Weird Regulator

Chapter 478 Three Lives Eight Words

got windy.

The scattered hair swayed disorderly in the air, and dense and high-pitched screams filled the entire room.

In a scene that blended quiet and noisy, Ji Li closed his eyes and silently counted down the last seconds in his heart.

His fingertips tapped gently on the armrest of the leather sofa, beating an unknown rhythm.

The huge coffin in the center of the living room, the heavy and terrifying flapping sound indicated that there were still living people inside.

And what exactly are the people there going through...

Ji Li didn't need to open his eyes or ask, everything was clearly understood.

Nine times out of ten, the deadline has come and the host and hostess have died in vain.

Ghost embryos break out of the jar and are grown with flesh and blood.

"Store manager! Something's wrong! What else is there in here?

Are you going to help me or kill me? ! ! "

Jiang Jiang was dead, the only difference was that he died at the hands of a ghost boy or a mature ghost embryo.

But Ji Li hopes that he can die in the hands of ghost embryos, because this means that he at least has a way to avoid killing.

Although, the price is a bit higher...

The late autumn wind was very cold, blowing over his pale face and blowing his long black hair, giving him a chill.

Ji Li opened his eyes, his gray-black eyes looked into the deep night, and he opened his lips slightly:

"After all, it's just boring tricks..."

When Jiang Jiang's last cry before his death came to an end, this "trick" also came to an end.

Ji Li no longer needed to see the ending in the coffin. He stood up with a calm expression and walked slowly towards the center of the living room.

This time, he personally placed the blue and white porcelain jars into the ancient bronze coffin filled with corpses.

A corpse gushing blood was pulled out from inside, casually dropped on the ground, and left silently.

This villa has been contaminated by a pool of blood, and the original owner has long since disappeared.

There was only an inexplicable male corpse with a severed head, which was discarded on the floor a few meters away from the door.

In the dark and cool night, a man with waist-length hair turned his back to the place where the incident occurred and left sadly.

The passing police car whizzed past, and the red and blue flashing lights reflected on his face, making the figure look a bit unreal.

The man slowly stopped, lowered his head and lit a cigarette, then looked up at the moon helplessly.

In the back view, with three lives, he only got eight words:

"Ignore the crime and kill without explanation."

"Pingxin Road..."

Fan Ru held the address in his hand, and then the moonlight shuttled through an area of ​​bungalows extending in all directions.

Every time she passed a door, she kept looking up and down to see if it was the "No. 122 Pingxin Road" they were looking for.

But ten minutes after they arrived at Pingxin Road, they still couldn't find where No. 122 was.

Pingxin Road in DC District is an urban village. Most of the houses here are self-built. The lanes are crowded and the house numbers are messy.

Even if you walk into an alley, there will be seventeen or eight households. In some places, there are no house numbers at all.

Over time, Fan Ru became impatient. She put down the address in her hand in frustration and said to Zhan Xun in front of her:

"Brother Zhan, we have to find out when this will end. This place is too messy."

Among the four people in the group, there was no backbone. Only Zhan Xun was calm and naturally obeyed his orders.

At this time, Zhan Xun's mentality did not change. He just continued to move forward and replied in a deep voice:

"We can only look for it this way. We are not familiar with the road conditions, and the Ge Hong family is not immune to supernatural events. We must not disperse them."

Fan Ru also understood this truth, but after searching for a long time and finding nothing, her heart became impatient.

Sighing helplessly, she glanced behind her, feeling the anger in her chest disappear.

Ma Huaiyu supported Su Qin'er, who was in a sluggish state, and walked at the end of the team, already some distance away.

It seemed that only Zhan Xun and Fan Ru were bothering to search, so they left with peace of mind.

Fan Ru glared at them, then followed Zhan Xun's footsteps and turned into an unknown alley.

"Miss Su, we have to hurry up and don't fall behind."

Seeing that the two people in front of him had disappeared, Ma Huaiyu immediately tensed up and grabbed Su Qin'er's cold palm and rushed forward.

Su Qin'er looked uneasy after learning that Jiang Jiang had been taken away by Ji Li. She leaned weakly on Ma Huaiyu's arms and said:

"What are Jiang Jiang and Manager Ji doing? Is it possible that the ghost has already taken action?"

At around three o'clock in the night, while walking in the complicated dark alleys, Ma Huaiyu didn't even dare to hear the word "ghost" and quickly interrupted:

"Don't think too much! The store manager must have his own plan..."

It was a good thing that Su Qin'er didn't talk about it. She mentioned ghosts, Ji Li, and the weird behavior of taking Jiang Jiang away, which made him have to start thinking wildly.

Now we are on a mission, especially in such a complex place today.

Ji Li and Yu Guo are not here. The four of them are all newcomers. If the ghost really comes...

Ma Huaiyu didn't dare to think about it. He shuddered and forced himself to speed up, quickly catching up with the two people in front of him.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that he couldn't exert any strength under his feet, as if something was grabbing his trouser leg.

That thing was so powerful that it almost knocked him off his feet.

Ma Huaiyu's body froze completely, the hairs all over his body stood up immediately, and he turned his head slowly and stiffly.

A short figure wrapped in darkness was at his feet, with a pair of pale hands grabbing his trouser legs.

It seemed to be a child, no more than three or four years old. The appearance was too sudden and strange.

Ma Huaiyu's mind was filled with buzzing sounds, and his vision went dark and he almost fell over.

At a moment when nothing was clear, he heard a sharp voice:

"Uncle, have you seen my mother?"

This sentence finally captured his soul. Ma Huaiyu's facial features were distorted and he cursed:

"I'm going to fuck you!"

He raised his foot and kicked the short figure, grabbing the still unconscious Su Qin'er and running away wildly.

"Mr. Ma, what's going on?"

Su Qin'er didn't seem to hear what the child said, but she didn't know why Ma Huaiyu seemed to have a mental breakdown for a moment.

Ma Huaiyu just ran forward, and it wasn't until Su Qin'er spoke that he remembered that he was still holding onto someone.

He suddenly pushed Su Qin'er to the ground and got rid of the restraints.

He ran forward regardless, but even he didn't know where he was going.

In a hurry, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the corner, and he couldn't dodge and hit it.

The black figure's body was like a wall. Ma Huaiyu fell to the ground on his back, blood coming from his nostrils, and wailing in pain.

And he saw that the black figure stretched out a pair of big hands to grab him, and crawled back on all fours in panic.

It wasn't until a familiar voice came that Ma Huaiyu finally realized that the black figure in front of him was Zhan Xun.

"Why are you panicking? Where did Miss Su go? We found Ge Hong's house!"

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