Seeing the middle-aged woman suddenly appear, Duanmu Song's pupils shrank.

"It's her! Everyone be careful! She is the woman who attacked me at that time!"

His words made Miao Miaomiao alert instantly, a pair of cat claws flashed with cold light, and the vertical pupils stared at the middle-aged woman, ready to attack at any time.

Li Yin was a little surprised: "Auntie Huang, it's so late, why are you here?"

Auntie Huang smiled and said: "I heard you were back, so I came to greet you in advance. Come on, come upstairs with me, have you eaten?"

"No, I was too busy tonight and didn't have time to eat."

"How can that be, you are still growing up, you can't be hungry. Come on, Auntie will make you something delicious."

The conversation between the two was like that between an ordinary elder and a child, so daily and warm.

But in the context of the chaos in Linhai now, it is so absurd and unreal.

Li Yin lowered her head, staring at the familiar ground under her feet with a pair of eyes shining with stars, and sighed: "Auntie Huang, where are my parents?"

Auntie Huang wanted to pull Li Yin's hand, but the smile on her face was restrained a little, but she was still smiling: "They will have to wait for a while to come, let's go up first."

Li Yin took a step back, tilted her head, and her face was full of confusion: "You said last time that I was depressed at home for half a month because of my parents' death. Since they are dead, how can I come to eat together?"

The smile on Auntie Huang's face became a little stiff, but she heard Li Yin say again: "I also want to see, Auntie Huang, how can I get my dead parents to be guests at home, but these neighbors behind me don't seem to welcome me very much."

Li Yin pointed behind him.

The community has disappeared, leaving only a ruin and the shadows of countless evil gods.

Auntie Huang looked at Li Yin deeply, then looked up at the rampant evil god, and slowly said: "Quiet."

Her voice was extremely calm, as if she was comforting a crying baby.

As its voice fell, everything around it stopped instantly. The roar of the evil god, the surge of black fog, and even the blowing of the wind all froze at this moment.

The terrifying aura was suppressed and no longer raged. The ruins of the community and the evil gods stacked between heaven and earth seemed to have been paused together.

Even Miao Miaomiao couldn't help but take a breath of cold air at this scene.

She had never thought that someone could stop the terrifying evil god from being restless with just one sentence.

That was the evil god! The strongest person in the world before his birth was perfectly controlled! But the woman in front of him could command them so easily.

Is her strength above the evil god?

What is above the evil god?

"It's quiet..."

Li Yin turned around and looked at the thousands of evil gods that seemed to be frozen in place. She couldn't help but exclaimed: "Aunt Huang, you are so powerful."

Aunt Huang smiled and shook her head: "Nothing, just a small order."

Her eyes turned to Li Yin again, with a complex light flashing in her eyes: "Li Yin, they ordered me to bring you back. But I really don't want you to come back here..."

Looking at Aunt Huang's gentle eyes as always, Li Yin's heart seemed to be stabbed. She lowered her eyes and whispered: "Where are they?"

"Not here, but coming soon..." Aunt Huang raised her head and looked at a certain floor in the building.

Li Yin knew that it was her home.

"They will return home, as always, so you need to go back too."

Aunt Huang stepped aside to let go of the corridor door that she had been blocking: "Go, Li Yin, your home, your destination."

Her words were full of helplessness and compromise, as if conveying to Li Yin a fact that she was unwilling to accept.

Li Yin felt the heaviness in her words, and also felt Aunt Huang's heartfelt concern.

She realized that something bad might happen when she returned home, but looking at the devastated Linhai, Li Yin knew that she had no choice.

"Thank you, Aunt Huang..."

"Well, go ahead."

Li Yin took a deep breath and walked towards the corridor door that Aunt Huang had opened.

Miao Miaomiao and the others saw this and were about to follow, but were stopped by Aunt Huang.

"You are the child's friends, right? She used to be alone, and we neighbors were very worried. Now I am really relieved to see a group of friends like you."

The smile on her face was very sincere, as if at this moment, she

Really just a neighbor who cares about the child: "You stay here to accompany me, otherwise when they come, I, an old woman, may become very scary..."

The battle-hardened Miao Miaomiao instantly analyzed the meaning from her words. Aunt Huang was really protecting Li Yin and reminding her at the same time.

She still retains some consciousness now, but when Li Yin's parents come, she will really die and become a super-terrorist who is countless times more powerful than the evil god.

"Thank you for the reminder, senior. We will do our best to defeat you here!" Miao Miaomiao's voice was still floating in the air, and her claws had already grabbed Aunt Huang's neck.


Walking in the familiar corridor, Li Yin gently stroked the mottled wall, and every step was stepping on memories.

When he and his parents first came to this community to look at houses, their family was not so rich at that time, and his parents were just ordinary university teachers, but when they saw this building, they smiled like a child and said that this was their dream home.

At that time, this place was still so quiet and so ordinary.

In this city that is considered the most inhumane, they met a group of warm-hearted neighbors.

On the day of moving, the neighbors helped enthusiastically, and the aroma of the food cooked by Aunt Huang filled the entire corridor. Everyone was like a family.

Whenever her parents were too busy to take care of her, it was these neighbors who accompanied her and brought her the warmth of home.

At that time, she never thought that one day, all this would become her deepest nightmare.

Li Yin's footsteps stopped at the door of her house. The familiar door had been opened countless times, but it had never been as heavy as today.

She took a deep breath and held the door handle, with mixed feelings in her heart.

In her mind, the destruction of Linhai, the wailing of tens of millions of people, and the fragmentation of countless families emerged.

She remembered those brave and fearless soldiers who would rather die than retreat.

She remembered Wang Yi, who burned his life to the last moment to protect the safety of ordinary people.

She remembered the weak Azhu...

The source of everything is behind this door.

Perhaps by opening this door, the truth that she had been searching for for months will be solved.

"I'm ready, Dad, Mom." Li Yin spoke softly, as if she was talking to her parents behind the door, or as if she was cheering herself up.

She turned the doorknob and slowly opened it, revealing a slightly dim living room.

The light in the living room was soft, in sharp contrast to the darkness outside.

A couple was sitting on the sofa, their figures were a little blurry under the light, but the familiar outline and warm atmosphere made Li Yin's heart tighten instantly.

"I'm back." Li Yin's voice was trembling a little, and she walked into the living room with a little unsteady steps.

Her parents turned their heads, and their faces were filled with the smiles that Li Yin remembered, a little surprised, but so kind and warm.

"Li Yin, you're back." The father stood up, and the mother also stood up, their eyes full of tenderness and longing.

Li Yin looked at them, tears welling up in her eyes, she tried hard not to let them fall: "Well, I'm back."


Endless darkness penetrated the entire building and rushed straight to the sky!

There were dots of light mixed in it, as if it was a galaxy from a distant universe, dazzling, but with an extremely evil and chaotic atmosphere!

It was completely opposite to the feeling given by Li Yin's energy.

On the ground, Ning Chuan had half of his body blown up and lay on the ground without a breath.

Duanmu Song was also seriously injured and could only be held in Miao Miaomiao's hands, unable to even stand.

Miao Miaomiao looked at the darkness that rose into the sky, the fear in her eyes almost drowned her, instinct forced her to flee quickly, but she was still thinking about the little girl who fought side by side.

She glanced in the direction of Aunt Huang, nodded to her, then suddenly accelerated and disappeared on the spot.

When she appeared again, she had arrived at the door of Li Yin's house, but the scene in front of her made her so horrified that she couldn't breathe.

A beam of light penetrated the entire building, and in it was Li Yin's figure!

The huge energy tore her thin body apart, and the starlight on her body was gone, leaving only a faint light in the darkness, slowly dissipating.

She could no longer detect a trace of Li Yin's breath. The girl who fought side by side with her completely disappeared from this world.

Li Yin, dead!

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