Weird Regulator

Chapter 602 Destroy the Shadow

The last step is often the most difficult.

The more you are afraid of something, the more likely it will happen.

Angels with Broken Wings really have a third ability.

Petrification, assimilation, delay.

From phantom ghosts, to lotus leaf ghosts, to broken-winged angels, none of these three free hunting ghosts has a fuel-efficient lamp.

The situation happened too suddenly. Hong Fu was completely hit in an instant. He couldn't think about anything except stepping on the opponent's killing method.

Not to mention Jin Xi, all her attention was focused on the moat water.

The crisis did come from the river, but it seemed that the incident was caused by Hongfu closing the window.

No one can tell whether all this happened by fate or by chance.

What is certain now is that just five meters outside the gate of the seventh branch, Hong Fu, Jin Xi, and the car flying into the air were all completely petrified.

Nearly three hours of hard work will be in vain at this moment.

But just at the moment of despair, the script that fell from Jin Xi's knees under the car started to turn pages automatically as the car took off.

The "Ghost Arrival" on the first page flashed quickly and settled on the second page, where a line of small words was written in blood:

"Before death, start the lotus seeds"

This is the back-up plan that Jin Xi has laid since Xiao Qianduye's warning.

The purpose is to deal with the sudden attack at this moment.

As the victims, they could never predict what the broken-winged angels were capable of and how they killed.

Hong Fu's last trump card, the lotus seed against sexual evil, became the only guarantee.

Jin Xi even wrote the prophecy in advance to prevent Hong Fu from having time to use the sin object.

Out of caution, she did not even disclose this to Hong Fu.

To prevent previous low-level mistakes, these simple words are in large fonts and widely spaced to ensure that no mistakes will occur.

Her decision seemed to be based on the true story of Tongguan.

Facts have proved that this advance foreshadowing has completely reversed the current desperate situation.

Under Hong Fu's butt, a green lotus leaf suddenly appeared and began to expand crazily.

The lotus leaf stretched 360 degrees in all directions, covering Hong Fu and Jin Xi.

And ignoring the collision of real volumes, it rose to a high altitude and quickly spread its branches until it completely covered the two people and the car.

A faint cyan light emanated from under the huge lotus leaf umbrella above the head.

The tricks of Lotus Leaf Ghost once again appeared on Hong Fu's head, but this time he stood on his side and brought him from death to life.

The endless power also represents destruction. Hong Fu and Jin Xina were petrified from the outside to the inside, and completely collapsed in an instant.

It's like a little chicken cub tearing open the eggshell and regaining a new life.

Hong Fu's consciousness suddenly returned, and his body fell heavily from the air. The whole car's predicament was also lifted, and he was completely shaken by the fall.

The emptiness of consciousness for just a few seconds made him lose consciousness for a moment, but he immediately returned to normal.

But when he looked down, he found that the lotus seed that was originally pressed under his buttocks was now embedded in the wrist of his right hand.

The dark seed, which was as big as a jujube core, became extremely blood red at this time, and was still squirming as it stretched and shrank.

Hong Fu felt the numbness and pain in his wrist, and his complexion quickly turned pale.

Once the lotus seed is opened, it will give a small protective area.

It is absolutely safe in this area, the original supernatural power will be removed, and no ghosts can break in.

But the time this area exists will depend on how much blood the user can sacrifice.

This price is similar to the lotus leaf ghost killing people.

Like leeches, lotus seeds lie on the user's body and draw blood at extremely fast speeds.

Hong Fu bit his lip in pain, resisting the cost of sucking the sinful substance, turned his head and said to Jin Xi:

"Its new ability is delayed killing!"

Jin Xi struggled to open the car door, left the car, stood outside the door, looked around and said:

"I didn't see the ghost at all before I was petrified. Why did I get petrified when I didn't even look directly at it?"

Hong Fu reluctantly left the car and looked back and forth in the area under the lotus leaf umbrella.

He also had the same suspicion in his heart. The water droplets reflected their own faces, not angels with broken wings, but they were still petrified.

The task ends now in about three minutes.

As long as they find a way to delay the killing, they can complete the task quickly.

Hong Fu estimated that he could hold on for at most one and a half minutes before he had to take back the lotus leaf umbrella.

In other words, if they can't find a way to delay the killing for a minute and a half, then they will definitely die after the crime object expires.

Hong Fu held the car with his hand, walked around in a circle, came to Jin Xi's side, and said in a deep voice:

"Delayed killing may be the third new ability of Broken Wing Angel.

But it is extremely closely related to the first ability: petrification.

So by analogy, can we think about it this way:

Is delayed killing based on the two abilities of petrification and assimilation? "

Jin Xi held on to the roof of the car with both hands. Blood continued to ooze from her abdomen, and she was almost tortured to the limit by her injuries.

She lowered her head in pain, still trying her best to analyze Hong Fu's inference.

"Petrification is established through vision and assimilation. According to Brother Tong's experience, it should be through shadow fusion..."

Jin Xi followed the lowered gaze and slowly moved his gaze to his back.

But when she looked at it, she was shocked to find that her shadow had disappeared without a trace!

"Look, do I have no shadow anymore?"

Hong Fu was awakened by this discovery, and he immediately lowered his head. Not only did Jin Xi's shadow disappear, but so did his own.

For a moment, a flash of lightning seemed to flash across his mind, and he immediately recalled the process of Tongguan's assimilation.

Tongguan was assimilated by the broken-winged angel, and the process of snatching the body was extremely slow, and it took six floors to succeed.

Although they are now faced with the "delayed killing" ability, they have to die from petrification and the disappearance of shadows.

There is almost conclusive evidence that the crisis they have to face this time is the new ability created by Broken Wing Angel on top of the first two abilities.

Based on this conjecture, Hong Fu once again recalled everything before the attack.

Water droplets hit the car window, reflecting the faces of Hong Fu and Jin Xi, and they saw their own faces.

In the process of looking directly at themselves, their shadows have been assimilated and occupied by ghosts.

Because the broken-winged angel already has Tongguan's body, it only wants to kill people, not the body.

So after the two shadows were assimilated, they were immediately branded and detonated two seconds later, leading to death!

Hong Fu suddenly raised his head and looked at the lotus leaf umbrella covering his head. In the light blue light, he immediately ran to the back of the car.

This car is also one of the targets of assimilation.

Hong Fu stepped back and finally found the corner of a huge black shadow after five steps.

This is part of the shadow of the car two seconds ago.

Due to the limited range of the lotus leaf umbrella, the car shadow could only cover part of it, but it was enough to ensure that Hong Fu's idea was established.

He figured everything out in an instant, turned his head and shouted to Jin Xi:

“Shadow is a dead end!

We stare at ourselves, meeting the conditions for petrification, but this time its main trigger for killing is through the assimilation of shadows.

The shadows of two people and one car were assimilated two seconds ago, triggering the final dead end, and died two seconds later.

As long as we destroy our own shadow, we can disarm this 'delay bomb'! "

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