Weird Regulator

Chapter 622 Misfortune is coming

Luo Jianjun is the father who arranged this mission for Luo Xian.

According to the second uncle, Luo Jianjun is a character that no one in the village dares to mess with.

As the eldest son, he is the most disliked son of the Luo family because of his fierce personality and reckless behavior.

So a few years ago, Luo Jianjun left his hometown and went to work alone in the local area.

At its peak, it was said that he was worth nearly one million, which was beyond the reach of people in the village at that time.

Now the village road to the outside of Wue Village was built with his own money.

However, the good times did not last long. Within a few years, Luo Jianjun injured his leg due to a grudge against his enemy.

Later, in revenge for the other party, he was beaten into a vegetative state and imprisoned for many years.

During his sentence, the prison conditions were harsh and his leg injuries worsened repeatedly, eventually leading to disability.

After being released from prison, given his status and this useless leg, he lost the confidence to make a comeback.

So frustrated, he returned to Wue Village and got married with the help of his family.

Therefore, Luo Jianjun is also a legendary figure in the village, and ordinary people respect and fear him.

This is all Luo Xian knows about her "father", but she knows very little about her "mother".

Her second uncle and her previous relatives had never disclosed any information about her mother to her.

On the way home, Luo Xian thought of the words her second uncle left when they parted at the end, which made her even more interested in the Luo family.

Before she reached the door, she saw Chen Wei and Yu Guofeng with their heads exposed by the wall, looking around.

When they saw Luo Xian's figure, the two of them grinned, as if they had finally reached their backbone before shrinking back.

Luo Xian frowned, thinking about his next move.

Ji Li suddenly changed his mind and abandoned Luo Xian to stay at his second uncle's home. Luo Xian could roughly understand this move.

As one of the most calculating store managers, Ji Li is famous in this field.

Obviously the other party has already seen through Luo Xian's inner plan, so he is not willing to become a tool for her to use and escape.

Of course, it would have no impact if he saw through it. Luo Xian understood that Ji Li guessed her plan, but still agreed, hoping that Luo Xian's plan would succeed.

After all, the plan of their sixth branch has nothing to do with Ji Li, an outsider, and it can also speed up the pace of the mission.

It's just that Luo Xian is worried about whether she, Ma Mingyu, Chen Wei, and Yu Guofeng can capture the wire-wielding murderer.

She still can't see through the weird power of the barrier, only Ji Li can unravel it.

If he doesn't participate now, it may have an impact on subsequent actions.

When Luo Xian walked into Luo's house for the first time, she discovered that it was similar to the yard of an ordinary villager's house.

It seems that only the second uncle's house is the most luxurious and spacious, including how rich Luo Jianjun was before, but how ordinary he is now.

Before entering the main room, Chen Wei and Yu Guofeng took Ma Mingyu out of the side room.

"Store manager, let's hide here and take care of each other if anything happens."

Chen Wei's white hair is very conspicuous in the sun. As an old man in his seventies, it is a miracle that he survived a mission.

This was also his second mission, and he knew in his heart that he was afraid that his end was coming.

But a person's survival instinct still exists at any age, so he still looked at Luo Xian with pleading eyes.

Ma Mingyu still looked the same, just nodded towards Luo Xian, indicating that nothing happened at the moment.

What made Luo Xian quite dissatisfied was that Yu Guofeng, who had been drinking heavily at the banquet before, was still holding the wine bottle in his hand.

Seeing him leaning against the door panel with all his limbs weak, she wanted to go up and slap him twice.

But there were more important things now. She didn't waste time on this kind of person. After glaring at him, she walked towards the main room.

The door to the main room was closed, and it was quiet inside. There was a faint fragrance coming out from the crack in the door.

"Dong dong dong."

Luo Xian knocked on the door carefully and called Luo Jianjun respectfully.

Not long after, a deep and powerful voice came from inside:

"Come in."

Slowly opening the door, you will see a large living room with a set of solid wood tables and chairs in front of it, and a portrait hanging on the wall.

It's just that Luo Xian couldn't tell which deity the painting was.

After briefly looking around, Luo Xian found that even though there was not much space in his home, Luo Jianjun was a man who had seen the world after all.

Therefore, the layout of the Luo family is still more elaborate than that of ordinary villagers.

Continuing to walk inside, there is a path beyond the living room, with the kitchen in the middle, and two bedrooms on the left and right at the end.

This structure was obviously deliberately modified.

While walking, Luo Xian discovered that the aroma he smelled before was coming from the direction of the east room.

So she walked there quickly. The door to the east room was not closed. She could see everything clearly by standing at the door.

Luo Jianjun was sitting on a Taishi chair in the east room with his eyes closed, as if he was taking a nap in the afternoon.

The room is neat and clean. At first glance, you can tell that it is very different from ordinary rural areas. The furniture inside is also unique.

However, except for Luo Jianjun, there was no one else in the room.

Luo Xian's eyes slowly moved to the south wall, where a portrait was hung, and three long incense sticks were about to burn out on the copper stove below.

The portrait shows a middle-aged woman who looks kind-hearted and smiles at others.

This woman's appearance was very ordinary, the kind that people would forget at a glance, but when Luo Xian looked at her, a trace of emptiness of kindness emerged in his heart for no reason.

"Could she be..."

"Kneel down, kowtow, and offer incense."

Luo Jianjun's tone was as cold as ice when he spoke, and the simple six people made people feel like they dared not refuse.

Luo Xian didn't say anything. She first took out three incense sticks from the incense box, lit them and inserted them into the copper stove.

Then he knelt in front of the portrait and kowtowed three times respectfully.


However, just as she kowtowed and before she could stand up, a sharp pain suddenly came from her back.

Luo Xian took a breath, turned around suddenly, and saw Luo Jianjun holding a wicker in his hand and staring at her fiercely.

The whip was so severe that Luo Xian's outer shirt was cut open, and the lining of the skirt was also torn.

Luo Xian's eyes showed forbearance and he asked word by word:


Luo Jianjun looked at the portrait, a trace of sadness appeared in his originally cold eyes, and he whispered:

"I sent you to Shanming City when you were seven years old, and told you not to come back for the rest of your life. Why are you so disobedient to me?"

Luo Xian's eyes immediately lit up. She didn't need to introduce the topic. Luo Jianjun started talking, which was naturally what he wanted.

"Your mother has already died because of that incident, and Luo Jianye still wants to use you to ward off the disaster.

You have read the books of sages for so many years, can’t you see that there is something strange in the village? "

Luo Jianye was his second uncle's real name, and Luo Xian was shocked at this moment.

Unexpectedly, Luo Jianjun, as a major clue figure, would reveal the information so easily and smoothly.

The death of his mother, the second uncle taking advantage of his life to prevent disaster, what Luo Jianjun said...

So, could the version told by Luo Jianjun and the story told by the village chief be the same thing?

Luo Xian originally wanted to ask directly about the origin of everything, but as a "daughter", she must first ask about her mother's death.

"Mother, what's going on?"

Luo Jianjun's eyes became more sad, and he discarded the wicker in his hand. He slowly sat back on the recliner and said in a deep voice:

“The bad luck of six people dying every year is a curse on our entire village.

I thought that sending you out as a child would be able to resolve it, but I didn't expect that it still came to the door.

Your mother was worried about finding you, so she took the initiative to commit suicide and took on the spot of one of the six people, trying to avoid the bad luck that would befall you. "

When Luo Xian heard the curse of bad luck, his eyes flashed.

This statement is exactly the same as what the village chief said.

But in the second half, Luo Jianjun's "bad luck comes to the door on its own initiative" contradicts the word "random" said by the village chief.

Obviously in Luo Jianjun's version, misfortune seems to be targeted.

As for Luo Jianye, the second uncle, his various enthusiasms are in conflict with Luo Jianjun, so it is better to explain.

Obviously the second uncle hopes that Luo Xian will come back so that the remaining five places can be shared equally.

Of course, maybe Luo Mu's suicide doesn't count at all.

"What's going on with this bad luck?"

Luo Xian finally asked impatiently for the information she wanted to ask most.

However, at this moment, the dream seed left in Ma Mingyu's heart suddenly shook wildly, and the colorful colors in Luo Xian's pupils suddenly appeared.

She stood up suddenly, looked towards the outside world, and her expression changed.

That ghost is coming to collect another part of Ma Mingyu's body!

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