Weird Regulator

Chapter 641 Fruit on the Tree


Ji Li had just stepped out of the courtyard wall of his second uncle's home when a huge thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, stopping his steps.

When I raised my head, dense raindrops hit my face, and the wind stung me like I was hit by steel balls.

The distance between the gloomy sky and him seemed to be a little closer, and it was no longer possible to tell the difference between height and height.

Whenever a mission reaches a critical moment, it is always accompanied by such bad weather.

Ji Li tightened his arms, but the corners of his windbreaker still rustled in the wind. The strong wind made walking extremely difficult.

Luo Xian held his coat on his head and caught up, deliberately raising his voice and shouting:

"I dreamed with Luo Jianjun as my dream seed, but I couldn't see the ghosts and human bones mentioned in the dream!"

Even though she had used a bit more power than usual, it still seemed light and airy in Ji Li's ears.

Ji Li also noticed this and responded loudly:

“We did not fully understand Wue Village, which was a great obstacle to understanding the nature of the mission.

During this period, we seem to be busy every moment, but in fact we are only at the edge. "


As soon as Luo Xian's attention was distracted, the coat he was holding on with his hands was blown off by the strong wind and floated to the rear along the wind.

The wind and rain were so strong that it was useless to hold anything up.

She squinted her eyes and looked at the blurry road ahead, tilted her head and stepped forward firmly and shouted:

"Then what do you think?"

"Just go to the stone tomb, it will tell us whether everything we did before was right or wrong!"

Ji Li's newly tied hair was blowing around his head at this moment. He had never walked in such a violent wind and rain.

The Wue Village directly ahead looked unreal against the backdrop of the heavy rain.

Whether the road ahead leads to heaven or hell, you will only know if you go on.

Detouring from the edge of the village to the end of the village would be a short distance away, but the two chose to go through the village to avoid wind and rain.

The bad weather caused great delay. After nearly twenty minutes of hiking, they finally reached the middle of the village.

When he came to the wall with the slogan "Get rich through hard work", Luo Xian deliberately looked at this family.

Without the protection of a coat, Luo Xian's thin upper body was exposed to the wind and rain, and his torn shirt was swaying in the rain.

On the snow-white skin, there was a blue-gray palm print.

And this death mark comes from this ordinary family.

But when Luo Xian came here again, he was shocked to find two dim lights shining in the small bungalow.

With her vision blurred, she couldn't see whether there were figures reflected on the windows.

But somewhere in the dark, she felt a gaze looking at her from afar through the wind and rain.

"What on earth are the villagers of Wue Village..."

The two of them did not stop here, but looked back for a moment before moving on.

After passing this house, the village road became wider and wider, which meant that they had officially arrived in the middle of the village.

Even in such bad weather, the slightly leaning old crooked neck tree still stood firm on the land in the wind and rain.

The few branches and leaves were all destroyed, symbolizing the desolation of a life before death.

Luo Xian's pace quickened at this moment, and an eagerness appeared on her face that was wet by the rain. She changed from walking to running, and ran towards the Crooked Neck Tree.

"Huaiguang! Huaiguang!"

The madman once predicted that if Bai Huaiguang died, his head would be hung on this tree.

This undoubtedly provided Luo Xian with an opportunity to find out Bai Huaiguang's life and death without arriving at the wooden house at the end of the village.

Ji Li didn't speed up, he just watched her stumble away and then watched her get up again after falling.

Only at this moment did he see another side of this woman.

Even at her level, there is still someone who is sincere.

He saw Luo Xian kneeling in front of the windy Crooked Tree, his thin back trembling in the wind, as if he would be blown away at any time.

A pale human head hung on a branch, like a white lantern swaying in the wind.

There was no blood or terror. Bai Huai's paper-like face was calm with his eyes closed at the moment, as if he was not in pain.

A little bit of rain washed over his head, and the dripping water looked like fruit on a tree.

Luo Xian covered his face in pain and knelt in front of his head. His long hair was completely soaked and could no longer be blown by the wind.

Ji Li couldn't see her expression clearly, and he couldn't tell whether the water droplets flowing out from her fingers were rain or tears.

He slowly closed his eyes, took a deep breath, took off his windbreaker and put it on Luo Xian's shoulders.

"You have been following me since you were nineteen, and you have been following me since you were nineteen..."

Luo Xian took off the hand that covered his face and looked at the shaking head with blurry eyes, his tone changed from compassion to sinisterness.

"I will kill whichever ghost kills you!"

Her mourning mood disappeared in an instant, and she stood up neatly and put on her windbreaker.

Standing in front of Bai Huaiguang's head, his eyes returned to the look that a store manager should have, and he made a solemn oath.

After saying that, he decisively turned around and continued walking towards the end of the village, his slender shadow standing firm in the rain.

Ji Li said nothing and watched the scene quietly.

Humans can never kill ghosts, nor can they even injure them.

This is their tragedy, and it is also the eternal fate of this unfair game.

However, at this moment, an extremely unreal, hallucinatory voice suddenly appeared in his ears.

"Two ghosts..."

Ji Li suddenly turned his head and looked at the tree trunk. The human head was still ordinary, with eyes closed and mouth closed and shaking.

The three words I just heard were like hallucinations, but they were definitely not hallucinations!

He carefully observed the head again, but he still didn't see anything unusual.

This is indeed a dead head, from Bai Huaiguang, and there is no other information.

"It's not an illusion, this sentence is what this head said. I remember Bai Huaiguang's voice.

Even if it's very weak, it must be him! "

The words of the third personality confirmed the matter and dispelled Ji Li's suspicion.

Bai Huaiguang is definitely not dead!

Luo Xian's figure had disappeared from sight at this moment, and Ji Li quickly caught up with him.

After crossing a corner, he took Luo Xian's arm and said:

"Bai Huaiguang is probably not dead. I heard him revealing information to me."

There was a hint of confusion in Luo Xian's eyes, and she frowned and asked again:

"What did you say?"

After Ji Li told what happened just now, he explained:

"This is information. Not to mention that the clerk cannot become a ghost after death. Even if Bai Huaiguang becomes a ghost, he should not reveal clues to us.

So Bai Huaiguang must not be dead yet, he is just stuck in some kind of impasse and cannot get out of it. "

Luo Xian was silent for half a minute. Her mood was obviously much higher than before. She grabbed Ji Li's wrist and said eagerly:

"Go to the Murao cabin quickly, maybe his body is there!"

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