Weird Regulator

Chapter 610 Suspicion of deliberate death

The sixth branch, Luoxian, is by no means an ordinary store manager.

If the top ten store managers were classified according to their strength, this person would definitely be considered the first echelon.

He is one of the few leaders in the Tianhai Hotel. His scheming, resourcefulness, crimes, and experience far exceed those of others.

This can be seen from the fact that the store manager forcibly designed the task of stripping himself halfway through the task.

The sixth branch is also the most advanced among the top ten branches, second only to the first and ninth branches.

This shows that this Luo Xian is an extraordinary person in every aspect.

But at this time, the other party suddenly came to him, which made Ji Li feel more vigilant.

"Manager Luo, what can I ask?"

"Of course it's related to the next mission. Let's discuss the details when we meet tomorrow."

For some reason, Luo Xian's words always reveal a magical power that makes people relax their vigilance, making people want to get close to him.

Ji Li didn't feel any discomfort with what she said, but the feeling the other party gave him was similar to Gu Xingjian in some ways.

Gu Xingjian appears to be easy-going and gentle, and Luo Xian also has this quality.

Ji Li had no reason to refuse the invitation. He took a look at his watch and responded:

"I will be there at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"See you there or see you."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Li stood there and thought for a while, then turned his head and looked behind him.

The female voice was still sitting on the chair, looking at Ji Li quietly, like a very well-behaved woman.

At this moment, Ji Li suddenly remembered that the matter of supervising ghosts had not yet been discussed, so he asked:

"How is Mu Nianmei doing lately?"

"It has always been very peaceful, maybe it has something to do with the last conversation you had with it."

Ji Li nodded when he heard this. So far, the Seventh Branch has attracted 12 ghosts. Among them, Mu Nianmei is the strongest, but also the best to control.

Because Mu Nianmei is closely related to Baipao worshiping ghosts, and Ji Li is the object of worship.

So no matter whether Mu Nianmei is in the branch or not, she has a natural fear of Ji Li.

After Ji Li grasped this point, he said to the female voice:

"Then throw the 202 headless ghost to Mu Nianmei."

Upon hearing this, the female voice asked in a slightly shocked tone:

"Then 202 residents are..."

"Just pretend it never existed."

Resident 202 was originally the low-level ghost that Ji Li first attracted. Now it has a rebellious heart. If it continues to stay, it may affect other ghosts.

The supervisory responsibility is to allow the ghosts to escape, but if the ghosts disappear inside, there is no need to replenish the ghosts.

The female voice always listened to Ji Li's words the most. She nodded and walked up the stairs.

But just when he was about to disappear around the corner, he suddenly turned around and looked at Ji Li, hesitated for a moment and said:

"Mr. Ji, there are some things I did wrong, but I have never harmed you."

Ji Li looked at her from a distance with a calm expression, and watched the female voice disappear without saying a word.

He doesn't speak because he doesn't care.

It was late at night, Ji Li slowly knocked on the door of 302, which was the door next to him.

Not long after, Fang Shenyan appeared in front of him, casually dressed without glasses.

Ji Li pointed to the room and signaled for a detailed discussion.

The two of them sat down on chairs respectively. Fang Shenyan opened the window and took out the cigarette case and handed it to Ji Li.

Ji Li waved his hand without choosing to take it, and asked directly:

"Did you realize during the mission that Tongguan would be so difficult?"

Fang Shenyan lit a cigarette for himself, pushed back the hair that was scattered in front of his forehead, and looked at him with a faint look, but did not choose to answer.

Ji Li looked past him to the starry sky outside the window and said in a deep voice:

"Having half of "Stephanie's Smile" in you, you can naturally sense the weirdness of the broken-winged angel.

Tongguan cannot die so early, many things are still unclear. "

After Fang Shenyan took a deep breath of cigarette, his face was expressionless and he just said lightly:

"I have no obligation to save him. It is also his own choice."

Ji Li looked at him with confusion, as if asking.

"I can see the abnormality of the broken-winged angel, and he, the person fused with it, should also feel it.

As an experienced senior store clerk, especially from Tongguan.

Before the mission was over, he even gave the white candle to Hong Fu and allowed him to take it back to the hotel.

He gave away the last sinful object that could save his life, which showed that he chose this path himself. "

After all, Ji Li had never carried out that mission and did not understand many details at all.

But now listening to Fang Shenyan, it seems that there is something really weird about this incident in Tongguan.

Tongguan is the most rigorous and perfect in doing things, and the most cautious.

But this time, when faced with the assimilation of ghosts, he gave away the life-saving criminal objects instead of leaving no escape route for himself.

After Ji Li thought deeply, he tentatively asked:

"Could it be that he stayed in the World Heritage Museum on purpose?"

Fang Shenyan nodded, then shook his head and guessed:

"To be precise, he should have been assimilated by the ghost on purpose, and he wanted to get something out of this situation.

But the seriousness of the matter must have been beyond his expectation, which led to him being completely left in the museum despite his smooth assimilation. "

According to Fang Shenyan's words, things may be interpreted this way.

Tongguan probably discovered some changes that others could not know after he felt that he was assimilated by the broken-winged angel.

This change could bring him great benefits, so he cut off his retreat and tried to take advantage of this benefit for himself.

And he may have already achieved this step.

But just as he was about to take advantage of the end of the mission and return to the branch, he ignored the terrifying nature of the broken-winged angel.

As a result, the plan failed, and it failed at the last step and was left in the World Monument Museum.

After repeated deductions, Ji Li gradually recognized Fang Shenyan's conjecture.

But no matter what, Tongguan is still trapped but has to be rescued.

It's just that rescue operations still need to be considered in the long term and wait for changes.

After a brief conversation, Ji Li left Fang Shenyan's room and returned to his 301.

After washing and changing his clothes, he sat at the table and lit a cigarette for himself.

Now he is still in the midst of the resurgence of his gray soul, and his second and third personalities have not appeared for a long, long time.

These two personalities appeared a few times in the early stages of the Ghost Child mission and then were never seen again.

Including returning from completing the mission, a trip to Shanghai and Shanghai, and then to Republic of China Street.

Judging from Clay's experience with the square mirror, the second and third personalities will also be targets of ghost children.

Once the ghost boy is dormant around Ji Li, they dare not speak out.

They will only appear in hotels or missions, places where ghost children cannot appear.

And now that Ji Li has fallen into a gray recovery again, they will not appear again in a short time.

Only when the next mission comes.

Smoke slowly rose from the cigarette in Ji Li's hand. He looked up at the night sky outside the window and murmured softly:

"The next mission should be related to Luo Xian. It's coming soon."

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