Weird Regulator

Chapter 480 Close the window and seal the door

In the extremely quiet small kitchen, there was no sound at all.

Zhan Xun and Fan Ru looked at each other, catching the fleeting complexity in each other's eyes.

Then in the blink of an eye, a sense of fear of impending disaster emerged.

Zhan Xun held the flashlight in one hand, raised his right hand to grab Fan Ru, and shouted:


However, as soon as these words were spoken, two consecutive banging sounds suddenly sounded, and the two gates to the front yard and the entrance were closed at the same time.

Zhanxun's right hand was still stretching, and had just touched the corner of Fan Ru's clothes.

The sound of a bone shaking was too obvious in the deathly silent environment.

This sound aroused the nerves of the two living people trapped in the secret room. They slowly looked towards where they came from with the light of a single flashlight.

There is Ge Hong's still curled up body.

The sounds of bones came out one after another, her body began to tremble, and a gash was cut in the clothing on her chest...

Fan Ru was closest to the corpse. She had forgotten to breathe, and just saw a pair of hands sticking out of Ge Hong's abdomen.

In the blink of an eye, those arms stretched out all the flesh, and then violently tore it to both sides!

Zhanxun reacted the fastest, picked up a nearby wooden stool and threw it at the door.

There was a loud bang, but the supposedly fragile wooden door was unscathed and could not even be shaken.

Fan Ru's face was ashen, and she began to taste the fear brought by ghosts, just like Zhan Xun showed for the first time.

"Take the window!"

While Fan Ru was stunned, Zhan Xun failed to break through and decisively started to break through from another direction.

He grabbed Fan Ru's arm and rushed towards the back room quickly.

This dilapidated bungalow has a small space, with only the entrance to the kitchen and a small room.

Zhanxun knew that since the door was sealed, the window would most likely not be the way out.

But in this urgent situation, we can only place our hope on that slim chance.

Perhaps because the ghost appeared for such a short time, it was too late to close the window.

Fan Ru's psychological quality is indeed much better than that of ordinary people. After these few seconds, she was able to use her reason to think.

Although the performance was still very flustered, he did not lose his composure.

Seeing Zhanxun climbing onto the kang in one step and banging his elbows on the wooden window crazily, she quickly climbed onto the kang and tried to join in.

But after just a few bumps, Zhanxun gave up completely and said with anxiety on his face:

"For such a small window, I couldn't open it even with four or five blows, which means it can't be broken open by human power."

Fan Ru's body slumped against the solid wood wardrobe placed on the kang, and his voice became shrill due to high tension:

"The door can't be opened and the windows can't be broken. This has become a secret room."

Being trapped in a secret room with a ghost, especially a secret room with such a small area, how low the probability of survival would be...

There was no need to think about this problem at all. It had only been a few seconds since the ghost appeared, and there was no time to think about it.

In this situation, death is almost certain!

In just a few seconds, sweat broke out on Zhanxun's forehead. He suddenly raised his hand and slapped himself twice, forcing his brain to calm down.

"This ghost is definitely not a ghost boy, it appears in a completely different way.

It should be an embryo that developed from a blue and white porcelain jar, which is what I have seen on the moon platform.

Then there should be a solution, there should be a solution..."

Zhan Xun kept mumbling that these analyzes were completely correct, but they were not enough to come up with countermeasures in such an extreme situation.

At this moment, there was a fierce knocking sound outside the window.

Ma Huaiyu's familiar face looked a little blurry through a layer of gray glass.

A muffled shout reached Jin Xun's ears:

"Brother Zhan, the door is sealed and I can't open it no matter what I do!

Is the ghost boy coming? Why did it come at this time? "

Although Ma Huaiyu's appearance only brought a series of nonsense, Zhanxun's eyes lit up.

Because his tapping on the window actually caused the window, which was not very strong, to shake.

"That ghost is at the gate. Break the window and come to me!"

Zhanxun is definitely a smart man. He knows that if there is a ghost in the house, Ma Huaiyu will definitely turn around and run away.

In turn, it can stimulate Ma Huaiyu's will to survive and save everyone.

Although this sentence was full of loopholes, Ma Huaiyu, who had been frightened by ghosts for a long time, did not react at all.

Under Zhanxun's inducement, he seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw and began to beat the window crazily.

And Zhan Xun's eyes became brighter and brighter. Sure enough, the ghost in the porcelain jar was not that powerful.

It can only be broken from the inside, but can be broken from the outside.

From the initial elbow strike, Ma Huaiyu started to use both hands and heads. The looseness of the window was already obvious.

But at this moment, Fan Ru suddenly pushed Zhan Xun aside and slowly pointed to the door of the back room:

"That's too late……"

In the sight of the two of them, a pale hand touched the door frame, leaving a dark palm print.

A face was exposed in front of them, only half the size of an adult's hand, but so terrifying.

It was a deformed face, with all the facial features squeezed into the center of the face and wrinkled.

The skin is also extremely smooth, as if it is stained with some kind of mucus. When the naked body is exposed, there is an umbilical cord that has not been cut short.

If we talk about the ghost boy who was suspected of murdering someone without explanation, then this one is a baby ghost that was obviously just born.

Although you can't tell whether its eyes are open, it is crawling forward vigorously.

The long umbilical cord continued to drag forward with every step it took.

Upon seeing this, Zhan Xun turned his head suddenly and stopped looking at it. Instead, he yelled at Ma Huaiyu outside the window:

"It's just a broken window, why haven't you opened it yet?"

Zhan Xun's gaffe made Fan Ru's legs weak and he put his hands on the wardrobe, but they were tightly clasped together.

She looked at the infant ghost that was approaching step by step, with extremely complicated emotions on her face. When her fear reached its peak, she made an astonishing move.

The outbreak of fear gave her the courage to risk everything.

She cursed angrily and jumped out of the kang:

"You big bastard, I don't believe you can kill me!"

Fan Ru's behavior was different from ordinary people. Zhan Xun didn't react at all. He was about to stop him, but it was too late.

When her body that escaped was about to collide with the baby ghost, she was surprised to find that the ghost suddenly disappeared in front of her eyes.

As his body was heavily dragged to the ground, Fan Ru felt a sudden sharp pain in his abdomen before he had time to think.

Fan Ru's belly began to squirm, and she could clearly feel something scurrying back and forth in her belly through the material of her clothes.

The severe pain hit her like a tide, and she forgot how to call out. She could only curl up her body and resist with all her strength.

But she couldn't stop it at all. Her belly began to bulge at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if she was pregnant in an instant.

Zhan Xun's eyes were full of horror, and he didn't dare to breathe because he could imagine that Fan Ru might be disemboweled by the baby ghost in the next second.

At this moment, Ma Huaiyu stopped breaking the window.

The wooden door of the back room was kicked into pieces by a stern man with long hair in a trench coat, and all the struggle and panic stopped in an instant.

The man entered the house at the same time as Feng, stepped over the pool of blood in the kitchen, and threw Jiang Jiang's severed head onto the kang.

Gray-black eyes glanced coldly at the stunned Zhan Xun, pulled out a sharp dagger, and pointed it at Fan Ru, who was surging on the ground.

"It's useless, so many people will just wait to die?"

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