The dead body was broken, and the dead body was still alive.

Yu Yuner took a step forward tremblingly, looking at the pale and familiar face in the broken stratum corneum, the pain in her heart almost tore her apart.

Su Ji, who had stood up for her countless times and given her the warmth of a family, her beloved sister, was now lying in a scorched earth, unrecognizable, and her life or death was uncertain.

Looking at Su Ji, whose body was almost no longer in human form, Yu Yuner's heart was like being cut by countless blades, and she was in so much pain that she couldn't breathe.

She gently stretched out her hand, wanting to touch her sister's pale face, but was stopped by Li Yin: "Don't get close, her current condition is unknown and very dangerous. Besides, she is not dead yet, but the situation is more complicated. I need to deal with these tentacles and stratum corneum before trying to wake her up."

Li Yin guessed that the sleeping Su Ji inside represented her superficial personality, and the outer layer of stratum corneum condensed by tentacles was the violent personality separated by Professor Fang.

It can't be said to be a violent personality. In fact, this part is the former Su Ji, the girl who once fought against more than a dozen children in the orphanage alone to help Yu Yuner, and ran out to buy her delicious food afterwards, like a tomboy.

She is the sister that Yu Yuner is familiar with.

But now, Li Yin has to peel her off with her own hands.

From Professor Fang's memory, she clearly saw what kind of horrible experiments Professor Fang conducted on the former personality of this senior sister in order to create the so-called "human god".

She had long been twisted and turned into a real monster. Even if Yu Yuner appeared in front of her, it would be difficult for her to return to the past.

Yu Yuner heard this, wiped away her tears, nodded, stepped back a few steps, stood aside silently, and watched Li Yin continue her work.

As Li Yin moved, more and more black tentacles and cuticles were peeled off, revealing Su Ji's body.

Her body was covered with scars, and some places even exposed bones, which looked shocking.

But Li Yin didn't seem to see these, just focusing on dealing with every corner.

She suddenly thought of something, looked at Su Ji on the ground seriously, and couldn't help but sigh: "Yun'er, she is a good sister, protecting you very well..."

Yu Yuner kept crying on the side, unable to say a word.

It's just...

Hey, Li Muyi, who loved Su Ji until death, was really a loser in the end. People only regarded you as a sister from beginning to end.

And Yoona...

Ahem, no, they're already dead, you can't laugh at them like that.

Li Yin continued her movements and signaled Yu Yoona to get closer.

As Li Yin moved, the monster on the ground was gradually stripped away, leaving only a curled-up human figure.

Yu Yoona approached carefully, looking at the once familiar figure, tears slid down again

Most of Su Ji's face was exposed, and although it was still pale, it was also a little lively.

Yu Yoona gently held her hand and called softly: "Sister, I'm Yoona, can you hear me?"

However, Su Ji did not respond at all.

Yu Yoona did not give up hope, but tears still welled up in her eyes.

She looked up at Li Yin, her voice trembling: "Sister Li Yin, can my sister... wake up?"

"It should be possible, keep talking to her."

Li Yin thrust two axes next to Su Ji and sat cross-legged beside him.

This was the second monster she had seen who was not afraid of her axe, the first one was Li Muyi.

She could probably guess why, probably because of the black crystal that caused their mutation.

Last time, she absorbed the black crystal and was almost blown up by the violent energy. Although she didn't know it, it was probably a very powerful existence.

She had thought before whether she could dig out the crystal in Su Ji's body to solve the problem.

But when she thought of the reason why Li Muyi's crystal flew out, she gave up the idea.

Su Ji would probably die if he was dug out.

Yu Yuner wiped away her tears, she held Su Ji's cold hand tightly, her heart filled with endless sadness.

"Sister, I'm Yuner, do you remember me? We grew up together in an orphanage, and you always protected me from any harm. I still remember those cold winters, you always hugged me tightly and warmed me with your body temperature. You said that no matter what difficulties we encounter, we will get through it together and never separate!"

"Sister, when you first came to the orphanage, I thought you were a boy. You had short hair.

Your hair is dirty, your face is dirty, and you have injuries on your body. They all say that you are a bad kid, because you were sent here because you fought every day. But you are very good to me, always protecting me and not letting other kids bully me. Later I realized that you are not a bad kid, you just want to protect yourself and not let others hurt you.

Sister, do you know? I have always envied you, envied your strength and courage. You taught me a lot and let me understand what true courage is. You said that no matter what difficulties you encounter, you must not give up and must keep going.

But sister, what's wrong with you now? Why are you lying here motionless? Are you tired? Do you want to rest? I won't let you rest, you haven't seen me grow up and get into the same university as you! You said you would watch me put on a wedding dress, you can't go back on your word.

Sister, wake up quickly, don't sleep anymore. I'm waiting for you here, I will always be with you until you wake up. Did you hear it? Sister, I am Yuner, I am waiting for you here, waiting for you to wake up..."

Yu Yuner's voice gradually choked, and tears kept dripping on the back of Su Ji's pale hand.

She gently put Su Ji's hand on her face, just like before, feeling the cold and familiar touch, and the hope in Yu Yuner's heart was shattered bit by bit.

Her sister, Su Ji, who had accompanied her through countless difficult years, was now lying in front of her like a broken doll, with life and death uncertain.

Her voice choked several times, but she always Didn't stop.

But even so, Su Ji on the ground still didn't react, just like Li Muyi in the late stage of the experiment, she fell into an eternal sleep.

Li Yin stood up and picked up the axe.

If it really doesn't work, she can only send her senior sister to the last journey in person, otherwise this is a time bomb that may wake up at any time and cause a tragedy like Linhai University.

Yu Yuner was unwilling to give up, holding Su Ji tightly in her arms, constantly calling her name.

"Sister, you said you would protect me forever and never separate! We are a family and the most important existence in each other's lives. Don't leave me, okay... The doctor said that Dad will never wake up. If sister is gone, I really don't know what to do."

Yu Yuner's voice has become hoarse, she hugged Su Ji tightly, as if she wanted to wake her up with her own strength.

"I haven't had time to confess to you, I like you, sister, I have liked you since a long, long time ago.

I have been relying on you and liking you since I was little, but I dare not say it because I am afraid you will leave me.

But now, I am really scared, afraid that you will be like dad and never wake up.

Sister, please wake up soon, I will always be here waiting for you, waiting for you to wake up, waiting for you to hear my voice.

Sister, I love you..."

Yu Yuner's voice gradually lowered, her head resting on Su Ji's shoulder, her tears had dried up, leaving only endless sadness and despair.

She lowered her head and gently kissed Su Ji's pale lips, wanting to create miracles with love like in a fairy tale.

But reality is never a fairy tale, Su Ji's hand slipped weakly, and it seemed to take away Yu Yuner's last hope.

Li Yin sighed, she could fully understand Yu Yuner's current pain.

Two months ago, she suddenly lost all her relatives, kneeling in front of her parents' tombstone, wasn't she also in such pain?

But at this moment, Su Ji's fingers suddenly moved.

This detail was clearly captured by Li Yin, and she immediately pulled away Yu Yuner who was still kissing, and let her stand behind her.

"Yuner, don't stop, keep talking to her. "

Yu Yuner also noticed Su Ji's trembling lips, and called Su Ji's name more vigorously, trying to awaken her sleeping consciousness.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the air around seemed to solidify.

On this scorched earth, only Yu Yuner's voice was constantly echoing.

Finally, when she was about to despair, Su Ji's eyelids suddenly trembled, and slowly opened her eyes, revealing a confused and tired look.

The huge surprise almost broke through Yu Yuner's chest. She wanted to rush forward excitedly and hug her sister tightly, but was stopped by Li Yin, and could only stand behind and call excitedly.

"Sister, sister, you finally woke up! How do you feel? Do you still recognize me?"

Su Ji's sight gradually focused on Yu Yuner's face, and she showed a weak smile: " it really you?"

Hearing this, Yu Yuner's tears burst out again.

"Sister, it's me, it's me, Yuner! You finally woke up, that's great, really

Great! "Yu Yuner threw herself into Su Ji's arms excitedly, as if she wanted to pass on all her warmth to her.

Su Ji smiled, and although her face was still pale, she still comforted her sister softly: "Yuner, I'm sorry for making you worry."

Yu Yuner's eyes were already blurred by tears, and her throat was choked with sobs and she couldn't say a word.

Ning Zhu walked over gently, hugged Li Yin's shoulders from behind, and said softly: "Li Yin, if one day I become a monster like her and can never wake up again, what will you do?"

Li Yin was silent, she couldn't imagine such a future.

She could only shake her head gently: "I'm here, and I will never let this happen! "

Ning Zhu put his face between the girl's hair, rubbed it, and enjoyed the tranquility and warmth of the moment.

Li Yin's body also relaxed, and she let out a long breath.

It seemed that the matter was over...

But in a place she didn't see, countless black tentacles suddenly appeared behind Su Ji!

The tentacles quickly condensed together, covering the whole body, and the black keratin armor appeared again, along with a pair of huge black wings behind her.

She put one hand around Yu Yuner's waist, and the black wings behind her flapped violently, and her body quickly rose.

This scene happened so fast that Yu Yuner had no time to react before Su Ji took her off the ground.

She screamed in fear and hugged Su Ji tightly, trying to find some support from her.

Ning Zhu was stunned by the sudden change in front of her. She stood there, watching Su Ji take Yu Yuner to the sky.

Li Yin had expected all this. With a cold snort, he disappeared in an instant. When he appeared again, he had already grasped one of Su Ji's tail whips in his hand.

He pulled back suddenly and punched him on the back, and then he was gone without a trace. Without mercy, he spread out the axe space to cover it.

Li Yin clearly felt that something was peeled off from Su Ji's body and swallowed into the space.

Then she saw the black armor on her body shattered, and she fell from the sky uncontrollably.

Yu Yuner's screams resounded through the sky, and she hugged Su Ji tightly, fearing that she would be hurt.

A flying sword quietly appeared under their feet, steadily supporting the falling bodies of the two, and gently sent them back to the ground.

Seeing this, Uncle Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this monster was seconds, otherwise the scene will fly away by itself, and if you chase it, won’t you be beaten to death?

Li Yin looked at Yu Yuner who was in a daze and Su Ji who was unconscious again, and couldn't help sighing.

She didn't want to do this at first, thinking that she could use the relationship between Yu Yuner and her to call back the last conscience of the former Su Ji.

Because she saw her suffering, Li Yin still retained a trace of kindness to this former senior.

But unfortunately, the plan failed, but fortunately it didn't cause a big disaster.

However, she didn't dare to guarantee whether Su Ji could wake up.

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