Weird Regulator

Chapter 759 Where are you from?

"Who are you?"

The voice sounded familiar, and even the tone of voice seemed familiar.

But even when he heard this voice for the second time, Fang Shenyan still couldn't identify the other party's identity.

The world on the third floor is normal, just like those floors without ghosts.

The moonlight in the darkness is bright, and it shines slightly coldly on the body.

Fang Shenyan's head felt dizzy, and the pain of losing his left eye was secretly causing trouble.

When the adrenaline cools down after the excitement, it is replaced by a long period of pain.

He slapped his hot face hard, did not choose to answer the question, raised his legs and walked forward.

However, when he finally entered the third floor corridor.

There was sudden boiling in his ears.

Like a kettle being heated while sitting on the stove, the water molecules begin to vibrate violently.

The entire third floor was trembling like a machine that was turned on.

Fang Shenyan retracted his steps vigilantly, but when he turned around, he found that the corridor he came from had completely disappeared.

A constantly trembling wall blocked the escape route. At the same time, the dust on the wall was shaking and the wall covering began to fall off.

In the blink of an eye, a dazzling silver light illuminated his face.

Fang Shenyan subconsciously covered it with his hands. When he got used to it, he was shocked to find that the third floor had completely changed.

The walls, the floor, the ceiling...everywhere you look is filled with mirrors.

In such a huge mirror space, Fang Shenyan stood alone.

At the same time, countless mirror images of Fang Shenyan from all directions were looking at him with incomprehensible expressions.

1m×1m square mirrors, connected one to another, cover all locations.

Fang Shenyan was able to capture the slender gaps between each mirror surface.

Countless mirrors have countless black lines, and they are arranged regularly to form mirror worlds.

Front and back, left and right, up and down, covering all directions, creating countless Fang Shenyan.

However, the expressions of these people are not completely consistent.

In addition to their physical unity, their faces were filled with a variety of emotions.

For example: grief, sadness, joy, madness, heartbreak, indifference, loneliness...

Human beings have countless complex emotions, which are also presented here in countless dialects.

They all looked at Fang Shenyan in the center with their own expressions.

In the absurd and weird ceremony, that question once again came to mind.

"Who are you?"

This question seems to correspond to the countless selves in the mirror space.

A multiple choice question.

"Who are you?" can also be understood as: "Who will you choose?"

After traveling so long and experiencing so many hardships, Fang Shenyan is used to the extreme tests of life and death, as well as the intuitive and incoming threats.

It is rare to have the opportunity to face a philosophical challenge.

This made him feel fresh and happy.

Because, judging from the third level of expression, this game is closely related to "identity".

And his purpose is to complete the transformation of identity.

Thinking of this, Fang Shenyan lost his sharpness and edge, began to restrain his breath, and thought calmly.

The sound of low footsteps resounded, it was the sound of him walking on the third floor.

After a simple search, the entire site has been completely replaced with a visual mirror.

At the same time, he also saw himself with more and more expressions, waiting to make a decision.

A multiple-choice question with unknown intentions and mysterious meanings. Among the many selves, what kind of self do you choose?

The thinking time is getting longer and longer, and the situation has not changed, which shows that this game will give the entrants enough time.

"There are only questions and options, no propositions, no conditions, no beginning or end."

This question is difficult because its ambiguity will affect the subsequent development of the situation.

Fang Shenyan, with a sneer on his face, was looking forward to it;

Fang Shenyan, with his wise eyes, is looking forward to it;

Fang Shenyan, who looks lazy, is looking forward to...

Everyone is waiting to see how he will choose this topic.

Ten minutes passed.

Fang Shenyan raised his buried head and glanced across the mirrors like a torch.

Finally, he stretched out his index finger and touched his chest.

"I am who I am."

This is his answer.

The answer is not the name "Fang Shenyan", but "I".

Be calm and collected.

When making this choice, Fang Shenyan had no expression on his face.

However, "expressionless" is also a type of expression, and he himself certainly became one of the answers.

Fang Shenyan said sadly, "You shouldn't have chosen this way."

Angry Fang Shenyan said: "You will definitely regret it!"

The weak Fang Shenyan said: "It's almost here, we're almost at the edge of the dead end."

All kinds of things, the moment the answer appeared, Fang Shenyan with countless expressions said countless paragraphs in response.

But when all the sounds fell, the mirrors on the third floor shattered and turned into fly ash.

The ashes slowly floated up from all corners, dazzling the eyes and blowing into the air with the wind.

For a time, the distance between the sky and the earth was stretched to the extreme, and in the middle were those worlds flying like snow.

The whole world is peaceful and the ice and snow are accumulating.

He was finally no longer alone.


The sound of a lighter and the pungent smell of tobacco drifted in the wind from the left.

He saw a familiar figure standing ten steps away.

Chen Hansheng held the pipe in his hand and exhaled a puff of white mist. The tip of his nose was already red.

His legs were completely buried in the snow, indicating that he had been standing here for a long time.

Ten steps away on the right, Luo Xian is dressed in plain clothes, with black hair hanging down to his chest, standing slim and graceful.

In the snow, she is as beautiful as a fairy who has landed on earth.

And on the right of Luoxian, ten steps away.

Li Yi was wearing a dark gray tunic suit, with his eyes closed as if in deep thought, and he stood with his hands behind his back.

A pitch-black crow was tilting its head, staring intently at a location not far in front of it.

Everyone is here.

In the real world, the top four store managers are all gathered here.

Fang Shenyan stood in black clothes in the vast white snow, and the voice echoed in his ears again.

"Where are you from?"

The second problem is still incomprehensible and has no beginning or end.

In a short period of time, his figure was buried in the heavy snow, but his eyes were still sharp.

When the second question came, six blurry circles of light slowly appeared ten steps away.

In that circle of light, there were several figures sitting cross-legged.

Taking a closer look, they were all Fang Shenyan.

First aperture:

Fang Shenyan spread out his left hand, looking directly at the evil eyeball in his palm.

Second aperture:

An indescribable invisible object was hovering in the air, but Fang Shenyan tilted his head, unwilling to touch it.

The third aperture:

Fang Shenyan was sitting cross-legged in a dark well, tearing off a bright red festive red hijab with both hands.

Fourth aperture:

Fang Shenyan was no longer a complete person, but was torn into pieces and turned into severed limbs.

He was desperately trying to gather the stump of the limb with his hands, but he could never piece it together completely.

Fifth aperture:

There is no Fang Shenyan here, only the back of a woman running barefoot in the cold snow.

His head of black hair was swaying in the snow, and his red and swollen feet were shaking in the wind.

Everyone could see how sad he would be when she left.

Sixth aperture:

Fang Shenyan put his hand into a huge picture frame and kept fishing for something with his hand, until half of his body was about to get in.

Six apertures, six frames.

Fang Shenyan scanned them one by one, and in a trance he already understood what they represented.

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