Weird Regulator

Chapter 584 Killing Immunity

The plan to dismantle the Rubik's Cube is carried out in two steps.

As a Rubik's Cube, it is very difficult to find the six fixed blocks.

But Jin Xi is a professional counterpart, and his tasks are well-tracked.

Just compare the moving order and position of the 54 exhibition halls in sequence and combine it with the operation rules of the Rubik's Cube.

Judging from Jin Xi's ability, there is a high probability that there will be no problem.

But the second step, actually taking action to remove the six fixed blocks, is too difficult.

In fact, this action itself is very abstract.

When a third-level Rubik's Cube is held in the palm of the hand, it is easy to remove the six fixed blocks with the force of the fingers.

But the current situation is that the entire museum has been transformed from a hexahedron into 54 flat exhibition halls by supernatural forces.

But for Tongguan, even if it only needs to dismantle six fixed exhibition halls, it does not have the ability at all.

Therefore, he could only formulate this plan that seemed to have logical loopholes.

Because killing becomes an exhibition hall, the roots of ghosts are destroyed in six fixed exhibition halls.

On the surface, it seems reasonable, but if you read it carefully, you will find that this is a huge gamble.

If the six fixed exhibition halls are not the exhibition halls changed by ghosts killing people, then Tongguan's plan will definitely fail.

The biggest prerequisite for the establishment of this plan is that the six exhibition halls must be caused by ghosts killing people!

Simple and easy-to-understand principles, extremely obvious loopholes, Tongguan would not have thought of it, but he had no choice.

Apart from that, he couldn't find another way to solve the Rubik's Cube.

If the only way to survive was to reassemble the Rubik's Cube step by step, it would be impossible for this task to be three hours long.

Therefore, Tongguan, who had always been indecisive and pursued caution, had to abandon his principles and take a gamble.

He wanted to see if he had guessed the thoughts of the "question maker" Tian Hai.

But the price of doing so will be irreparable.

"Brother Tong, let alone whether you will succeed in the end, how will you get rid of those six ghosts?"

Hong Fu was still doubtful about this plan, and he looked at Tongguan with an embarrassed expression.

Tongguan's performance was still natural, as if his mind was not affected by the subsequent actions, and he slowly took out the cigarette case from his arms.

The light from the lighter illuminated his face in and out, and he said lightly:

"Those six ghosts can only stay in their respective theme exhibition halls. You can understand this as restricted by rules.

But it can also be understood that they are avoiding the other three free hunting ghosts. "

"So you want to introduce free ghost hunting into six fixed exhibition halls and use ghosts to kill ghosts?"

After Hong Fu asked this question, he added another question:

"But if you do this, you will die..."

Time passed by minute by minute until the cigarette in Tongguan was finally finished.

At the same time, Jin Xi always lowered his head and stared at the computer in front of him.

The video in front of the screen was flashing at double speed. Ding Wangshu on the side was already dizzy and chose to give up.

Only Jin Xi's bright eyes were still processing the complex and massive information.

The screen is even divided into four areas, and she is searching the four exhibition halls at double speed, split screen, and at the same time.

This approach is naturally the most time-saving, but it has reached the limit for her.

It had only been two or three minutes, but her eyes were already bloodshot, her body was stiff and tight, and she had to hold back the sweat dripping into the corners of her eyes.

"Porcelain Hall, Fifth Exhibition Hall!"

Just when Tongguan turned around, Jin Xi suddenly pressed the pause button, and the colorful screen reflected a dazzling light.

She blinked hard, looked up at Tongguan, and nodded heavily.

Tongguan threw the burned cigarette butt under his feet, stamped it out, and said softly:

"Give me three exhibition halls first, and while I'm working on them, you can give me the last three."

Jin Xi didn't dare to waste time, so she quickly wiped the sweat on her face and lowered her head again.

After Tongguan said this, he took out his spare mobile phone from his pocket, turned it on and said:

"I have dealt with the broken-winged angel, and I can roughly tell its way of survival.

At the same time, it is also a very powerful ghost and should be able to deal with the six major exhibition hall ghosts.

Using it as the main force, I guided it to various exhibition halls. "

Hong Fu saw Tongguan put the camera of his cell phone in the front and tied it tightly to his chest with two pieces of tape.

This series of strange behaviors made him confused, and he couldn't help but ask:

"What are you..."

Tongguan lowered his head to check whether the phone was secure, wiped the camera, and explained softly:

"Do you still remember when Ding Wangshu was attacked?

She first saw the broken-winged angel and then faced the attack.

In fact, if Chen Wen hadn't saved him, this ghost would have looked like a murderer without any explanation.

Including my experience of encountering it when Jin Xi and I went downstairs, I discovered that when the broken-winged angel turns its back to you, you will not die. "

"So, the only way for the broken-winged angel to survive is not to face it directly?" Hong Fu guessed.

Tongguan nodded, shook his head again, and replied:

"To be precise, you can't look directly at it."


"Then I will first contact the broken-winged angel, let it mark me, and then blind me.

This way, it won't be able to attack me and will hunt me all the way.

In this way, I had unilateral immunity from killing the broken-winged angel, and took it into one theme exhibition hall after another. "

Tongguan's words sounded relaxed, but Hong Fu broke into a cold sweat after hearing this.

There is nothing wrong with choosing the broken-winged angel. It is powerful, has a special identity, and is currently the only free hunting ghost that can enter other exhibition halls.

But Tongguan's operation method was too shocking. The mission was far from over, and he had to sacrifice his eyes.

Hong Fu couldn't help but stretched out his hand to grab his arm and asked in a deep voice:

"Brother Tong, let me ask again, are you really confident enough in this plan?"

As soon as these words came out, they represented Hongfu's position.

He was not optimistic about Tongguan's plan, even though it was the only solution after all was exhausted.

But the cost of failure in Tongguan is too high. If he loses his eyesight and fails to act, he will inevitably die first.

Once Tongguan dies, they probably won't live long.

However, Tongguan showed unprecedented firmness in this regard. He even ignored Hong Fu's question and continued to talk about his plan while swiping his phone:

“Let’s keep the video going now, I’ll mute my phone, you can do whatever you want there.

The public channel of the wireless headset is still on, and I need you to be my guide on the move.

Including Jin Xi, your progress must be fast.

Once I start this plan, you must ensure follow-up, otherwise all the efforts will be wasted. "

Tongguan's words were concise and concise, clarifying the importance of the situation and at the same time showing his firm attitude.

When he looked at Hong Fu and Jin Xi respectively, his eyes showed no emotion except peace.

Hong Fu was silent. He saw that Tongguan was hiding something.

Ever since Tongguan came back from the fourth floor underground, his style of doing things seemed to have become unpredictable.

The root cause of the changes in Tongguan is likely to be Fang Shenyan.

Is there something unknown happening between these two people...

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