Weird Regulator

Chapter 461 The smell of doom

Light finally shrouded Ji Li's back again.

The sun crept up his back little by little, and the long hair that covered the floor shrank.

Those pure gray pupils became turbid in color.

Half black and half gray, the waist-length hair represents the gray soul that has faded away.

Ji Li noticed this and his cell phone started buzzing in his pocket.

Thoughts about how many ghosts or embryos there were were interrupted.

The number flashing on the phone screen came from Yu Guo.

Ji Li took a deep breath, lit the cigarette that had not been lit before, and answered the phone.

"Ji Li, are you finished over there?"

Yu Guo's tone was very ordinary, thinking that everything over there was still under control.

Ji Li took a puff of cigarette and exhaled white mist.

"It's almost ready."

“After you left, three more people received calls from strange women.

The words were almost the same, and no more information was clearly revealed..."

Yu Guo briefly explained the situation there, but dropped the last sentence.

When Ji Li heard this, he knew that he was trying to show off his feelings, and he urged impatiently:

“What does that ambiguity reveal?”

Yu Guo chuckled and said no longer covertly:

“Lao Fang and I observed that this woman’s phone calls were getting faster and faster.

Between the third to last call and the first to last call, she dialed almost non-stop.

Although his tone was still cold, his speaking speed became faster and faster. "

Ji Li nodded, turned around, glanced at the rising sun, and then said:

"That means either she's running out of time, or we're running out of time."

Yu Guo snapped his fingers,

"Yes, so you must make a breakthrough before the sun rises completely."

Ji Li said nothing and hung up the phone.

Because he had already heard the footsteps and the breathing of living people upstairs.

Not long after, Zhan Xun walked forward holding a blue and white porcelain jar in one hand, then turned around immediately.

Su Qin'er, on the other hand, came straight to Ji Li with a handful of pieces of paper in her hand.

"Store manager, from top to bottom, they correspond to the room numbers. The order is correct."

She handed over the fragment in her hand, and Ji Li scanned it.

Start squatting on the ground and arrange them in order.

Sure enough, there were only eleven fragments here, and the phone numbers they composed were revealed.

Su Qin'er looked at Ji Li who was squatting down and explained softly:

"We went to all the rooms, but room 101 was empty.

The remaining rooms contain blue and white porcelain jars and fragments.

Miss Xiaoqian said that 101 should have had similar porcelain jars before, but she left first. "

This matches Ji Li's guess.

"What else is there to say?

The person we saw must be the embryo of 101 that has become a sperm. "

The second personality made a decisive decision and settled the matter.

But the third personality is very puzzled:

"It shouldn't be. When we first came here, Xiaoqian said that the embryos from 601 were the ones closest to forming.

This 101 Season Ceremony also tried it out, and there was no way I could have sensed it wrong if I was wearing gray at that time.

It definitely shouldn't have come out of the woodwork in such a short period of time. "

Ji Li quite agreed with this and added softly:

“And even if the ghost embryo is formed, it should still be a child.

He would never be that tall, or even wear a windbreaker and a hat. "

By the time Ji Li finished his inspection, Zhan Xun had moved all the blue and white porcelain jars in front of him.

Now that Ji Li has lost his gray soul, he is no longer like an ordinary person.

Xiao Qianduye pointed to the nine complete blue and white porcelain jars on the ground, as well as the jar fragments in Zhanxun's backpack.

"These nine complete ones are all filled with ghost energy.

Two of them are beginning to take shape. What do you want to do with them? "

It is easy to destroy a porcelain pot, but the idea of ​​​​the small Qianduye is that these things must not be allowed to continue to grow.

But Ji Li had other plans. After waving his hand, he grabbed his cell phone and started dialing the phone numbers he got.

He turned around silently and looked towards where the sun was rising.

It was 4:56 in the morning, and the eastern sunlight occupied a quarter of the sky.

Although it hasn't brought much warmth yet, light has already shone on Ji Li's pale face.

The call was answered not long after, but this time Ji Li still didn't speak first.

A few seconds passed on the other end of the phone, and the familiar voice of a strange woman rang again:

"It lasted two hours and thirteen minutes. Inspector Ji's efficiency was quite satisfactory."

A sneer flashed across the corner of Ji Li's lips and he said faintly:

"Then am I qualified to take on the real business you give me?"

The strange woman's voice was more lively this time, at least there was some breathing in the microphone.


I still have some personal matters to deal with. I will return to Shanming City in five days. We will discuss the details of the employment later. "

From a time point of view, this is also consistent with the mission start time mentioned by Gu Xingjian.

Ji Li had expected it, so he wasn't too surprised.

This time is indeed just a small test. The other party is testing the spiritual detection ability of Ji Li and others.

Although it seems that Ji Li didn't gain much, only this mobile phone number.

But the information revealed behind it is extremely huge and will take time to sort out.

But before hanging up the phone, Ji Li asked one last question.

"Well, as my employer, I need to know your real name."

But the woman hung up the phone, just when Ji Li was suspicious.

He received another text message from the woman with her explanation.

"My surname is Hei. I pronounce it as he, which is pronounced the same as the word he."

Ji Li pondered this explanation carefully. This was a surname he had never heard before.

The character is written in black, but the pronunciation of "He" is pronounced as the surname.

One can imagine how special this surname would be.

Ji Li naturally planned to investigate in advance when he asked her name, even though the woman did not give her complete name.

But this extremely rare surname alone is enough to infer his identity.

"Store manager?"

Su Qin'er saw that Ji Li was holding the phone and was still waiting for the next step.

When Ji Li heard this, he turned around and remembered Xiao Qianduye's previous question.

"I have some use for these blue and white porcelain jars, so please keep them for me."

He waved his hand, and the ancient bronze coffin appeared and crashed to the ground.

Then, in the shocked eyes of several people, the blue and white porcelain jars disappeared out of thin air.

It is the hundred-headed monster baby that is being transported through teleportation.

It is no secret that Ji Li owns a hideous and huge coffin, but not many people have had close contact with it.

Zhan Xun looked at the coffin that exuded a strange aura and held his breath. He could feel how special this sinful object was.

Su Qin'er trembled a little because she seemed to see a strange-colored handprint flashing across the coffin board.

At that size, it was like having a baby that she couldn't see with her naked eyes!

It was just that little Qianduye frowned slightly as she looked at Ji Li who was smoking.

This ghost embryo was no small matter, and she didn't want Ji Li to keep it at all.

Because she knew that once these ghosts took shape, they would be terrible murderous weapons in Ji Li's hands.

But Ji Li is the manager of the seventh branch after all, and if he strengthens the branch, it will become stronger.

Little Qianduye didn’t say anything,

But she could faintly feel a smell of bad luck spreading between the four of them.

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