Weird Regulator

Chapter 489 Intrusion into eyes

From the first time she met Ji Li, Wang Ting was always in an environment of panic and urgency.

Too many factors added together would have a huge impact on an ordinary person.

But it seemed that it was precisely for this reason that when Ji Li was forcibly pushed into a dark and cold space, Wang Ting's first feeling was not fear, but numbness.

The rumbling sound of machinery hitting the wall was obviously clearer in this closed coffin.

Wang Ting didn't remember anything at the moment. She just instinctively moved closer to the only living person around her.

Ji Li was always calculating the time of his fall. When his body felt a strong impact, he hugged Wang Ting and pressed against the coffin wall as much as possible.

While there was a buzzing sound in his brain, he felt a brief pain in his limbs, but he finally reached the first floor.

Ji Li shook his head vigorously to dispel the chaos in his mind, and asked in a deep voice:

"Are you OK?"

"'s okay..."

Wang Ting has long lost the ability to think independently and only knows how to obey Ji Li.

Ji Li rubbed his sore shoulders and put his hand on the cold coffin lid, but did not dare to open the coffin immediately.

That ghost must be waiting for him on the first floor, perhaps at the moment when the coffin is opened.

His breathing could be heard clearly in the small space. In the extremely quiet situation, Ji Li spoke softly:

"Third brother, can you hear any movement outside the coffin?"

After about three or four seconds, the third personality gave the answer:

"I didn't hear the sound, but that doesn't mean it really wasn't guarding the door."

This answer obviously had no reference value, and Ji Li also hesitated.

He tried his best to escape from the secret room in 707 and tried his best to do so, but in fact he was still in a secret room.

After hesitating for a long time with his palm on the coffin lid, Ji Li slowly dug his nails into the gap and opened it inch by inch.

During this slow process, the third personality is ready to stare at the cracks that are about to be exposed.

However, when the crack did not appear completely and was just a ray of light squeezed in, a hand came to hold the coffin lid from the outside.

Ji Li reacted very quickly and took his palm back almost as soon as the hand appeared.

Then he raised his foot and kicked the coffin lid away. Taking advantage of this short gap, he grabbed Wang Ting and sprinted out without caring.

There is still not much light outside the elevator, and all the lights here have already failed.

But the unit door had long been left open by Ji Li when he came, and where the moonlight was, was the direction to escape.

But with a lame Wang Ting, Ji Li's original speed was greatly reduced, and he could only run a few steps.

Wang Ting's exclamation forced him to turn around immediately.

At this glance, standing in front of the paralyzed elevator was a white body that looked like a drowned body after death.

It's hard to see clearly from a distance. All I know is that he is short and thin, like a child.

When I saw it for the second time, I found that it had appeared behind Wang Ting, reaching out to grab Wang Ting with the same pale hand.

This is a child of four or five years old, a boy.

In the flash of lightning, Ji Li couldn't help but think more about the ghost's identity, but he knew very well that Wang Ting could not be allowed to die.

At the very least, you can’t die now!

For this reason, Ji Li, who had always been selfish, suddenly pulled Wang Ting over with his wrist, and used inertia to switch positions with her.

The ghost's hand, which represented killing, grabbed Ji Li.

However, due to the change of positions and the fact that the ghost was too short, Ji Li was only lightly touched by him on his trouser leg.

He wasn't completely caught by it, and he didn't notice anything unusual at first.

It was as if the ghost's hand had just brushed against him.

These thoughts only flashed through him during the first contact. As he changed positions, he stretched out his hands and pushed Wang Ting hard on her back.

Although Wang Ting's foot was injured, with this help, she threw herself towards the unclosed unit door.

This door finally came out.

Wang Ting fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment. The cold moonlight shone on her face, reflecting the fear and shock she felt afterward.

She lay on the ground for ten seconds before suddenly turning around and looking into the unit door.

The mysterious and calm man did not follow her out.

On the contrary, the iron door representing escape was completely closed, and all the windows in the entire building that had lights on were turned off.

The entire Building 3 was plunged into pure darkness.

Looking at the door that was so close and within reach, Ji Li knew that he would never have the chance to push it open.

The moment he pushed Wang Ting out, he didn't regret it at all.

After turning back to look at the ghost that actually appeared, he understood everything.

707 is a small secret room, but Building 3 is a larger secret room. As long as it is willing to create, it can always get what it wants.

However, Ji Li looked at the boy whose appearance was almost the same as that of a ghost boy, and already had a rough guess in his mind.

Regarding the speculation about the ghost that originated from this mission.

The first ghost boy who killed Wu Jie, the second ghost baby in Ge Hong's family, and then the second ghost boy who tried his best to create a secret room in front of us...

Perhaps, they all belong to the same category.

They represent the stages of growth of the embryo in the blue and white porcelain jar.

The first step is a ghost baby with low abilities, the second step is a ghost boy with mature mind, and the third step will turn into a murderous ghost with no solution.

Ji Li didn't know if there was a fourth step, but the one in front of him had obviously grown to the second step.

He looked at the ghost boy who had not moved, and slowly took two steps back. Suddenly he felt something strange in his legs.

Gently lift the trouser leg, and there is something burrowing under the skin of the calf.

The pain was not obvious, but the feeling of terror was too familiar to him, as he had just experienced it during his job as store manager not long ago.

Ji Li narrowed his eyes, and after thinking for a moment, a smile appeared on his lips, and he whispered to himself:

"I see……"

The mind interference ability of a crying baby, the ability to teleport out of thin air, growth from the body of a living person, the growth pattern of children...

All of this is so similar to a hundred-headed monster baby.

Just as Ji Li's silent meditation ended, the ghost boy suddenly disappeared, and large pools of blood suddenly appeared in all directions.

The blood began to spread rapidly, as if it had consciousness, and the center point was where Ji Li was.

At this moment, a fist-sized lump appeared on his calf, bulging out of his pants.

What this means is self-evident.

There was no panic on Ji Li's face. He ignored the spreading pool of blood, the disappearing ghost boy, and the growing blood pimples. He just clapped his hands gently.

Although the ghost boy was scary, his inextricable connection with the hundred-headed monster baby made him certain that his life would not be in danger during this trip.

Moreover, the way to survive has become too obvious at this point.

The ghost boy tried every means to create a secret room environment to kill people. It seemed sinister, but it also exposed its fatal weakness.

Thinking of the special way of its existence, as long as you think backwards, a simple way out will automatically emerge.

Ji Li watched its performance quietly, as if he had a plan in mind.

At this moment, in a clinic not too far away from here, Su Qin'er was accompanying Fan Ru to perform incision treatment.

But suddenly she shivered, and something seemed to be taken away from somewhere in her body.

When Su Qin'er turned her head towards the night outside the window, she only saw a blurry white shadow running quickly into the distance.

But then, another hidden black shadow waited for a long time, finally got the opportunity to invade, and suddenly plunged into Su Qin'er's eyes!

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