The ghosts were so powerful that they could not be found.

Li Yin didn't know if these things were useful, but she didn't take any action. After all, she didn't have any means of detection such as spider sense. She could only sit here and wait until the ghost appeared.

If there was, she would kill him. If not, she would wait for Officer Liu to arrive tomorrow and thoroughly check the hotel.

Wait, can Officer Liu check without a search warrant?

Who cares? This is what Officer Liu should worry about. She believes that her partner is very reliable.

What she has to do now is to try to strengthen her strength. The ghosts she encountered now are very weak and can be killed casually, but who knows if there will be stronger monsters in the future?

And she always feels as if there is a shadow hanging over her, which makes her a little uneasy.

In addition, the evil cult mentioned by Officer Liu is still hiding in the dark, and it is unknown when it will emerge. I must not take it lightly, and try to strengthen my strength, be prepared to deal with greater crises, and find my uncle at the same time.

The area in the middle of the restaurant was noisy. Li Yin looked over and saw that it was the team where Master Zhao was. It seemed that they were also going to take action.

Li Yin was quite looking forward to Master Zhao. If he was a master, he could learn a trick or two and make a lot of money directly.

But... why do I feel that there are fewer people?

I saw more than a dozen people just now, but now there are only six left including the master.

The master seemed to be preparing something in the middle. Apart from the few people watching, their leader should be the young man holding a mobile phone, who seemed to be a live broadcaster.

Shen Feiyu is a very famous outdoor live broadcaster. With his boldness and humorous style, he has accumulated a large number of fans on the live broadcast platform.

Some time ago, he heard about the supernatural incident in the hotel, and immediately organized this adventure activity, hoping to add fuel to his live broadcast career.

He was holding up his phone and said to the camera: "Dear viewers, this is our exploration site today. It is said that a bizarre death incident once occurred here. Two of a family of three died and one disappeared! Since then, many supernatural phenomena have occurred. But don't worry, with our expert Mr. Zhao here, everything is not a problem!"

The camera turned to Mr. Zhao, who was holding a compass at this time, looking for something with a focused expression. He frowned and shook his head from time to time, looking mysterious: "There is indeed something wrong with this place. There is a powerful evil ghost entrenched, but it can't make any waves in my hands."

Shen Feiyu immediately agreed excitedly after hearing this: "That's right! With Mr. Zhao here, we will definitely be able to catch that ghost! Open your eyes! Dear friends, give Master Zhao a wave of gifts, let us witness this exciting moment together!"

Because Mr. Zhao still needs some time to prepare, Shen Feiyu decided to interview other guests in the restaurant first to increase the fun of the live broadcast.

He looked around the restaurant and happened to see the girl sitting in the corner.

She looked like a high school student, wearing neutral clothes. Even with a mask on, he could feel the unique temperament of the girl.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all shouting: Go and chat up! I want to meet the little sister!

"Satisfy you!"

With a confident smile, Shen Feiyu walked to the corner where Li Yin was. His steps were brisk, as if he couldn't wait to start chatting up.

"Hi, little sister, are you here alone?" Shen Feiyu greeted enthusiastically, and at the same time, he did not forget to point the camera of his mobile phone at Li Yin, hoping to let the audience see her better.

Li Yin raised her head and looked at the sudden stranger with some surprise. Without taking off the mask, she just shook her head silently without saying a word.

Shen Feiyu was attracted by Li Yin's temperament and didn't care about her cold attitude at all. He continued to ask: "Are you here for adventure too? Do you want to join us? Our team is very strong. With expert Mr. Zhao here, he will definitely guarantee your safety."

Li Yin continued to shake her head: "No, I can do it by myself, and I'm not very interested in those supernatural phenomena."

Shen Feiyu was a little disappointed, but he didn't give up: "It doesn't matter, even if you are not interested, you can come and explore with us. Anyway, one more person means one more strength. And our live broadcast is very interesting, you can also come and watch it."

Li Yin didn't reply this time, but turned her head away directly, and her attitude was already very obvious.

Shen Feiyu didn't continue to pester her when he saw this, after all, he was not the kind of person who would pester her.

, the main purpose of this outdoor live broadcast is not to strike up a conversation, but to explore.

He shrugged and smiled at the camera: "It seems that this little sister doesn't want to adventure with us. But it doesn't matter, there are more exciting contents waiting for you. Now, let us follow Mr. Zhao's Let’s step into that mysterious area together!”

The camera turned to Mr. Zhao again. He had prepared all the tools and was standing at the entrance of the corridor, waiting for everyone to arrive.

However, at this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from deep in the corridor. When everyone heard the sound, they immediately looked warily towards the direction from which the sound came. A blurry figure suddenly appeared from the end of the corridor and quickly disappeared from sight.

"What is that?!" Shen Feiyu exclaimed.

"It's a ghost!" someone shouted in horror.

Mr. Zhao looked serious and cold. He quickly took out a charm from his bag, muttered something, and suddenly a golden light shot out from his sleeve in the direction of the black shadow.

Unfortunately, he took action too late, as the corridor was already empty.

Mr. Zhao's spell obviously had no effect.

Most of the people in the barrage were exclaiming that there was really a ghost! However, there are still a few people who are questioning it, suspecting that they are making things up and it is all a script.

He could only cough awkwardly and explain to the camera: "Don't worry, everyone, it's a ghost, how can it be caught so easily. You don't know if you're not there, I was scared to death just now, I didn't expect it There are really ghosts in the world!”

Although Shen Feiyu's words were a bit exaggerated, the audience seemed satisfied with his reaction, and the complaints in the barrage gradually subsided.

Li Yin frowned on the side.

What was the black shadow just now? Why do I look so human?

It's the kind of person who wears a black cloak and covers his face. He runs very fast, but... is this a ghost?

Due to lack of experience, she really couldn't judge.

After all, the three ghosts I have seen look completely different, but even if each ghost looks different, doesn't it mean that the one who died in the hotel was a little girl? The one just now looks like an adult, right?

Forget it, just follow up and take a look.

While she was thinking, Master Zhao had already set off with a group of people, and the target was the room where the little girl died.

Li Yin also followed and stood behind the crowd, ready to see what Master Zhao was capable of.

In front, Master Zhao was talking to Shen Feiyu about his findings.

"I have observed that there are some problems with the Feng Shui layout of this hotel, which results in excessive Yin energy and easily attracts ghosts." Master Zhao pointed to a corner of the corridor and said seriously, "Moreover, I just felt a wave of Strong resentment, I’m afraid the cause of this little girl’s death is not simple.”

His voice was not loud, but just enough to be heard by the people in the live broadcast room.

After hearing this, Shen Feiyu immediately asked excitedly: "Master Zhao, what should we do next? Is there any way to catch that ghost?"

Master Zhao pondered for a moment and said slowly: "It is not easy to catch this ghost. I need to first arrange some spells and magic weapons in the room to trap the ghost. Then I will use some special methods to lure it out. , take it down in one fell swoop.”

After hearing this, Shen Feiyu quickly said to the camera: "Great! Master Zhao really has a way! Let's start quickly!"

Just as everyone was heading to the room on the third floor, the door of a certain room was slammed shut with a loud bang, and the entire corridor was instantly plunged into darkness. Only the charm in Master Zhao's hand gave off a faint light, illuminating the room. the path beneath their feet.

Everyone was shocked by this sudden change and gathered together nervously, not daring to move.

Shen Feiyu swallowed nervously and looked at Master Zhao cautiously: "Master Zhao, what's going on? Is the ghost already here?"

Master Zhao looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "It seems that this ghost has noticed our arrival and has begun to take action. Don't panic, stay calm, and arrange the spells and magic weapons as I said before."

After everyone heard the words, they immediately took action and began to arrange spells and magic weapons according to his instructions. Li Yin was also assigned a small incense burner and asked to place it in the corner of the corridor.

She took the small incense burner and looked at it carefully. She felt that it was nothing special, and the material was not good. The metal burrs had not been cleaned and it was a bit prickly...

Is it because I'm ignorant?

She tried to inject the strange energy in her body into the incense burner again, but there was still no change.


Just as they were nervously and orderly arranging the spells and instruments, a low and deep sound suddenly came from the end of the corridor.

Weird singing. The song is ethereal and melodious, as if it comes from another world.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked nervously in the direction of the sound.

Master Zhao's eyes narrowed and he said solemnly: "This is the song of that ghost. Don't panic, everyone, stay calm. I will cast a spell to trap her!"

Only now did Li Yin cheer up. She had also heard the strange singing at her uncle's house. Although it was different, it was at least a little similar.

Upon seeing this, Master Zhao immediately waved the charm in his hand and muttered something.

No special effects were seen, but the lights in the corridor returned to normal and the singing gradually stopped.

"666" was used all over the live broadcast room to show admiration for Master Zhao.

Shen Feiyu also took the opportunity to say: "It seems that Master Zhao is really a capable person! Come and give him some gifts to express your gratitude!"

Li Yin looked at this scene with a hint of shock in his eyes.

Wucao, I didn't see what happened at all. The ghost was suppressed like this? Haven't even shown up yet!

Is this what a serious ghost exorcist does? sharp!

In comparison, I still feel a little ashamed that I haven't even found the ghost yet.

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