Weird Regulator

Chapter 482 The person who should be robbed

"Ji Li, people from the Ninth Branch are here!"

Yu Guo's voice was very low on the microphone, and there was no sound in the background except his own breathing.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he brought a piece of information that Ji Li was quite unexpected about.

Ji Li was already very jealous of the Ninth Branch, but he never expected that the other party would start taking action so quickly.

The intersection of the two branches starts with Eucalyptus nigra.

"Do you know what they are here for?"

However, Ji Li had already expected this, so he didn't appear as surprised as Yu Guo.

"I hid in the closet at Black Gum's house and could only hear a general outline.

It seemed that Huang Banxian and the others wanted to inquire about some information from Black Eucalyptus, which annoyed this woman very much.

The two parties only talked for a few minutes before the black gums drove these people out of the house. "

Yu Guo was naturally bold and careful, so it was no surprise that he dared to break into Hei Guo's home to eavesdrop on information.

But it was normal for him not to hear the key points due to the unexpected situation at the Ninth Branch.

When Yu Guo said this, he paused for a moment and whispered:

"The main reason why I gave up the text message contact you asked me to do is to ensure that the information about the arrival of the Ninth Branch is timely.

But the second reason is..."

Ji Li frowned slowly when he heard this. He had never seen Yu Guo speak so hesitantly before, and he felt a slight sense of uncertainty in his heart.

So he asked tentatively: "What is the second reason?"

Yu Guo sighed helplessly on the other end of the phone and answered a few words:

"I saw that ghost."

When Ji Li heard this, his fingers holding the phone trembled. He slowly lowered his head and stopped talking.

"It appeared nine minutes ago, at 1:27...

Jiang Jiang was taken away by you. We previously speculated that he killed people without any explanation and ignored the crime. Is this true? "

Yu Guo's voice was low and hoarse. Although his tone was calm, there was a sense of unwillingness and fear.

What he was unwilling to do was to encounter this unprecedentedly difficult task just before winter;

Fear of being chosen by that ghost too early.

What he is afraid of is that he will not survive the winter...

Ji Li stopped moving forward when he heard Yu Guo's voice on the phone. The three people around him looked at him worriedly.

Looking up at the sky, where there was chaos and darkness, Ji Li said softly:

"That's right, that ghost kills people without any explanation and ignores the crime."

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be pierced to the heart by these firm words, and stopped talking for a long time.

Ji Li took a deep breath, adjusted his fluctuating rationality, and asked calmly:

"How did that ghost you saw appear?"

“It was so far outside the closet that I couldn’t see clearly, it was just a black shadow.

But I definitely felt like it was staring at me, it was obvious. "

Yu Guo was selected too early, and it was less than two hours before the mission started.

Nothing is obvious yet, including the way to life and death, and why he is being targeted.

Yu Guo would never sit still and wait for death, but the ghost boy's ignorance of the crime object meant that he could not even delay time.

The first appearance was nine minutes ago, and he has not yet left Black Gum's home, which shows that his intention is to continue completing Ji Li's plan.

Knowing that his death was approaching, he was still willing to carry out the plan with restraint, which represented Yu Guo's enthusiasm for Ji Li.

Ji Li was still so rational, with no emotion written on his face. He glanced at the time and said softly:

"The ghost killed someone for the third time, with an interval of 13 minutes each time, which means you still have about 15 minutes of life left.

Listen, from this moment on, no matter how much you pay, you must enter Tiannan Drama Academy within 15 minutes! "

These words shocked Yu Guo, and he repeated in shock:

"Going to Tiannan Drama Academy?"

Ji Li looked calm and said firmly:

"Yes, that ghost from Tiannan College is the strongest ghost we have ever seen roaming around.

Judging from the information we have obtained twice, you are of extremely important significance to it.

The root ghost of Tiannan College is your biggest talisman!

Only by its side do you have a glimmer of hope. "

The person on the other end of the phone let out a long sigh of relief and then hung up the phone completely.

Ji Li silently put down his phone. He turned around and looked at the three people who were looking at him in confusion, and then looked at Zhan Xun:

"Zhanxun, you will take over Yu Guo's job and track the black gum.

You may have been more professional in doing this kind of thing in your previous profession, but I hope you won't disappoint me again this time. "

Although no one knew exactly what happened with the call from Yu Guo, it was obvious that something unexpected had happened.

Zhan Xun trembled when he heard this. He didn't choose to ask more questions. He just nodded firmly and immediately turned around and left.

"Manager Ji, where are we going next?"

Su Qin'er looked at Zhan Xun's figure gradually disappearing into the darkness, looked at the team of only three people left, and asked timidly.

"Wang Ting is going to be Jiayun's class teacher."

Ji Li didn't seem to have changed his plans at all because of Yu Guo's accident, he said expressionlessly.

"But store manager, my injury is really..."

Fan Ru painfully covered the wound on his abdomen and said with a painful expression.

But Ji Li turned around suddenly, interrupting her unfinished words, his eyes as fierce as an evil spirit.

"Shut up and stop wasting my time."

Then he raised his hand and fired two shots into the air, forcing a car that was rushing in front to stop.

When something happened to Yu Guo so early, Ji Li was not as indifferent as he appeared on the surface.

In a dark corner outside the villa at No. 4314 Qingyuan Road, a group of six people huddled together and whispered.

A tall man with blond hair and blue eyes squatted on the spot and poked a strange-looking Taoist priest next to him.

"Fengjiao, the mission Hei Qingshan gave us is so weird, his daughter is obviously Black Gum.

Black Gum lives here just fine, why do we need to look for his daughter? "

The Taoist priest with sinister eyebrows and stern eyes glanced at him sideways, and retorted while holding the worn compass in his palm:

"Xiao Kezi, if you call me by my real name again, Pindao will send you to see the Patriarch."

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore." The foreigner withdrew his playful smile in time.

The Taoist priest held the compass in his left hand, pinched his fingers with his right hand, and said in a solemn voice:

"The mission Hei Qingshan gave us is indeed strange, but the most important thing now is not this.

Before entering Black Gum's house, I quietly burned three sticks of incense at the door. When I came out, they were burned into two short and one long sticks. "

A short fat man sitting on the grass, his small eyes shining, asked softly:

"Half Immortal, what does this mean?"

The goatee at the corner of the Taoist priest's mouth twitched a few times, his eyes fixed on the compass in his palm, and he explained:

"This means there is something dirty in the home of the black gum, and the person who was in the house just now caused it."

The fat man seemed to have no doubts about what the Taoist priest said, and his expression became nervous, and he quickly asked:

"Then can you figure out who among us will be?"

There was a hint of hesitation on the Taoist priest's thin, knife-like face, and then he pulled out three short wooden sticks from his wide cuffs.

After putting down the compass, put the three wooden sticks together in the palm of your hands, rub them up and down three times, and chant something in your mouth.

Finally, he raised his arms high and thrust them vertically into the grass one by one.

Everyone put their heads together and watched the results.

The Taoist priest pushed everyone away and walked around the three exposed wooden sticks of different lengths several times.

As for the two shorter sticks, they were inserted into the soil crosswise and entangled with each other, as if by coincidence.

Then he frowned and glanced at everyone's face, and finally said softly:

"This disaster should be blamed on two people. Their lives and deaths are intertwined, and their fates are intertwined.

If one party dies first, the other party will escape disaster;

But these two people must not meet each other, otherwise their destiny will be broken and they will both die! "

"Who is responsible for the disaster? Half-immortal, please tell me!"

This hexagram was beyond everyone's expectations, because so far, their ninth branch has not seen any ghosts.

What's more, for that last sentence, Ying Jie and Ying Jie couldn't meet each other at all.

But with everyone in the Ninth Branch gathered here, wouldn’t it be that the divination has already been broken?

"One of the two Ying Jie people is Duan Shisan..."

This Duan Shisan was the short fat man who kept asking about hexagrams before. When he heard this, he immediately fell to the ground in frustration.

The foreigner who was called Xiao Kezi before quickly asked:

"The second person?"

The Taoist priest narrowed his eyes to a slit, changed his usual unreliability, and revealed the secret with one word.

"Besides us, there was another hidden character in the house just now!"

I am going to take an exam out of town tomorrow. I have been preparing for an important exam for four months.

After the exam, there will be nothing to worry about. Maybe I can update more.

Updates will not be resumed until next Monday. I hope this trip can fulfill my wish.

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