Weird Regulator

Chapter 624 Go to Ji Li

This sudden attack left Luo Xian completely defenseless.

Seeing that she was about to rescue Ma Mingyu from the dark sphere, maybe if she escaped this time, the ghost would not find her again.

However, changes always happen faster than planned.

Another ghost suddenly appeared, jumping out from Luo Xian's right shoulder and covering her mouth and nose.

It was just a symbolic movement, and Luo Xian's hand was knocked off as he fell.

But Luo Xian still seemed to have his mouth and nose blocked invisibly, and he completely lost the right to breathe.

In the process of falling from the sky, her eyes saw the colorful light on the horizon gradually dimming and slowly disappearing from the edge of her sight.

This is when her abilities in the dream are about to be taken away, because her body left in the real world is being suffocated as well.

But when Luo Xian fell to the ground, she got some extremely important information from the changes on the edge of the sky.

Luo Xian's body fell heavily to the ground, and he felt no pain. After all, the nightmare evil object had not completely expired.

At the same time, the torn fabric on her chest was stretched open again, and a swollen and ferocious gray head suddenly came out.

This is a woman's head.

Large droplets of water were flowing down her disheveled black hair, dripping into her underwear and sticking to her skin, causing a sticky and disgusting feeling.

When Luo Xian glanced out of the corner of her eye, her eyes suddenly froze.

She knew this woman as the mother of the seven-year-old boy in the village, and she pushed Luo Xian hard.

But now, looking at the head, it happened to be where the opponent's palm touched her body!

Luo Xian immediately realized that the mother and son water ghosts had already completed the death mark when they touched her.

The silver murderous ghost in the sphere, the drowned water ghost with mother and child connected...

Two ghosts appeared in her dream dimension at the same time. This did not make Luo Xian panic, but made her feel happy.

Before this plan was implemented, she had thought that this mission might have a root cause of terror.

Under the root of terror, there are six murderers, corresponding to six shop assistants.

Therefore, the purpose of this plan is to seek information and try to crack it.

Two-sixths of the ghosts have already appeared. If she forced Ma Mingyu to turn into a ghost now, wouldn't she be able to deal with two ghost threats at the same time?

It was a worthwhile trade to exchange the life of a senior clerk for a significant breakthrough in the mission progress.

However, just when Luo Xian was about to detonate all the sinful items on Ma Mingyu's body, the skin on her right arm suddenly felt a pain of being scratched by a sharp weapon.

She looked down and saw that there were no scratches on it, but the feeling of nothingness emerged at this moment.

"I have guessed the source of the murder"

Luo Xian and Ma Mingyu share the same bloodline due to sin, and she can feel everything that happens to Ma Mingyu.

Apparently Ma Mingyu had guessed her fate when she was pulled back into the sphere, so she wrote a sentence for Luo Xian from afar.

True or false?

Luo Xian didn't have much time. She could hold her breath for a minute and a half at most, and now one-third of it had passed.

If she now orders Ma Mingyu to turn into ghosts with four grave crimes, detonating the dream seeds and sealing the three ghosts in this dreamland.

It is very possible to get rid of the curse of the mother-child water ghost and destroy the root terror.

But if what Ma Mingyu said is true, then her information is equally important, and even more critical to the analysis of the entire mission.

Believe it or not...

Luo Xian had no time to hesitate. Among the two options, she chose the latter.

Compared with fighting against ghosts, it is obviously more reliable to understand the essence of the mission.

Her eyes suddenly closed, the colorful colors in her eyes immediately disappeared, and she was ready to withdraw from the dream.

At the same time, just as the two worlds of reality and dreams were ebbing and flowing, she saw scenes that she could never see from this complex perspective.

In the distance and near, two terrifying black shadows appeared outside the dream dimension.

They seemed to have been standing in the highest dimension, watching the confrontation between Luo Xian and the mother-child ghost, Ma Mingyu and the silver light ghost.

Luo Xian was deeply shocked by this scene, because the aura of these two shadows was the same as the shadow she saw at the village chief's house for the first time.

What is the terrifying dark shadow that hangs over them?

In the real world, Luo Xian still stood in the courtyard in a half-kneeling posture.

Chen Wei stood behind her, nervously not knowing where to put his hands. He looked at Yu Guofeng in horror and asked:

"Guofeng, store manager, what's going on?"

Yu Guofeng kept half a meter away from Luo Xian's body, looked at the damaged clothes on his chest with a slightly evasive look, and said hesitantly:

"Maybe the store manager was attacked in his dream..."

"I heard that the store manager was breathing out more than she was breathing in. Look at her back shaking all the time. Could she be in a dream..."

Chen Wei did not dare to step forward, but there was no trace of worry in his eyes.

He was afraid that if Ma Mingyu failed to save him, Luo Xian would be in trouble, and he was even more afraid that if Luo Xian died, his probability of survival would be greatly reduced.

"Don't talk nonsense, there's no way anything could happen to her, store manager!"

Yu Guofeng glared at Chen Wei fiercely, not caring about respecting the elderly and caring for the young. After all, he was also afraid of Luo Xian's death.

He had drank seven or eight cans of beer, but he just couldn't get rid of the fear in his heart.

Just as the two were arguing, Luo Xian's body suddenly trembled, his closed eyes opened, his mouth opened wide and he took a fierce breath of air.

But it was useless if the air could not come in. Luo Xian covered his red neck and shouted:

"Go to Ji Li! Only Ji Li can save me!"

Luo Xian didn't even have time to get up, turned around, rolled on the ground and ran towards the door of the courtyard.

When Chen Wei and Yu Guofeng reacted, they were the only two people left in the courtyard.

"Why are you still hanging around? Come catch up."

Yu Guofeng pulled Chen Wei's arm and led him away quickly.

After everyone left, an invisible ripple suddenly appeared in a certain area of ​​the empty courtyard.

It was as if there were fluctuations in another space, and the things inside were about to come out.

"Needle! Give me the needle!"

At this moment, Luo Xian has lost her previous dignity. If she gives up the advantage of the dream and returns to the real world, she will pay a heavy price.

Each time a Nightmare Sin Item is used, all her Sin Items will cease to be used for five hours.

If Ma Mingyu is not killed, she will be equal to an ordinary person who has no ability to resist.

In order to get what Ma Mingyu calls "the source of murder", she has put herself in danger of life and death.

When Chen Wei heard this, he quickly took out a syringe from his pocket. Inside was a lively red spider.

The needle pierced Luo Xian's arm hard, and the red spider inside the needle was immediately crushed into powder by the strong pressure and injected into Luo Xian's body.

And Chen Wei suddenly screamed, and his already withered arm shrank by about half again, leaving only skin and bones.

This syringe sinful object is to inject the antagonistic power into the living person to resist the supernatural. Of course, the physical atrophy is the price of use.


Luo Xian's tone finally changed, and his originally purple complexion improved a little.

But as soon as she took a breath, her neck was tightly wrapped by a bundle of damp and thick black hair.

A gray woman's head suddenly popped out from her right shoulder, staring at her face with a sinister gaze.

Not only that, another boy's head, which was slightly smaller in size, also emerged from the left shoulder. It covered Luo Xian's eyes and mouth with its wet hands.

The syringe's evil substance only worked for a moment, and was replaced by a more violent attack.

Luo Xian screamed, grabbed Chen Wei and Yu Guofeng's arms, and screamed:

"Ji Li! Take me to Ji Li quickly!!"

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