Weird Regulator

Chapter 576 The tail of girl’s hair

The leaves are open like umbrellas, and human corpses are like trees.

The green lotus leaves expand infinitely, each rhizome is magnified countless times, and the gurgling blood is continuously pumped up from it, making it stronger.

Green and scarlet, two incompatible colors, stood above their heads.

There is no need to go into details about the intense light of death, which has already shone on their faces.

"This...this is..."

Ding Wangshu's face alternated between green and white. She had never seen such a big battle before.

Under such terrible supernatural pressure, her legs were trembling, and her body was weak because of Hong Fu's support.

Hong Fu also swallowed his saliva, his throat kept trembling. When he raised his head, his eyes were full of human corpses, and he muttered bits and pieces:

"What are you afraid of? This lotus leaf is also free to hunt ghosts!"

"What are you waiting for? Run!"

Ding Wangshu regained her sanity when her fear reached its limit. She took Hong Fu's arm and ran towards the gate.

But Hong Fu grabbed her with his hand and stopped her from leaving.

"There is no way to escape. It enveloped the porcelain museum in an instant, and the escape route has long been blocked."

Ding Wangshu looked at the location of the exit gate, which was the edge of the lotus leaf and where the most bodies were.

Many corpses pushed the ruffles down heavily, almost touching the top of the door.

It is conceivable that once a living person approaches there, extremely terrible things will happen.

Ding Wangshu has lost her mind. She has never faced a ghost at all, let alone such a terrifying ghost.

"Then what else can we do?"

Hong Fu took deep breaths, adjusted his condition as quickly as possible, and carefully observed the huge lotus leaf.

The lotus leaf is currently only expanding, which means it is just in the recovery stage.

But this ghost is very smart. It blocks the exit first during the recovery stage, waits for it to fully form, and then hunts down the living people.

This was not good news, but at least it gave Hongfu a short period of thinking time.

After looking up at the lotus leaves, he finally set his sights on the flowerpot.

The originally very large flowerpot now looks inconspicuous against the background of lotus leaves.

But this is the foundation of the lotus leaf after all.

From Hongfu's perspective, a rhizome as thick as an adult's arm grows from the white porcelain flower pot on the water.

The rhizome becomes thicker as it goes up, and the thickest part is already as big as a stone pillar in a museum.

Due to the magnification effect of the lotus leaf, the rhizome was also enlarged. From the translucent pipe, Hong Fu saw the gurgling red liquid rising continuously.

It is said that water flows downwards, but this obviously does not hold true for the lotus leaf ghost.

Hong Fu knew that it would be difficult to escape, so he might as well take the initiative.

He pushed Ding Wangshu who was in a daze, pointed to the rhizome of the lotus leaf with his finger, and said in a deep voice:

“If you look at the blood pumping through the rhizome, it’s the source of the lotus leaf’s constant expansion.

If we can cut off the rhizome, we may have a chance to stop the lotus leaves from growing. "

Ding Wangshu heard this and followed his hand, a look of embarrassment appeared on her face.

To be honest, she didn't quite agree with this.

If the way to survive was really that simple, how could the Lotus Leaf Ghost expose its weakness in front of them?

However, she couldn't come up with an idea, and naturally she wasn't qualified to stop Hong Fu, so she nodded.

"Then let's go quickly."

"Wait a minute, I'm not done yet."

Hong Fu glared at her and secretly wondered why the girl was so impatient. He took her arm and explained:

"I'll destroy the rhizome, you run toward the exit, and we'll split up."

Ding Wangshu frowned when she heard this. She threw away Hong Fu's arm in displeasure and said sternly:

"Do you think I'm a fool?

You asked me to run toward the door so that the ghost would attack me first and delay it for you, right? "

Hong Fu raised his head and glanced at the lotus leaves all over the roof, and said anxiously:

"Why don't you think differently?

I'm going to destroy the lotus leaf ghost's foundation, and you run towards the exit. You can't tell the priority between the two directions.

It's either going to kill me or it's going to kill you.

In this way, the two of us can at least save one! "

There are two versions of the same thing. Ding Wangshu looked at Hong Fu and couldn't tell whether what the other person said was true or false.

However, Ding Wangshu still kept an eye on it, spread his palms and said:

"Then give me the wooden comb, and I'll run out as soon as I get it!"

Hong Fu nonchalantly stuffed the wooden comb from his backpack into Ding Wangshu's hand, and his decisive speed showed his magnanimous attitude.

Ding Wangshu didn't break her promise. She turned around and ran away without looking back when she got the crime.

At the same time, Hong Fu also put his backpack on his shoulders, holding a dagger in each hand, and ran towards the flowerpot in the center of the pavilion.

This is not the first time I have seen white porcelain flower pots.

The last time Hong Fu came to the porcelain museum, he sat on the edge of the basin and touched the lotus leaves with his own hands.

Unexpectedly, once he was approaching in person, the once harmless object turned into a deadly ghost.

While sighing, the details of the flower pot fell in front of Hong Fu's eyes.

He hadn't looked carefully last time, but now he could identify what the blue pattern on the flower pot was depicting.

This should be a piece of white water, with an old man holding a pole, as if he was fishing.

What's strange is that the old man is sitting cross-legged on a huge lotus leaf.

Hong Fu stopped appreciating how lifelike the picture was. After he got close, he stabbed the knife into the thick rhizome.

The moment the knife and the rhizome came into contact, Hong Fu felt numbness in the tiger's mouth and soreness in his wrist. The dagger actually slipped out of his hands and dropped into the flower pot.

The dark water made no waves, as if a dark monster had swallowed the dagger into its belly.

Hong Fu covered his right hand, grinning in pain, and stared at the translucent rhizome in amazement.

The red blood in it was still flowing upwards, and not even a trace was left where the tip of the knife touched.

This result was somewhat beyond his expectation, but it was also reasonable.

The way out is never that simple, and Hong Fu didn't think it was that simple either.

After failing to destroy the rhizome, he took out a red-handled tool hammer from his backpack.

This time, he grasped the handle of the hammer with both hands, rounded it and smashed it towards the flowerpot.


The deafening sound of the gold weapon hitting Hong Fu made him dizzy. He forced him to take two steps back, and finally sat down on the ground.

It was then that the severe pain came.

Hong Fu clutched his right arm in pain. His right hand had become exaggeratedly twisted, and the bones were broken in the collision.

Failed to destroy the rhizome, failed to smash the flower pot...

Hong Fu slowly struggled to get up from the ground, and finally his eyes fell on Ding Wangshu, who was about to arrive at the exit.

Under the girl's back, there was his third guess about how to survive.

All ways to survive must be based on logic and rules, and brute force cannot be the way to survive.

Hong Fu knew from the beginning that he would fail because he had no idea how the lotus leaf ghost killed people.

Therefore, he lied to Ding Wangshu.

He wanted to trick Ding Wangshu into breaking through the exit and lure the lotus leaf ghost into action, thereby getting clues to the rules.

The girl's hair swaying in the dark night, ignorantly running towards hope.

There was a trace of guilt and sadness in Hong Fu's eyes, and he said silently in his heart:

"What a nice girl...

I hope I can guess the solution before you die and save your life. "

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