Weird Regulator

Chapter 589 The final trump card

That unwavering body was finally forced to stop in place amidst this sudden drastic change.

Tongguan suddenly looked back. In the deep darkness, he couldn't see the way back.

But just a few meters away on the floor, Ding Wangshu's extremely frightened shouts kept coming and going in his ears.

"Save us! Tong..."

With his hearing impaired, he couldn't hear exactly what the other party was saying.

But from the gradual tone, we can feel that the situation of Ding Wangshu and Jin Xi is being pressed step by step by "Stephanie's Smile".

On Tongguan's face, which was dripping with blood and tears, there was a hint of indifference after deep contemplation.

The only voice in the headset was Ding Wangshu's voice, and Jin Xi never asked for help.

Jin Xi was worthy of being the newcomer he valued. Even when she was intercepted by such a terrifying ghost, she still devoted herself to searching for the fixed exhibition hall of the painting museum.

From beginning to end, he never said a word to order Tongguan to return to guard and help.

"Stephanie's Smile" should be on the fourth underground floor, locked in the collection warehouse with Fang Shenyan.

Fang Shenyan always lies, but when it comes to the direction of the overall mission, he won't tell such stupid lies.

The more incredible it is, the more true it becomes.

Therefore, although Tongguan does not know how he did this, he will believe it.

This is the first reason, but what really makes Tongguan ignore it is the second reason.

Even if "Stephanie's Smile" really came to the sculpture museum and was really threatening Jin Xi and Ding Wangshu, he couldn't care about it.

The time is coming.

Even if the ten-minute deadline agreed with Fang Shenyan could be ignored, there were only the last thirty minutes left before the end of the mission.

In fact, so far, they have entered the countdown to the end of the mission.

Everything you do now is sacrificing time to return to the seventh branch.

Tongguan must take the overall situation into consideration.

Regardless of whether the agreement was true or false, even if it was to complete the task, he must get the "skin bag" and leave the World Monuments Museum in five minutes!

Ding Wangshu's call only made Tongguan turn his head once, but he immediately ignored it and sprinted towards the Art and Crafts Museum.

The lost vision and damaged hearing make Tongguan isolated but pure.

At this moment, he only had one thought, his only thought, of completing the mission.

"Tongguan! If we die, you won't survive!

You haven’t got the…exhibition hall of the Painting Museum yet…”

Ding Wangshu mumbled a rather complete cry along with the sharp and shrill screams.

Then her screams suddenly stopped, replaced by dead silence, and Jin Xi left her last words in a calm tone:

"Brother Tong, I'm sorry, I tried my best."

One sentence seemed to have exhausted all his strength. It was not so much calm as it was helplessness and resignation that he was unable to change the situation.

In the headset, the last sound disappeared.

With the entry of "Stephanie's Smile", the original balance was completely shattered.

It was powerful, in line with people's expectations of it, and killed Tongguan's source of information in just a few seconds.

A little sadness and indignation arose in Tongguan's heart, and he moved forward according to his memory without saying a word.

During this period, he bumped into the wall several times, and blood streamed from his forehead, dripping on the road he walked.

Jin Xi finally revealed the fixed exhibition hall of the Art and Crafts Museum. The first exhibition hall is located at the deepest part of the second floor.

Tongguan stumbled and used all his strength to knock open the door of the first exhibition hall.

At the same time, the shadow behind him slowly rose and expanded.

From the shadow of Tongguan himself, angels with broken wings and a large number of terrifying things like filamentous tentacles resurrected crazily.

The black ball of thread placed in the porcelain dish in the center of the exhibition hall turned into ashes in an instant.

One word to describe it is smooth.

Tongguan's so-called Rubik's Cube dismantling plan, from an overall perspective, is extremely smooth.

Jin Xi and others, who stayed behind to provide information support, were already in a state of death.

Tongguan, who was on the front line, hardly encountered many obstacles.

Tongguan, who couldn't see anything, knew that this level had been solved after feeling the tremor in the space around him.

However, just when he was about to turn around and walk back, his body suddenly stiffened, and a strange feeling revived from the bottom of his heart.

Tongguan covered his heart in pain, opened his mouth wide but could not speak, and slowly fell to his knees.

It was a precursor to death, but it was completely different from that of the Porcelain Museum.

This time, something was growing out of his body.

The strength of that thing far exceeds his own, and the terrifying power beyond his control is filling his entire body.

Tongguan's consciousness still existed, but he could not control himself. He could only feel that his thoughts were slowly being stripped away.

Then ten filament-like objects protruded from the nails of the ten fingers.

His originally embarrassed face became even more hateful and ferocious, and the blood stains on his face completely solidified, as if they had become his wrinkles.


The clothes behind his back suddenly exploded, and two petrified wings stretched out from his flesh and blood.

It wasn't until this moment that Tongguan understood what had happened to him.

The broken-winged angel merged with him at some point...


It was the broken-winged angel that squeezed into his body!

This is not possession, but strong, indifferent, domineering possession.

Tongguan can completely feel his thoughts, but he has no control over his body.

A ghost is assimilating him, but he has nothing to do.

After all, he underestimated the strength of the ghost Broken Wing Angel, and only saw the killing method of "looking directly at petrification".

But Angel with Broken Wings also has a second method of killing.

That's assimilation.

Just like it had assimilated the Lotus Leaf Ghost, it had already completed its assimilation into Tongguan in the process of the first five floors.

Tongguan is still a living body at this moment, but most of it has been transformed into a ghost.

The petrified wings stretched out behind his back, countless filamentous tentacles coiled around his body, and his eyes that were bleeding with tears were hollow and strange.

This time, no one can save him.

Even if Hong Fu cracks the lotus leaf ghost's way of survival, the assimilation of Tongguan and the broken-winged angel cannot be stopped.

But things in the world are often such coincidences.

The assimilation of Broken Wing Angel cannot assimilate thoughts, and Tongguan, who has independent consciousness, still has the possibility of self-rescue.

Because in the only thought he can control, there is still the spatial map crime object lent to him by Yu Guo.

Perhaps only the unique way of existence of space map can save itself under today's extremely special circumstances.

"Aim the space map at myself!"

Tongguan, who was half-kneeling on the ground, still maintained the posture before stiffening, and this posture saved his life.

Because the moment before he fell to the ground, his left hand was pressed on his chest, which was pointing at himself.

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