Weird Regulator

Chapter 629 One of the ways to survive

At first, no one paid much attention to Luo Jianjun's identity.

To be able to be implanted with dream seeds by Luo Xian and be electrocuted to sleep, this must be a living person.

But since the conversation just now, Ji Li has a new suspicion.

Maybe Luo Jianjun is a ghost.

A ghost who has been dead for three years without knowing it is also the most special ghost in the village.

In this way, the five clerks, led by Ji Li, left the second uncle's house and rushed towards the Luo family.

But Luo Jianjun himself stayed at his second uncle's house, buried the two dead people, and claimed that he would wait for their return.

At first, no one believed Ji Li's statement. After all, Luo Jianjun didn't look like a ghost from any angle.

But because he raised this conjecture, no one dared to force Luo Jianjun to do anything anymore.

During the journey, Bai Huaiguang had unilaterally cut off cell phone communication. He said that the madman had returned home and was ready to continue monitoring.

Luo Xian looked at Ji Li's profile and asked softly:

"Why are you so sure that Luo Jianjun is a ghost?"

Her question was also a question shared by everyone. Ji Li looked forward and explained quietly:

“Have you ever noticed what happens every time a ghost appears?

Ma Mingyu was attacked for the first time, and the village chief died; you were attacked by a mother and son water ghost, and Luo Jianye's wife died.

Whenever misfortune strikes, no matter success or failure, the ghost will definitely take away a nearby villager.

However, during Ma Mingyu's second attack, Luo Jianjun, who had been unconscious in the old house, remained unscathed. "

Luo Xian frowned, she had indeed ignored this.

But it can still be explained from her perspective, and she whispered her opinion:

"That may also be because I implanted a dream seed into Luo Jianjun when I separated from him.

Therefore, during the dream explosion, Gui Wuxia was worried about Luo Jianjun.

The mother and son water ghost were led away by me, and the wire ghost strangled Ma Mingyu in a specific dimension. These two ghosts did not have time to kill Luo Jianjun. "

Ji Li looked at the Luo family's old house getting closer and closer, pointed with his finger, and said calmly:

"The Wire Ghost is a regional ghost, and it has an independent space when it kills people.

Such as the bedroom of the village chief's house and the courtyard of the Luo family.

Take the village chief as an example. He was in the east room at the time, but died in the west room.

This shows that the wire ghost has the ability to pull outsiders into the sphere from other areas and strangle them.

Therefore, if it wants to, then Luo Jianjun will definitely die.

Unless, it can't do this, because Luo Jianjun is a ghost. "

This statement did not completely explain Luo Xian's doubts, but everyone had already followed Ji Li into Luo's house.

Ji Li took the lead, ignoring the courtyard and warehouse, and went straight to the main house.

After leading everyone past the reception room, they walked into the long and narrow connection between the front and back yards, and stopped in front of a door.

He turned his head and looked at Luo Xian and asked:

"Have you checked this place?"

Luo Xian shook her head. It was an emergency at the time and she had no time to check every room.

Ji Li quietly opened the door, and the first thing he saw was a clean stove.

Then he opened the locker, took out the pots and pans one by one, placed them on the dining table and said:

“The cabinet on the top floor is the most commonly used floor, but it only has a pair of bowls, chopsticks and a spoon.

Touch it carefully. Is there a slight sticky feeling on the spoon? "

Luo Xian held the porcelain spoon in his hand and rubbed it up and down. Sure enough, there was an obvious resistance.

Her expression changed, she put down the spoon and said:

"This shows that only one person in the Luo family lives permanently, and this person has not made a fire to cook for a long time."

There is no need to go into details like the fact that there is no firewood at the bottom of the clean stove.

Ji Li took the lead in walking into the bedroom where Luo Jianjun had stayed before, and looked at the wall at first glance.

In the black and white portrait, the kind-hearted woman was witnessing five people standing in front of her one by one.

There was very little incense ashes in the copper stove, and it was only spread on the bottom layer. The three sticks of incense on Luoxian had already burned out.

Looking at the black frame on the snow-white wall, Ji Li stepped on a stool, slowly approached and took off the portrait.

A shocking scene appeared. After the woman's portrait was taken down, another portrait appeared on the wall.

Luo Jianjun's unsmiling appearance looks particularly cold and serious under the black and white tones.

A pair of bright eyes stared directly at Ji Li who was directly in front of him.

This time everyone was impressed by Ji Li's decisiveness and wisdom. Yu Guofeng stepped forward and asked involuntarily:

"Manager Ji, you have never been to Luo's house, how do you know all this?"

Ji Li took off both portraits, placed them on the table, and said calmly:

"First: Luo Jianjun's body has always been exuding a strong agarwood scent, which has been condensed over a long period of time.

His wife had only died a few days ago, so it was impossible for his aura to be so strong. This meant that incense was burning in his home all year round.

Second: Luo Jianye said that Luo Jianjun would go to the stone grave in the back mountain every year to worship the six ghosts.

So, as the person closest to a ghost in the village, there is no reason for him to live to this day.

Third: Missions have always been divided into two types: intelligence information and ghost information.

Luo Jianjun is an important clue figure, but the clues he provided in this mission are too useless.

Even if he didn't provide the information about the stone grave, we could still get it.

Therefore, his existence must have an effect on ghosts, and the first one to bear the brunt of the misfortune is the six ghosts.

Coupled with the previous inferences, Luo Jianjun is most likely not alive, but he contains methods to avoid the bad luck of the Six Ghosts. "

His words convinced everyone.

In an environment where criminal objects play an increasingly important role in tasks, it is extremely rare to be able to analyze and make deductions based on your mind alone.

Luo Xian's wisdom may not be worse than Ji Li's, but she is also the type of person affected by sinful objects.

If the dream planting hadn't been so smooth, how could she not have noticed the strangeness of Luo Jianjun's identity?

In the final analysis, she did not deny Luo Jianjun's view that he was a human being precisely because she relied too much on the feedback given by the crime object.

Now, when Ji Li has made everything clear, Luo Xian has also thought of the real way to break the six ghosts' misfortune.

The most famous ability of the Nightmare Sin Object, apart from the dream seeds, is that after Luo Xian falls into a dream, he can see some scenes that will happen in the future.

Predicting the future has always been the rarest and most special sin item, and there are only three of the top ten branches.

Li Congrong's famous prosthetic eye was undoubtedly the first, followed by Luo Xian's ability to enter dreams.

Finally, we have to count Huang Banxian, who works sometimes but not always.

Of course, Gu Xingjian had his own methods as an exception.

After Li Congrong's death, Luo Xian's dream was ranked first even though it could only capture part of the fragmented future.

Therefore, the way to break the bad luck of the six ghosts is to use the dream seeds in Luo Jianjun as a guide.

Fusing his dreams with Luo Xian's sinful objects, he can predict how, when and where the six ghosts will attack.

The two have countless things in common, and the perfect matching mechanism will help them escape the six ghosts' misfortune to the greatest extent.

Perhaps the most fundamental reason why Luo Jianjun, as a ghost, could be easily implanted with dream seeds by Luo Xian.

He is one of the ways to survive!

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