager turned into a ghost!

The fourth level at this moment is the world in the painting. A huge mountain range lies between the sky and the earth, dividing the world into two parts.

The figure walked step by step in the valley, holding a blood-stained skull in his hand.

Under the gaze of the skull's empty eyes, a corpse turned into fly ash, and finally turned into a gray light, which was completely absorbed by the skull.

And just when he was about to move forward, something seemed to come to him that made him suddenly look back.

Li Yi's face appeared in the field of vision, his eyes looked flatly at the long and narrow path behind him, and then glanced at the dim sky.

After a long time, he whispered:

"Gu Xingjian, how dare you plot against me..."

Li Yi's eyes were looking at the sky, and the black crow on his shoulder was also looking at the sky.

A few steps behind him, a little boy in a skirt who followed him all the time was also looking up at the sky.

The seemingly harmless child had a strange gray light flashing in his eyes, but it was fleeting.

The situation on the fifth floor became even more chaotic.

The corridor, which was only less than fifty steps long, began to split to the left and right.

Four alien ghosts emerge from the entrance, and they can see entities.

The ghost walking at the forefront is Li Yi who turned into a ghost, representing the only powerful combat power.

The next three are Luo Xian, Chen Hansheng, and the former Li Congrong...

These store managers all have store manager tasks, or are guilty of high-level tasks.

In the state of living beings, sinful objects are just sinful objects, but once they become ghosts, they merge with those sinful objects.

This makes the store managers who turn into ghosts far more powerful than ordinary ghosts.

Without exception, the four ghosts were all wrapped in powerful supernatural power, with almost solid black liquid flowing on their bodies, representing active supernatural power.

The only difference between the last three ghosts and the ghost Li Yi is that their faces were almost completely covered with black liquid, and they could only be barely recognized.

Only Li Yi has clear facial details.

These four special ghosts, transformed from dead store managers, occupy the left side of the corridor where Ji Li was just now.

And began to move forward.

On the right half of the corridor, except for the ghost that La Jili entered the room, and the ghost that was crushed by Li Yi.

There are eight left, four of which are at the very end, as if they are not in a hurry to take action, while the other four resist the ghost-turned-store managers.

Of course, there are two other people here who have carved out a small area.

That was Gu Xingjian, sitting cross-legged on the edge of the exit, controlling the overall situation.

And Xu Nan, who was seriously injured and still waiting for the most confident opportunity to take action.

However, Gu Xingjian didn't seem so satisfied with the situation in front of him. He frowned slightly and murmured softly:

"Why didn't the person I was waiting for come? Could it be that something happened after turning into a ghost that I haven't accounted for yet?"

The golden flame was fading, and when the ghost-turned-store managers arrived, it had already dropped to two-thirds.

This time the effort was reduced to one-third.

Gu Xingjian had obviously felt the pressure. Directly in front of him were four extremely powerful ghosts.

Two of them were so terrifying that even he was not sure he could resist them.

So the ideal result is that he must wait for the one he wants to wait for before the flame disappears completely.

However, attracting Li Yi who turned into a ghost was the back-up for the failure of his plan.

With it, Li Yi will definitely come. Even if he fails to achieve his original goal, he can settle for the next best thing.

As soon as Li comes, Ruru will come too, and then he will have the opportunity to continue to snatch the third piece of the puzzle.

Gu Xingjian created this great project, and he was naturally confident. He had many ways to make a living, and one of them would always be able to achieve his goal.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Xu Nan, who had not made a move until now, with a sneer on his lips.

Even if...

The first and second goals have all failed. As long as Xu Nan takes action, he can also achieve the third goal.

In short, during this store manager mission, he, Gu Xingjian, was always in an invincible position.

The store managers who turned into ghosts have already fought against the first four building ghosts, but the final outcome is not much suspense.

Gu Xingjian estimated that after the flames burned out, the ghost store manager should be able to advance within ten steps.

Then at least two of the four tower ghosts in front of him will be attracted. If there are only two left, then he should be able to resist them slightly.

And by then, the person he was really waiting for should have arrived.

Therefore, Ji Li was not actually the person Gu Xingjian was waiting for, so the previous sentence was worth pondering.

Just as Gu Xingjian was thinking about it, a cool breeze blew above his head for no apparent reason.

The sudden wind made him frown. He looked up suddenly and saw a crow waving its wings in the darkness passing overhead.

And with the waving of the crow's wings, he suddenly discovered that all the golden flames that could have lasted for a while were extinguished!

Gu Xingjian's eyes were deep and not angry. He stood up from the ground and slowly looked behind him.

When the flames went out, there was a low sound of footsteps, and the troublemaker spoke coldly:

"Gu Xingjian, the person you are waiting for will not come."

At the same time, there was a loud noise from the other end of the corridor, and a door was suddenly broken open from the inside.

The sound of chains sounded, and the man carrying the ancient bronze coffin finally found his way out.

When he appeared, the gray and black colors in his eyes began to merge, and his waist-length hair actually started to grow slowly at this moment!

A few meters away, looking at the place where the flame went out, he said in the same cold tone:

"Gu Xingjian, Ji has let you down."

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