Weird Regulator

Chapter 466 The weird fourth time

"This ghost..."

Ji Li looked at Su Qin'er, who was already confused not far away, and slowly shook his head.

Through previous events, this ghost's murderous pattern has already been made clear.

Only the victim can see, capture, and perceive, with an interval of thirteen minutes, progressively.

Judging from the current situation, the ghost will definitely come to the victim four times at the fastest and five times at the slowest.

Then, what awaits them will be unexplainable death.

"Suspected, the crime is invalid..."

Xiao Qianduye is the person here who has the most dealings with ghosts besides Ji Li, so she can naturally see all this.

She quickly walked to Ji Li's side and lowered her voice so that only the two of them could hear:

"Compared to a four-star hotel promotion mission, this ghost is too powerful for us to resist.

We must return to Branch 7 immediately! "

Ji Li glanced at her noncommittally, took the phone out of his arms, and made a call.

The other side was quickly connected, and there was a gust of wind in the background.

"How long until you arrive?"

"Open your location, within five minutes."

The voice on the other end of the phone was brisk and sure, as if he said what time it was.

Ji Li nodded silently, hung up the phone and turned on the phone's positioning.


Xiao Qianduye heard the voice of the person on the phone and asked in surprise.

Ji Li nodded again. He had already sent a text message to Yu Guo to support him when he asked Zhan Xun to slow down.

He never values ​​other people's lives, but he also knows that the more difficult the task, the more valuable human life is.

Don't say that the mission hasn't started yet, Su Qin'er won't really die.

Even if he is really on a mission, he will not simply use a human life to explore the dead end at will.

What's more, it's still too early.

However, it is not clear why he called Yu Guo but it was Fang Shenyan who came.

"Manager Ji, what should we do next?"

At this time, Zhanxun had already come from the woods behind. Even if he didn't have any crime, he could still guess something from the calm situation before.

Since this step of action failed, the next decision becomes even more important.

Ji Li waved his hands calmly and began to walk onto the road:

"Nothing to do, just go back to the branch."

Little Qianduye frowned, looking at the confused Su Qin'er in front of her and couldn't help but feel a little worried:

"Then what should she do? The matter is not over yet?"

This question is not really a question, because there is only one answer.

"The mission hasn't started yet, I don't believe it will really kill.

Why it appeared in advance and why it chose Su Qin'er must have a deeper reason.

Since we can't deal with it now and can't figure it out, we can only ignore it. "

This is Ji Li's truest thought. Everyone's life is of course precious, and he hopes most to see "the best use of everything."

But as he said just now, they couldn't handle that ghost at all with their strength.

So, Su Qin'er's life and death, and what happens in the next thirteen minutes, can only be left to fate.

However, when the four people gathered together, these words could not be said.

On the contrary, Ji Li revealed that Fang Shenyan was coming, and the level of their crimes was once again raised.

And will return to the branch non-stop to provide her with more comprehensive protection.

To Su Qin'er, this was naturally a great thing, and she sat on the ground and was happy for a while.

But except for her, the other three people knew that it was impossible to say whether she would live or die in the next few minutes.

Fang Shenyan is a person who always speaks his mind. If he says five minutes, it must be five minutes.

Eight minutes before the fourth ghost arrived, a dilapidated white van slowly drove up.

Just looking at the appearance of the car, you can tell it is quite old. Even the headlights on the front are blank.

There was also a jingling sound of parts clashing amid the jolts.

There was an awkward brake sound, and Ji Li got into position early, and it took a lot of effort to open the car door.

As soon as he sat down, he felt that the seats in this old car were broken, which made his body ache.

"Why did you choose such a car?"

Ji Li looked at the three people behind him who were already in place, and couldn't help but frown and asked.

Fang Shenyan did not answer this sentence. Instead, while driving the car, he pulled out a file bag from under the chair and threw it to Ji Li.

Ji Li opened it suspiciously and found two identity files printed on A4 paper.

The first picture is of a middle-aged man with a sharp mouth and a slutty look on his face.

This person Ji Li was very familiar with and left a deep impression on him. He was the Taoist priest from the Ninth Branch who called himself "Huang Banxian".

This file contains very detailed records of his identity, origins, and past experiences.

The second picture was a foreigner whom Ji Li didn't know, named Milton Clyde.

There is also some information about him on it, but it is more detailed than Huang Banxian's, and even where he has been after coming to Z country is marked.

After Ji Li read the two files, he couldn't help but ask: "These are all people from the Ninth Branch. How did you find out."

Fang Shenyan stared straight at the road ahead and kept accelerating, the van making a dull roar.

"The two of them are right in front of the seventh branch, and Yu Guo is negotiating with these two people, delaying time for you to go back.

As for the files, if you want, I can retrieve the identity information of anyone in the country for you. "

Ji Li raised his eyebrows. He had never thought that Fang Shenyan had such great abilities.

These things must be closely related to his former identity, but no matter how big his background is, it has nothing to do with him.

The most important thing now is Su Qin'er. After looking back, he whispered:

"In three minutes, a ghost is going to find her."

After Fang Shenyan looked at Su Qin'er through the rearview mirror, she said expressionlessly:

"She's not worthy of my using that mask. Just die."

Ji Li didn't say anything anymore, he just took out the cigarette case, took out one and lit it, and looked out the window.

It doesn't matter whether Su Qin'er lives or lives, and it doesn't even matter whether the ghost has no solution or ignores the crime.

The most important thing is why the ghost came to her.

Three minutes passed easily, and the front and rear of a van seemed to be divided into two parts.

Fang Shenyan and Ji Li looked like outsiders in a relaxed manner, but the three people sitting together behind them were prepared.

Until now, Su Qin'er still believed that what Ji Li said before was true, and Fang Shenyan would use the power of ghost transformation to save her if necessary.

Little Qianduye is also ready to give it a try.

If that ghost really comes in front of him, will the Eye of Disaster be able to work at such a close distance?

When the time hand crossed six o'clock and forty-two minutes, the fourth thirteenth minute arrived.

Su Qin'er tensed her body and turned her head sharply toward the window. Zhan Xun and Xiao Qianduye were also waiting for the ghost's arrival.

However, Su Qin'er clenched her hands into fists and remained upright for half a minute, but she didn't say a word.

Little Qianduye felt the time passing by minute by second, but nothing happened.

She turned her attention to Su Qin'er again, and was shocked to find that the other person's body was a little stiff and motionless, as if she was frozen.

She quickly grabbed her and shook Su Qin'er's body vigorously.

And after another half a minute, Su Qin'er's rigid eyes finally showed some intelligence, and she said excitedly:

"The fourth time...the fourth time it didn't come!"

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