Weird Regulator

Chapter 723 Proving Identity


The friction of the flint ignited a wisp of flame, and Ji Li leaned over gently to lend it to the candle in the center of the living room.

The flickering light illuminated a small circular area.

With the candle as the center, four chairs surrounded the city, as if performing some mysterious ritual.

It looks like the chair is trapping the fire, but in fact the fire is trapping the chair.

Ji Li stood by the candle, turned around silently, and scanned the four chairs one by one.

He saw four people sitting on four chairs...

To be precise, there were four little paper figures placed on the chairs.

Although the paper figurines are only as big as a palm, they are extremely delicate and attractive.

There are four black and white photos attached to the heads of the four people.

The first person was missing an objective, Fang Shenyan.

Ji Li's expression changed slightly. He didn't know what Fang Shenyan had gone through to lose an eye.

The second person is Clyde who is also missing a purpose.

From the previous conversation, we know that Clyde and Fang Shenyan came to the tenth floor together.

It seems that he is also involved in this supernatural incident.

The third person is Li Guanqi, who looks directly into the camera with a gloomy expression.

Another acquaintance.

I don’t know when this photo was taken, but I think it wasn’t long ago.

It was the first time Ji Li saw that the always gentle Li Guanqi had such an expression.

The fourth person is Xue Tinghai, who has an expressionless face and eyes closed.

Xue Tinghai's appearance was unexpected, but it was also reasonable.

It's just that he and Li Guanqi, judging from their expressions in the photo, seem to have been interchanged.

"Exorcism ritual..."

Ji Li put his hands behind his back and looked at the four stand-ins on the four chairs.

It appears that the video of the exorcism ritual was tampered with.

All the people in the video were replaced by store managers who arrived on the tenth floor.

He finally understood why this supernatural event did not start immediately.

Because of this hidden plot, there is a shortage of people.

You must pass all the candidates in the video to proceed normally.

Then, there should be one less...

The candle flickered gently once, bringing light to another location.

Ji Li walked out of the circle and came near the door.

Sure enough, here he saw another stand-in standing on the ground.

This is a woman and an acquaintance.

In the photo, her facial lines are soft, and she seems to be a person with a gentle personality.

But the raised eyebrows indicate that there is a restless side in her character, and the high-tied hair makes her look full of youthful vitality.

Ji Li remembers her name: Huangfu Jiajia.

The store manager with very white teeth.

The one who exorcises evil spirits, Ji Li;

Medical guide, Huangfu Jiajia;

Seeing patients, Fang Shenyan, Clyde, Li Guanqi, Xue Tinghai.

There has been some change in the exorcism ritual.

The patient in the video is just a thin person, but in the game, there are four of them.

It seemed that it was Mrs. Hu's last words that pushed the matter into another situation.

The evil spirit's hiding place spread to these four people.

"Why should Ji Li exorcise evil spirits?"

Just as he was thinking, a voice sounded from behind, and he turned his head and saw no living person.

But the sound came from the fourth chair, where Xue Tinghai's substitute was.

It seems that in this supernatural incident, the game and reality can communicate across the air.

"We are trapped in reality. It seems that only Ji Li has made it this far in the game, so it can only be him."

Clyde's stand-in answered the question.

Ji Li looked at the four chairs and several substitutes suspiciously.

He couldn't see the four people, but he could hear their conversation.

But how do they know the exorcist is them?

"Your choices and actions will be broadcast live to us on television."

Fang Shenyan gave the answer to this question.

Ji Li took the opportunity to look at the TV, but there was only a frozen video picture on his side.

It seems that although the game and reality are progressing simultaneously, there are also considerable differences.

The host of the exorcism ritual, Ji Li, operates in the game. He can only see the avatar and hear the voice, but cannot see the real picture.

But the "four patients" can watch Ji Li's every move through real-life TV sets.

From the photo of Li Guanqi with a gloomy face, his tired and hoarse voice came out:

"Manager Ji, let me ask you, is Teng Shan dead?"

After Ji Li was silent for a moment, he nodded:

"He died for me, and that's why I'm here."

Li Guanqi seemed to have taken a deep breath. After a few seconds of pause, he said in a deep voice:

"I see."

As a medical counselor, Huangfu Jiajia had been silent, but she couldn't help it at this time.

“I don’t think this exorcism ritual is fair at all.

Why did Tianhai only give the choice to Ji Li among the six people present?

As an exorcist, he has the power of life and death in the room.

We can’t even choose! "

This is an unsolvable problem.

Clyde's explanation is correct, but it is just an explanation and cannot reflect fairness.

Even if Ji Li chooses the wrong person, he will die.

But after all, he firmly holds the initiative, and what awaits the other store managers is passive acceptance.

Because the video makes it clear.

During the exorcism ritual, "Don't resist, don't speak, don't move, surrender your life."

"Manager Ji, you need to keep your eyes open.

Even if you choose the right person, as long as you fail to eradicate the evil spirit, it is not a success.

Just because we are irresistible by participating in the ceremony does not mean that we are truly irresistible.

Don’t forget, sinful things can be used in the real world. "

Among all the people present, Xue Tinghai believed that he had the deepest rift with Ji Li. The two sides had lost a soldier and general during a mission in Kyoto.

Hua Hua spoke at this moment, which shows that these "patients" are not without means to counter Ji Li.

Ji Li sneered when he heard this and did not respond.

Xue Tinghai is indeed not an ordinary person, and he understands human nature well.

With one sentence, all the store managers were put on the opposite side of Ji Li.

This exorcism ritual looks more like a horror-themed werewolf killing.

Ji Li needs to find out the evil spirits hiding in everyone and use props to get rid of them.

This identity, who has taken the full initiative in the situation, also makes enemies for him.

Pushing all the store managers, including Fang Shenyan, to the enemy side.

After all, maybe they don’t know whether evil spirits are within them.

So as long as Ji Li chooses someone, the other party will definitely resist and prevent the success of the ceremony.

What Ji Li has to face is not only the "evil spirit", but also four store managers with top-notch intelligence and strength to counterattack.

It is very difficult to succeed in this hidden plot.

"Stop talking nonsense and let's get started!"

Fang Shenyan spoke coldly, interrupting these useless conversations and letting the scene fall into silence.

Ji Li slowly walked to the center of the four chairs, and two thumb-thick sticks of incense appeared at his feet.

"A piece of incense can burn for thirty seconds and release white smoke in a small area.

The user can designate a single target and white smoke will cover them.

If the breath of evil spirits is detected, the white smoke will turn dark red to determine the identity. "

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