Weird Regulator

Chapter 468 Hiding wind and carrying water

In a rather tense situation, Huang Banxian leaned back on the ground with a look of confidence on his face.

He shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly: "Manager Ji, you are too sensitive."

"That's the first sentence." Ji Li was checking the countdown, waiting to see if Huang Banxian could give him a satisfactory answer.

"Huang Fengjiao? Mr. Shengun, why don't you reveal your name to the public? Your name is so unique?"

Clay was obviously very talkative. At this critical moment, his attention was entirely focused on Huang Banxian's real name.

Yu Guo covered his mouth and snickered, while Ji Li counted down coldly: "It's the second sentence."

Huang Banxian glanced sideways at Clay, then coughed slightly and said the last words:

"My employer is a fifty-nine-year-old man, and his surname is also Hei!"

When Huang Banxian said this, he looked particularly confident. His slightly leaning back meant that he believed that Ji Li would not shoot after hearing this.

Apparently his goal had been achieved. Ji Li slowly pulled back his gun after hearing that rare surname.

After pondering for a moment, he finally sat on the chair and glanced at Yu Guo, who had an innocent face on his side.

Huang Banxian quickly explained on behalf of Yu Guo:

"Mr. Yu didn't say anything, but I discovered through interviews that Mr. Hei has encountered some difficulties recently.

So he hired our Ninth Branch to help solve the problem. After investigation, I found that his daughter was also in some trouble and was looking for help from someone in the circle.

I asked a few friends in the industry and said that they were all ordered to go near the moon platform and eventually disappeared completely.

And Manager Ji seems to have just returned from the Moon Platform..."

Ji Li slowly narrowed his eyes after hearing this logical and natural explanation.

Huang Banxian's words were to show off that he knew everything about the operations of the seventh branch. At the same time, their ninth branch had far more information than Ji Li.

This made Ji Li understand even more that they came here with no good intentions, so he said softly:

"Your previous circle was just a bunch of heretics who deceived fools. Your so-called divination would be of no use unless you entered the Ninth Branch."

"You are right. There are only ghosts in this world, not gods." Huang Banxian nodded in agreement with Ji Li's evaluation.

Then his face became serious and he continued:

“So our trip here is to seek cooperation with Store Manager Ji. Although the employers we face are different, we are still connected after all.

The specific content of the mission still needs to wait, but there will probably be a lot of intersections between us, and appropriate exchange of information is beneficial. "

Ji Li did not show any attitude towards this matter and continued to look at him with incomprehensible eyes.

After a while, Huang Banxian took out a business card from his sleeve robe, placed it on the table, and said with a smile:

"This is where our circle gathers. If Manager Ji needs it, he can investigate and collect evidence on his own."

After saying this, Huang Banxian pulled Clyde's sleeve, and the two stood up:

"In that case, let's take our leave and see you on the mission."

Ji Li looked at the business card silently, turned around and asked mysteriously:

"Is Gu Xingjian really not going to participate in this mission?"

In fact, Huang Banxian had no need to hide this, so he happily agreed.

Ji Li nodded and said softly:

"Tell me something. He gave me a gift last time, and I will give him one in return this time."

After Huang Banxian looked at Clay suspiciously, he replied: "I will bring you the exact words."

"This Ji Li is so rude. Who gives him the qualifications to be so domineering for a store manager who has not yet reached the Samsung level?"

Clay asked himself that they had always been polite since they arrived, but Ji Li was pressing closer with a very bad attitude.

Huang Banxian took a deep breath, shook his head slowly and said:

“If you think about it the other way around, we are about to reach the level of a four-star hotel.

It says something that a branch with such a low level can join forces with us. "

"Is there something unique about the seventh branch?"

"Store manager Gu once told me that the seventh branch is very ordinary, but it is special because of Ji Li.

This season's store manager and Li Yi from the first branch are suspected to be from the same place, so we can't mess with them. "

When Huang Banxian said this, he secretly sighed that the fate of people would be so different. Fortunately, his target this time was Yu Guo.

Moreover, the first step has been completed...

Thinking of this, a proud smile appeared on that funny yet obscene face.

Although Ji Li knew that Huang Banxian came here with impure intentions, he could not have imagined that the other party's target was actually Yu Guo.

After a brief conversation with Yu Guo, he turned his attention to the business card.

There are only a few gilded fonts on this pure white background, and the name is scary:

"Hide the wind and carry the water - the most professional Feng Shui association in the Hujiang area"

Huang Banxian left this business card, obviously to ask Ji Li to investigate Ms. Hei's purpose of hiring people, so as to gain a head start in the task.

It's a different kind of gesture, but it also indicates that he's hiding his true purpose.

However, Ji Li didn't know enough about the Ninth Branch's people who liked to make mysteries, and he couldn't guess it yet.

But the role of this business card can indeed be of some help to him.

After leaving the cafe, Ji and Yu walked side by side towards the inside of the branch.

Both of them began to speak less because the current clues were complicated, and the most critical one was Su Qin'er.

The nameless ghost came to her again and again, but disappeared for the fourth time. Why?

"Ji Li, do you think the ghost has arrived, but Su Qin'er didn't see it..."

After thinking for a long time, Yu Guo came up with his conjecture, which coincided with Ji Li's thoughts.

Time passes and the ghost approaches, then if the purpose of approaching is not to kill people, but to get into the body...

Would this possibility also hold true?

For example, Su Qin'er's body is now occupied by the ghost.

Yu Guo extended this conjecture and said:

"Li Xing's incident cannot continue to happen. We have to find a way to verify it."

It is not unusual for ghosts to enter the seventh branch. Li Xing is a warning. If ghosts are really allowed to replace the clerk, the following tasks will be even more difficult.

After weighing it repeatedly, Ji Li handed the business card of "Hide the Wind and Carry Water" to Yu Guo and stated his plan of action:

“It’s very close to the start of the mission, and there isn’t much time.

Today you go to investigate this Feng Shui Association and find out what difficulties the woman named Hei encountered.

I personally went to verify whether there was any ghost in Su Qin'er. "

Yu Guo took the business card without objection, and then asked blankly:

"But how do you verify it?"

Ji Li raised his head, looked directly at the sun, took a deep breath, and said lightly:

"I have my own means."

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