Weird Regulator

Chapter 544 Secret

At this time, the singer in the bar picked up the guitar again and sang soothing songs.

The cozy atmosphere all around makes every customer feel comfortable.

But the two people in the corner were talking about something too heavy and dark.

Ji Li read these two very important words in his heart, frowned and asked:

"Is hell just a metaphor, or does it have actual meaning?"

Clay shook his head solemnly and said vaguely:

"I don't know, Gu Xingjian just said this when he commented on Li Yi in front of everyone.

He said that Li Yi was a little ghost who escaped from hell and hid in the world pretending to be a god.

I recently added, Manager Ji, you and Li Yi are from the same place. "

The word hell has always been synonymous with the environment of Tianhai Hotel that the clerks use.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it has practical significance, but it is not an exaggeration to say that it is just a term for venting.

In short, Gu Xingjian's evaluation of Ji Li and Li Yi must be because he knew something.

Ji Li looked at the woman singing on the stage, smoking a cigarette in her mouth, and continued to ask after a while:

"Let's talk about Gu Xingjian."

In fact, Ji Li knew very little about Gu Xingjian. He didn't know how he got to where he is today step by step, and what his identity and background were.

He once tried to search for information about this person, but in the end he found nothing.

Clay pulled the chair back to its original position, crossed his legs, and said with a relaxed expression:

"You have worked with him as a store manager, so I won't talk about his behavior and style.

In fact, I don’t know much about his identity and background. It was already very late when I entered the branch.

But according to his own words, he was once just a playboy who played in the world and did not do his job properly. "

Playing in the world and not doing your job...

It is unimaginable that such words fall on Gu Xingjian.

If Gu Xingjian was just a simple rich second generation, Ji Li would definitely not be able to find out his identity.

Therefore, either Gu Xingjian used some tricks behind his back after entering the branch.

Or maybe he is really not a rich second generation that ordinary people can contact.

After Clyde paused for a moment, he suddenly said something mysteriously:

“Except for Huang Banxian, the current Ninth Branch no longer has any clerks from two-star hotels.

But I heard Huang Banxian let slip once and found out some secret things.

Gu Xingjian has an older brother named Gu Xingzhi, who is also in the Ninth Branch.

And this Gu Xingzhi was supposed to be the store manager of the ninth branch! "


When Ji Li heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The task of store manager is a watershed moment for a branch.

Becoming a store manager not only allows you to have more authority, but also provides you with a step to gain greater strength.

Except for Huang Banxian, all the old store clerks before taking up the job as store manager died.

The fact that Gu Xingjian had a brother who was also in the Ninth Branch was almost never mentioned.

"Gu Xingzhi..."

If this news is true, then a major change must have occurred between the brothers Gu Xingzhi and Gu Xingjian.

It was precisely because of this incident that the brother who was supposed to be the store manager died.

On the contrary, Gu Xingjian, who had always been unknown, suddenly became the store manager of the second largest branch.

“Unfortunately, there was no joint pick-up at two-star hotels before.

None of the other branches knew Gu Xingzhi, and all the old clerks in the store were dead.

It can be said that no one knows what happened between the brothers.

Apart from……"

Clay had to say this and deliberately stopped talking.

But both of them knew in their hearts that Huang Banxian, the only insider, was very important.

Although it is not clear what the secret between the Gu Xingjian brothers is, Huang Banxian must be won over.

Huang Banxian was probably the only chance to defeat Gu Xingjian.

But Ji Li felt vaguely uneasy. As Gu Xingjian's only remaining "weakness", how could Huang Banxian live for so long...

"Oh, by the way, Huang Banxian's last mission came with Gu Xingjian's secret instructions.

He wanted to know the secrets about Yu Guo.

According to Gu Xingjian's description, Yu Guo is burdened with a huge cause and effect, and the weight of this cause and effect can affect the survival of a branch. "

This was the last thing Clay had to say to Ji Li.

Ji Li was caught off guard. He didn't expect that Clay would bring such a piece of heavy information.

There is only one cause and effect for Yu Guo, which runs through the whole life.

But he never took this matter to heart, even though the root ghost of Tiannan College was very strong.

Can Yu Guo's incident affect the survival of a branch?

The object of Gu Xingjian's crime was strange, and Huang Banxian was good at calculating, so it was not surprising to learn about Yu Guo's information.

But this evaluation is too high.

For the first time, Ji Li took the matter of Tiannan Theater Academy seriously and elevated its importance.

"Which branch is it?"

“I don’t know which one it is, that’s just how he described it.

Moreover, Gu Xingjian had already succeeded. "

Clay recounted the incident from beginning to end.

In the last mission, the second half of Yu Guo's body was made of Duan Shisan from the Ninth Branch.

After the mission, he went directly back to the branch and regenerated his original body.

But his body that "died" on the suburban road was taken away by Huang Banxian.

Using the method of holding incense to bring back the soul, the movement trajectory of Yu Guo's body is reproduced.

Finally, we came up with a place name: Tiannan Theater Academy.

With place names, everything is naturally available.

After all, with the methods of the Ninth Branch, it is too easy to see if there are ghosts in a place.

After hearing this, Ji Li still couldn't figure out what Gu Xingjian was doing.

But his goal is also very simple. He cannot be allowed to succeed. At the very least, he must impose obstacles.

"Do you have a list of the clerks at the Ninth Branch?"

Clay knew what Ji Li was going to do, so he turned on his phone and sent Ji Li an email.

Ji Li looked at the list full of names and introductions, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Even late at night, the other side was quickly connected.

"Teacher Fang, there is an emergency.

Tiannan Drama Academy was targeted by Gu Xingjian from the Ninth Branch, fearing that something bad was going to happen.

I sent you the list of the Ninth Branch. Only the people on this list have appeared near Tiannan College recently.

Come and kill one by one.

If Gu Xingjian used supernatural means, you would also be responsible for cleaning it up. "


The other end of the phone simply answered and hung up.

Ji Li frowned as he was reviewing what happened at Tiannan Drama Academy.

Clyde's business has been finished, and he can finally drink wine and enjoy music leisurely.

Ji Li raised his wrist and took a look. It was already early five o'clock in the morning, and it was almost time.

He stood up, planning to leave, and asked Clyde:

"Want to go to Zhenjing Taoist Temple with me?"

Clay held the wine bottle and shrank exaggeratedly into his chair, saying as if in fear:

"Manager Ji, please spare me, I know enough secrets.

I've almost offended Gu Xingjian, and I don't want to offend anyone again. "

After Ji Li glanced at him, he no longer had any nostalgia for this place and walked quickly towards the main entrance of the bar.

Before leaving, he heard Clyde shout in this direction:

"Tell me about Teacher Fang in your mouth. If you meet that girl Jiang Xi, show mercy. She is my Chinese teacher."

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