Weird Regulator

Chapter 561 The smile on the face

The deadline is approaching, and there is a tremor.

All six clerks gathered around the wall of the main entrance, leaning over a manuscript spread out on the ground.

On this large piece of paper, the regional distribution of the World Heritage Museum is drawn in a particularly neat way.

Tongguan started writing, squatting on the ground, referring to the information on his cell phone, and continued writing.

The manuscript is now divided into six parts from top to bottom, representing the six floors.

The six halls are subdivided into 46 themed exhibition halls and countless small exhibition halls.

Under the negative third floor, Tongguan marked a small area and marked it next to it:

"Collection Library"

After doing all this, the floor plan of the World Heritage Museum has been completely drawn.

Tongguan flicked his wrist tiredly, raised his head and scanned the crowd, then pointed his finger at the "collection warehouse".

“Even if the ‘Skin’ painting arrived in a way we couldn’t have imagined.

But I still insist that the most likely location for it is in the 'collection warehouse'.

The second possibility is that you have already entered the painting gallery on the third floor.

So, entering the first target of the mission, I placed it in the underground warehouse on the third floor. "

No matter how weird things get, no matter how many ghosts there are in the museum, Branch 7’s mission is simple and clear.

The target is only skin.

The plan is to get it by any means and at any cost!

Jin Xi examined the manuscript from the side, closed his eyes and began to construct three-dimensional figures in his mind.

While she was constructing an exploded view of the museum in her mind, she compared it with the behemoth in front of her.

After being silent for a while, she squatted beside Tongguan and pointed to the painting gallery on the third floor.

“We don’t have much time, since there are two possibilities.

Then our best approach is to split up.

For example, you lead a group of people to the collection warehouse, and the rest of the people go to the painting gallery. "

A normal plan should be like this.

But Tongguan did not propose this plan, mainly because of Fang Shenyan.

"Fang Shenyan entered the museum in advance, and the main purpose was to find out information about ghosts.

We must wait for him to come back and get information about the ghost.

Then decide whether to split up. "

Hong Fu checked the time on the side, raised his head and looked at the museum under the night sky and said:

"But Teacher Fang has been in the library for more than forty minutes.

Not a word was spoken during this period, and it was unclear what he was going through.

There are only five minutes left before the mission begins. "

After hearing this, Chen Wen shrank into the crowd and whispered:

"He wouldn't have been..."

His voice was very low, but Hong Fu heard him clearly, and he slapped Chen Wen on the head.


That's Fang Shenyan, his overall strength is simply the strongest in the store!

Unless he encounters a ghost that can kill him instantly, which ghost can kill him silently with just the white-faced ghost mask? "

Not only was Hong Fu dissatisfied, but even Tongguan and others didn't like hearing Chen Wen's words.

Because if even Fang Shenyan would be killed instantly, then they wouldn't have to carry out the mission at all.

Chen Wen did not dare to speak this time, and huddled in the corner, silent.

The atmosphere then became silent, and no one said anything anymore.

The sound of wind kept echoing in everyone's ears, and the door at the main entrance that Fang Shenyan had pried open was constantly in contact with the wind.

"Dang, Dang, Dang..."

The metal door frame and the marble wall were constantly colliding, as if playing some kind of countdown.

There are only three minutes left until midnight.

Feng Jiafu, who had never spoken, pressed his hand on his messy hair in the wind and suddenly said:

“Do you think there are any other living people in the museum now?

For example, a warehouse manager or a security guard on duty at a museum? "

The last three minutes.

Fang Shenyan finally arrived on the third floor. He stood in front of the painting gallery, feeling a little ups and downs.

The first ghost to appear, Stephanie's smile, is here.

Likewise, skin may be here too.

Everything related to it is inseparable from the main third floor of the Painting Gallery.

At this moment, there were only two passers-by left beside him.

A bald man and a tall woman.

Four of the six passers-by who were brought there have died one after another.

One person is in the Porcelain Hall on the third floor below;

There is no herbarium on the second floor;

One person is at the Nordic Art Museum on the first floor;

There is one in the sculpture gallery on the first floor;

One in the Art and Crafts Museum on the second floor;

Six themed pavilions, six ghosts, and four human lives.

Now only the most critical third floor, the painting gallery, remains.

If nothing unexpected happens, the ghost in the painting gallery should be that Stephanie smile.

Fang Shenyan also had a little expectation about this painting and how it would kill people.

"Are you ready?"

Fang Shenyan pulled the bald man to her side and asked such a question with some unknown mentality.

The bald man had lived all the way from the third floor to the present. He naturally knew what it meant when he heard this.

The huge bald head quickly shook wildly, whining as if to say that he was not ready.

But the next second, he was pushed into the art corridor of the painting gallery by Fang Shenyan.

Fang Shenyan followed closely behind him, only half a body behind him, and also entered the painting gallery.

As soon as his feet stepped on the floor tiles of the painting gallery, the hairs all over his body stood up immediately.

A gust of cold air rushed from the soles of the feet to the top of the head, and the whole person became stiff for a moment.

The bald man who entered first fell to the ground like soft mud in the blink of an eye.

All the clothes and intact human skin were piled on the ground, but the bones and blood were gone.

He died so quickly that even Fang Shenyan didn't react.

In the second moment, an extraordinarily strong supernatural aura came straight towards Fang Shenyan with an almost substantive crushing force.

But at this time, he was already prepared and took the foot he just took back out of the door.

With a bang, the corridor door was closed again.

Fang Shenyan looked at the dark facade, his heart beating so fast that he was covered in cold sweat without even realizing it.

It’s been too long…

It had been too long since he had faced such a sharp and powerful crisis.

The ghost in the painting gallery is far more powerful than the other five floors. It almost killed Fang Shenyan in an instant just now.

If he hadn't let the bald man go in first just now, if he had entered the hall with both legs.

I'm afraid that now, all the bones and blood in his body have been taken away, and he doesn't even have time to turn into a ghost.

Fang Shenyan stood there, calming his heartbeat for half a minute, and then looked at the last passerby beside him.

The woman, whose face was already filled with fear, almost fainted when she felt Fang Shenyan's gaze.

In the high tension, he suddenly fainted and fell to the ground.

"The mission is about to begin. I have a general grasp of the six major theme ghosts..."

The time was approaching. After hesitating for a few seconds, Fang Shenyan decided to retreat.

He had already gotten what he wanted, both initial goals had been achieved, and there was no need to delve further.

The ghosts in the painting gallery are extraordinary and far more powerful than the remaining five floors.

Just now, Fang Shenyan's body stiffened as soon as he entered the door, but this was not the ability exerted by the ghost at all.

Just the full display of the supernatural aura suppressed Fang Shenyan in place for half a second with overwhelming force.

The mission has not yet started. If he rushes in with all his might, there will be no solution at all.

We can only wait for the mission and Tianhai's intervention to restrict the ghosts in the painting gallery.

There is no other way.

Fang Shenyan sighed secretly, feeling a little pity.

He slowly leaned down and grabbed the woman's shoulders, carrying her back on his shoulders.

However, when the woman's body was turned over, Fang Shenyan suddenly felt a sudden pain in her right arm.

The woman's five fingers, which were originally unable to rest on his shoulders, tightly clasped the joints of his arms.

Her face gradually turned over, facing Fang Shenyan, revealing a faint but eerie smile.


In this smile, Fang Shenyan felt the strong aura of death surrounding him tightly.

On the verge of despair, he quickly grabbed a white faceless mask with his other hand.

However, the strength of this ghost once again refreshed Fang Shenyan's understanding.

Just when he took out the mask of the White-faced Ghost, the possessed woman directly held down the arm with sudden force.

Fang Shenyan watched helplessly as his left arm separated from his body and was thrown high in the air.

The hand with the broken arm was still holding the White-faced Ghost mask that he had no time to put on.

Red blood wet his face, and the woman's smile slowly disappeared and began to shift.

Under the dim moonlight, a strange smile appeared on Fang Shenyan's face.

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