Weird Regulator

Chapter 454 Who has the characteristics?

At 3:05 in the middle of the night, the first floor of the Seventh Branch was brightly lit and crowded.

The conference room was smoky, and almost every person who knew how to smoke had a cigarette in hand.

All of them were hanging their heads, huffing and puffing, and sleepiness was written on their faces.

There are all kinds of clothes, some are wearing pajamas, and some are wrapped up tightly.

This group of people behaved differently, but they all uniformly placed their mobile phones on the table in front of them.

In the listlessness, his eyes never left.

An emergency gathering at Ji Li at three o'clock in the middle of the night is indeed a disappointment to these clerks who have already gone to bed.

But when they knew that it was related to the next mission, they didn't complain at all.

Ji Li's order this time was also responsible for their lives.

Of course, the clerks also knew that this was certainly not his intention.

The five minutes were up, and Ji Li sat at the head of the conference room uncharacteristically.

Originally, he didn't like to sit in this position, but in order to capture the situation as soon as possible, he had to do this.

What makes him quite satisfied is that the overall quality of the seventh branch has actually improved.

Within the five-minute gathering time, the twenty executors currently in the branch were gathered on time.

Moreover, no one has gone out today.

Things went surprisingly smoothly.

Tongguan's eyes were shining, as if he was still full of energy. He fiddled with his phone and asked:

"According to what you said, whoever receives the call will be selected for the next mission?"

Yu Guo had already changed his clothes and nodded solemnly.

Then he glanced at Ji Li, who was concentrating with his eyes closed, and further explained:

"Ji Li met the manager of the ninth branch, and the other branch seemed to have some kind of divination method.

He also categorically asserted that a joint pick-up mission would be carried out six days later. "

Having said this, Yu Guo found that all the clerks immediately became energetic and hesitated for a moment before continuing:

“The Ninth Branch is a giant after the First Branch.

Their level is only one step away from a four-star hotel, so..."

In fact, Yu Guo was not very relaxed. Winter was not far away and he was unwilling to perform such a task that was obviously too difficult.

But unfortunately, you have to pass the test that you have to pass.

"So the difficulty of the next mission can almost be regarded as the nightmare difficulty of a four-star hotel."

Tongguan frowned and said this fact in a somewhat unpleasant tone.

There was astonishment and commotion in the conference room. For them, who were still two-star hotel clerks, this was a huge disaster.

The confidence of the seventh branch is still too weak.

Even more than 80% of the store clerks don't even have the most basic sin items.

"Manager Ji, may I ask if your information is accurate?"

A familiar voice called out Ji Li's name.

Ji Li woke up faintly and looked at the man flatly.

This question has a certain level. Whether the Ninth Branch really has the ability to predict the next mission is very critical.

The person who asked this question was none other than Jie Zheng, the newcomer who made a stunning appearance in Mu Nianmei's mission.

Ji Li's eyes did not waver, he took out the cigarette case from his arms and replied softly:

"So far, it's accurate."

This sentence dispelled the doubts of most of the clerks, and more confusion emerged.

For these clerks who have never even seen the crime, the task of prediction is too mysterious and distant.

Jie Zheng's expression was a little gloomy, and he sat back down after thinking again and again.

Although there were several doubts in his mind, there was no point in asking at this moment.

Because at present, apart from Ji Li and Yu Guo, it is still unknown who else will participate in the next mission.

Almost as soon as the thoughts in his mind disappeared, a pleasant piano music, accompanied by vibrations on the table, reached everyone's ears.

For just a moment, everyone focused their attention on a mobile phone with a cartoon pattern on the table.

Then, a slightly trembling white palm suddenly pressed it down.

It was a girl, with slightly curly long hair combed on both sides of her face, revealing a young and beautiful face.

But now she was holding the vibrating cell phone, and the panic in her eyes was about to overflow.

The middle-aged man next to her finally let out the breath he had been holding in when he realized it was not her.

"Su Qin'er, a newcomer, is a student of the Conservatory of Music."

When Ji Li looked at the unfortunate girl, the third personality gave a brief introduction in time.

"Store manager, I..."

It could be seen that Su Qin'er was also trying her best to adjust her mentality, but her trembling voice could not conceal the fear in her heart.

Ji Li finally lit the cigarette and gave instructions calmly:

"Pick up, put on speakerphone, and ask her name."

Su Qin'er held the call that seemed like a death notice, and pressed the connect button under the eyes of everyone.


She was pretty good, and seemed less nervous than before after being connected.

"Are you Su Qin'er, an agent from the Seventh Spiritual Detective Agency?"

With the phone on speakerphone, a female voice with a particularly cold voice came.

Ji Li frowned when he heard this. The voice was very crisp and organized.

Even the intervals between the words seemed to be the same. If it weren't for the slight sound of breathing, it would be as rigid as a machine.

Su Qin'er looked up at Ji Li and saw that he didn't express anything, so she responded:

"I'm Su Qin'er, what do you call me?"

“No need to ask so much nonsense.

I picked up your advertising flyer at the end of the street.

If you didn't make false propaganda, you must have some unusual skills, right? "

Still using the same words, Yu Guo nodded to Ji Li after hearing this, indicating that the situation was the same as what he had received.

Ji Li still didn't speak. Su Qin'er rubbed the sweat from her palms and expressed herself:

"That's right, leave your information and I will register you first and wait for our detective..."

However, before he could finish his words, the call ended abruptly and the other party hung up suddenly.

Su Qin'er's heart trembled. She grabbed her phone in fear and looked at Ji Li, who was confused:

"Store manager, did I say something wrong? What did she mean..."

Ji Li waved his hand, frowned and said:

"It's okay, you behaved well."

Yu Guo immediately explained:

"Don't worry, Ji Li and I are in the same situation.

She called again and again, and as soon as she got to this point, she hung up immediately, without starting or ending. "

Su Qin'er breathed a long sigh of relief. Just two words made her mouth dry and she moved her uncomfortable body and stopped talking.

Ji Li smoked a cigarette, his mind lost in thought.

At this time, the purpose of the woman's call is unknown.

But there are already three weird points:

The first is why the tone and state of the female voice he heard were completely different from those of Yu Guo and Su Qin'er.

Just now he had clearly confirmed that the voices and looks of the two were the same, but their mental states were completely different.

The second thing is to return to the phone call itself. The woman called over and over again and only revealed two pieces of information.

She wanted to find a paranormal expert, and they should be dealing with paranormal matters;

She found the flyer at the end of the street.

Ji Li could understand the former, but where did the latter pick up the advertising flyer and why did he emphasize it over and over again...

The final doubt is that the first time Ji Li received a call, the other party was in a particularly empty environment.

But these two times, Yu Guo and Su Qin'er were in a particularly quiet environment.

So, do these differences come from the woman who called, or from Ji Li's own characteristics?


The fourth call came within less than three minutes.

The person chosen this time was the middle-aged man next to Su Qin'er who was just glad that he was not her.

And just when he was about to pick up the phone on the table with an ugly expression, Ji Li suddenly slapped the table.

He stood up from his chair and said to the man:

"Give me your phone and I'll answer it this time!"

This time I’m going back to the most classic inference and decryption.

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