Weird Regulator

Chapter 470 Counterclockwise Circle

The form of the mission this time is different from the past.

Because of the news Ji Li brought from the store manager's task, and Ms. Hei's early call, a lot of extra time was spent on the investigation.

However, as time went by, five days passed quietly.

None of the things Ji Li had on hand could establish a sufficient advantage.

On this sunny day, bright sunshine shone into the seven people in the conference room.

The store clerks who can be confirmed to have participated in this task are:

Ji Li, Yu Guo, Zhan Xun, Su Qin'er, Fan Ru, Jiang Jiang, Ma Huaiyu.

Except for Ji and Yu, all of them were newcomers who had never performed a mission.

Among them, only Zhanxun showed good personal qualities.

What's more, Su Qin'er's double choice between ghost and Ji Li gave her a different meaning to this mission.

Ji Li took a rough look at the names of the remaining ones and didn't take them to heart anymore.

There are three things on his desk now.

On the left is the photo brought back from the Moon Platform, in the middle is the business card of the Feng Shui Association, and on the right is the information of the woman named Hei.

As Fang Shenyan said, as long as Ji Li wanted, he could call out anyone's life.

Hei surname is extremely rare in China, let alone in Shanming City.

Coupled with the clues revealed by Huang Banxian, Ji Li quickly locked in the identity of his employer.

At the same time, it was also confirmed that in the photos obtained at the Moon Platform, the woman in them was exactly this woman with the black surname.

Ji Li took a brief look and then said to the people who were whispering below:

"Our employer for this mission is named Gum. He is thirty-one years old.

Her father, Hei Shang, is an expert in history. At a young age, she is also an accomplished scholar of ancient culture among the younger generation in China.

Married at the age of twenty-six, the marriage is stable..."

Ji Li paused for a moment when he said this, because he found that the information did not mention Black Gum's husband, including her children.

Upon seeing this, Yu Guo immediately spoke to the side and explained:

"Lao Fang said that the identity of this black gum is somewhat special in the real world, and many information, including her private information, are kept confidential."

Regarding the identity of Eucalyptus nigra not being very important to them, Yu Guo then went on to talk about his investigation in the Feng Shui Association:

“I’ve been to the Hiding Wind and Carrying Water Association.

But it went out of business and I got nothing. "

Ji Li already knew this in advance so he didn't react much, but the other five newcomers didn't show much interest after hearing this.

Instead, Jiang Jiang stood up and asked Ji Li in a muffled voice:

"Manager Ji, may I ask if the ghost that Miss Su mentioned before is really the ghost of the mission we are about to encounter?"

There are only three important directions for task advance investigation:

Black Gum himself, the photo, and the ghost who seemed to ignore the sinful object.

Now the situation of Eucalyptus nigra is special, and the woman in the photo is confirmed to be her, but the two directions are not clear, and nothing can be analyzed.

For most people, they are more concerned about the information about ghosts.

Ji Li looked up at Jiang Jiang. He recognized this man as the middle-aged man who had given up going to the moon platform before, and said softly:

"I encountered three kinds of ghosts on the moon platform, and I'm not sure it will be the one we have to face in the mission."

Although he said this, the reality is that it is basically certain that the seventh branch will face this ghost.

"Three kinds?"

As the only woman on this mission, Fan Ru keenly captured the key words in this sentence and asked in surprise.

Fan Ru is not too young, nearly forty years old, and is an ordinary person selling meat in the vegetable market.

Although she is a woman, she is extremely tall and has no feminine features on her face. She has short hair and looks a bit vicious.

Ji Li stretched his stiff neck and replied patiently in a low voice:

"The first one is a ghost embryo, the second one is a ghost wearing a windbreaker on the moon platform, and the third one is the one Su Qin'er met.

It's just this second type, I'm not sure whether it's a human or a ghost. "

Several people fell silent after hearing this. In their opinion, the difficulty of this mission was already very high, and they were even considering whether there would be multiple ghosts.

Seeing that the atmosphere had become depressing, Yu Guo stood up and smoothed things over:

"Why are you so nervous?

We are on a joint mission. Even if there are three ghosts, the Ninth Branch will have to share at least one ghost.

So there is a high probability that we only need to face one ghost. After all, the second one Ji Li mentioned may not be a ghost. "

Su Qin'er, who was suspected of being used as a foreshadowing by ghosts and was put under the care of a hundred strange babies by Ji Li, still didn't know what she had experienced.

In addition to having nightmares every day these past few days, she didn't notice any discomfort. At the moment, she was listless and in a depressed state:

"The third ghost we talked about has already found me.

But I still can't figure out why it came to me. How could there be a dead end before the mission even started? "

Su Qin'er has been tortured by this incident quite painfully. She was thinking about this issue all day and all night when she couldn't sleep well.

There is always a reason for being targeted by ghosts, which is death.

But she has been tricked. Although she is fine now, she is likely to be a priority target once she enters the mission.

However, to this day, no one can tell her what the dead end is and how to solve it.

The morale that was finally mobilized by Yu Guo was once again reduced to an even lower ebb due to Su Qin'er's words.

Yu Guo pursed his lips and didn't know what to say. He could only slowly look at Ji Li.

Ji Li was leaning on the chair with his eyes closed at this time. A large number of clues were intertwined, forming a large network that had no connection but internal connections.

The black eucalyptus, the photo, and the ghost Su Qin'er saw are the main lines that can be confirmed in this mission.

But if the mission content is not released, he will never understand the mystery.

The man in windbreaker, the ghost embryo, and the Feng Shui Association are the three hidden lines. It is still completely unclear what role they play in this mission.

The reason why the Feng Shui Association is included in one of them is because the information about hiding wind and carrying water is far from being as understated as Yu Guo said.

Because when Yu Guo arrived at the location on the business card, he saw a group of dead people.

All members of Hidden Wind and Carrying Water, known as the most professional Feng Shui association in the Hujiang area, have been silenced.

What Yu Guo saw were twenty-six corpses with their heads separated. He rummaged through all the severed heads and found a strange commonality.

A sharp instrument was used to carve a pattern of unknown meaning on the foreheads of these people:

A counterclockwise circle.

Originally, Ji Li didn't take the idea of ​​hiding wind and carrying water seriously at all.

However, all the members were silenced and strange patterns were carved on the severed heads, which forced him to regard it as extremely important information.

Is it a ghost killer? Or there was someone else, Ji Li couldn't guess at all.

He needs a line to guide him and connect all the current bright and dark lines.

And this key line only contains the information released by the task.

Going down this road, I believe this is the only thing he has to do in this mission.

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