Weird Regulator

Chapter 556 Smile at me

The time is 9:50 pm, outside the World Heritage Museum.

The seven clerks were divided into two groups, guarding the three entrances and exits.

back door.

Group members: Hong Fu and Chen Wen.

Dive down to the entrance of the underground passage and hide in front of the door.


Members of the second group: Tongguan and Feng Jiafu.

They chose to hide in the backyard exit of St. Anthony's Cathedral so they could observe the situation at any time.

main entrance.

Three group members: Jin Xi and Ding Wangshu.

The two sat side by side in front of the flower bed ten meters away from the museum, pretending to be tourists and playing with their mobile phones.

In the parking space on the street opposite the World Heritage Museum, commercial vehicles parked there quietly.

Fang Shenyan sat in the passenger seat and observed the overall situation from an outsider's perspective.

The seven clerks were doing their own thing, and Tongguan's voice came from the wireless headset.

"Is everyone in their places?"

"One group is in place."

"Three groups are in place."

The backyard of the church is less than thirty meters away from the safe passage of the World Heritage Museum.

Tongguan believes that this kind of escort task should take a safe passage, and then enter the freight elevator inside the museum and go directly to the collection warehouse.

The targets at the front entrance and back entrance were too large and the security level was low, so one and three groups were arranged to keep track of them.

Leave the most likely location to yourself.

After getting everyone's response, Tongguan nodded, tapped the headset and said:

"It's still a long time, so you don't have to be alert all the time. Just pay attention to the time and the sound."

After one group and three groups responded respectively, Tongguan turned off the microphone and sat at the door of the church backyard to recharge his batteries.

Feng Jiafu was lying on the wall, with only half of his head exposed, but the moonlight reflected on his head.

"Brother Tong, can we just wait for the rest of the time?"

Tongguan nodded and explained softly:

“In fact, no matter how many response plans we make, plans can never keep up with changes.

The six ideas proposed are just to save time as much as possible after the task officially begins.

At the very least, we now have to wait until the escort truck arrives before we can determine the real course of action. "

Feng Jiafu looked calmly at the World Heritage Museum, the inconspicuous security passage, and the silver door was tightening.

After being silent for a moment, he said in a deep voice:

“We all guessed that the painting-grabbing operation would be almost impossible to succeed.

The reason for this idea is that Tianhai will never let us complete the task in such an opportunistic way.

So even if the painting competition fails, what will be the reason for our failure? "

Feng Jiafu's question is very insightful. He is trying to analyze the essence of the matter.

Tongguan nodded appreciatively. He was also thinking about this question, but he didn't have a clear answer yet.

“Possibility one: The ‘skins’ escort method will not give us a chance to grab paintings;

Possibility two: Tianhai will set up some kind of obstacle to prevent us from grabbing the painting near eleven o'clock;

Possibility three: The ‘skin’ will arrive in a way we can’t think of. "

Tongguan gave three possibilities, but after all, the matter had not happened yet, so he had nothing else but these three general guesses.

Feng Jiafu read through these three possibilities and soon discovered that if each one came true, they would have no way to deal with it.

He let out a long sigh, shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"It seems that neither you nor Mr. Fang's best plan will come true."

The best strategy for Tongguan and Fang Shenyan was to grasp the "skin bag" at 11 o'clock and complete the task ahead of schedule.

But this is too beautiful to be true.

As for the World Monuments Museum, they will have to go in sooner or later, and they can only see whether they are responding to the middle or the worst strategy.

Jin Xi proposed merging Tong and Fang's plans.

During this free time, everyone already has a rough outline in mind.

The painting-grabbing operation is successful, what should I do next?

If the painting-grabbing operation fails, how should we carry out the task?

Everyone is thinking in their minds, silently formulating their own opinions.

The sky was high and the wind was clear, and the bright moonlight covered every inch of the Saint-Antoine Cathedral Square.

Three groups of six people each stayed on their own territory, taking the last moments of rest before the war.

At this time, Tongguan's cell phone vibrated silently in his pocket. He swiped the screen and found a text message from Mei Sheng.

“The front and back of Republic Street are shrouded in unknown fog, and a supernatural blockade is implemented, making it impossible to enter or exit.

The result of Little Chidaba's test is that this barrier is harmless to all of us.

The fog on Minguo Street has nothing to do with the Seventh Branch, but the location where it appears is too ambiguous.

I decided to stay still and wait for the break to determine the opponent's purpose. "

Immediately afterwards, there was another text message from Yu Guo.

"Ji Li can't be contacted, so we probably can't count on him.

But the will of the hotel is present, and all the ghosts on the second floor are quiet.

There are also a large number of us, no matter how powerful the ghost is, we will not dare to attack the seventh branch.

Just carry out your mission with peace of mind, and don't worry about things at home. "

Chang Nian had no contact with Tongguan, but the last paragraph was clearly her tone.

Tongguan smiled slightly. The seventh branch now has many capable people, enough to stabilize the rear.

Branch 7 is weird.

Ji Li is the store manager, but he is just a hands-off shopkeeper who never cares about the construction and security of the branch.

Many internal matters are handled by Tongguan.

He doesn't care what others think of him. Tongguan just wants those who enter the seventh branch to have a stable "home" and live together with faith.

"Mr. Tong, there is something going on with Group 2."

At this moment, Jin Xi's clear voice sounded from Tongguan's headset.

"There is a couple walking towards the World Monuments Museum."

"Can you see the purpose?"

"Holding up the phone, I think it's a tourist here to take night photos." Jin Xi's answer was clear.

Although the World Heritage Museum is closed at this time, the scenery is beautiful after all, and it is unique for people who come to take photos.

Before Tongguan could answer, Fang Shenyan's cold voice sounded in everyone's headsets.

"Don't worry about it, I want these two people."

The seven people were divided into three groups, but Fang Shenyan was in his own group, separated from everyone else.

He has his own thoughts and decisions, and naturally no one can interfere with them.

But just by his words, everyone understood what he was going to do.

Sure enough, the couple held up their selfie sticks and walked towards the main entrance.

Jin Xi and Ding Wangshu were sitting in front of the flower bed, watching a cold wind blowing behind them.

Fang Shenyan, dressed in black, was like a ghost in the middle of the night, approaching so quickly without making any sound of footsteps.

He took something out of his sleeve, put it around the man's neck, and brought him down instantly.

Facing the sudden attack, the female companion was knocked down by Fang Shenyan at the same time before she could cry out.

Jin Xi and Ding Wangshu stared blankly at this scene, watching Fang Shenyan dragging two unconscious bodies past them with one hand at a time.

It only took half a minute from the time Fang Shenyan appeared to the time he left.

too fast.

"I've heard that this uncle is evil and ruthless. He is too professional in this kind of thing."

Ding Wangshu was not only not afraid of Fang Shenyan, but also had a hint of admiration in his eyes.

Jin Xi did not comment on Fang Shenyan's actions, she was just worried about her situation.

Being famous is not as good as meeting him. No matter what kind of bad reputation Fang Shenyan had heard before, it was far inferior to what he saw before him.

Now Jin Xi realized that this seemingly ordinary man regarded human life as nothing.

He is searching for the lives of passers-by to serve as scapegoats for the mission.

Once the lives of these passers-by are used up, he will definitely use his methods on the store clerks in his team.

Not long after, Fang Shenyan's calm voice came from everyone's headsets again.

"Everyone, after the mission begins, pay attention to the third floor.

When I approached the museum just now, there was a female ghost's face pressed against the glass, smiling at me. "

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