The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.

Sun Tingting stood behind her, with a familiar yet slightly different smile on her face.

But in Li Yin's eyes, it looked so strange.

She jumped up from the chair, her eyes locked on Sun Tingting, trying to find out something from that smile.

"You... why are you here?"

Sun Tingting did not answer, but walked around to the front and sat on the bench, also looking up at the sky, with a look of nostalgia.

Li Yin hesitated whether to take action and pull off her wig to see if she was the Sun Tingting she knew.

Do it if you want to!

Li Yin immediately reached out and grabbed Sun Tingting's long hair, but the feeling was completely different from what she thought.

It was not the smoothness of hair, but the touch of skin, with a hint of warmth and elasticity.

Li Yin widened her eyes in astonishment, her hand stopped in mid-air, and looked at Sun Tingting in disbelief. The latter slowly turned her head, still with that smile on her face, and a hint of playfulness in her eyes.

She stretched out her hand, and there was a black crystal in her palm, which was handed in her direction.

"Here, this is a piece of obsidian I bought. It is said to have a calming effect. Seeing that your mental state is not very good recently, I will give it to you."

Looking at the obsidian that was slightly gleaming in the sun, Li Yin hesitated whether to reach out to take it, but Sun Tingting directly took her hand and placed it in her palm.

The obsidian still carried Sun Tingting's temperature, as if an invisible force was slowly flowing into Li Yin's heart through this small stone.

It brought a moment of peace to her increasingly exhausted heart these days, as if all the suspicion, fear and anxiety were dissipated with this warm power.

"Thank you, Tingting."

Sun Tingting waved her hand: "It's okay, I should thank you."

"You are talking nonsense again..."

The two sat on the chairs, silently looking at the park in front of them, where children were chasing and playing, and the sun was shining on them, forming a peaceful picture.



"Is everything you said the other day true?"

"Do you believe it's true?"

Li Yin was silent again, and spoke after a long while: "Tingting, are you from a parallel world?"

Sun Tingting shook her head: "No, I am the Sun Tingting you know."

"You are lying."

"Why would I lie to you?"

"How should I know? If you are Tingting, then who is in my class?"

"I don't know, maybe a monster?" Looking at Li Yin's expression, Sun Tingting laughed: "Li Yin, you just touched my hair, aren't you afraid of me?"

Li Yin hesitated and shook her head: "I feel... you have no ill will towards me..."

"You are worthy of it."

Sun Tingting stood up and patted her shoulder: "Go home and have a good rest for a day. Big things may happen later, you have to be prepared."

"Big things?"

Li Yin was shocked and wanted to continue asking, but under Sun Tingting's constant urging, she left the park helplessly.

After watching her walk away, Sun Tingting retracted her gaze and looked at the air in front of her.

Her eyes gradually became solemn.

"Sister Mu Yi, you seem to have guessed wrong. Behind the nightmare, it seems that it is not reality, but a deeper nightmare..."

As soon as she finished speaking, the space in front of her suddenly shattered, and an extremely twisted monster poked out of it.

This monster was completely different from the ones she had encountered before. Her degree of distortion had exceeded people's cognition. It seemed that it was a real nightmare incarnate. Just looking at it would evoke people's deepest fear.

Sun Tingting did not retreat, but took a step forward. Countless black tentacles quickly grew on her body, which intertwined with each other to form a black armor.

His image was very similar to Su Ji at the beginning, but his momentum was much weaker.

Then he waved his hand, and white tentacles surged out of his body again, quickly turning into a white long sword in his hand. At the moment the monster rushed over, he waved the long sword to meet it.

Li Yin didn't know what happened in the park. She had already taken the car back to her home. Her parents were not there, and the house returned to its usual quietness.

She held the obsidian in her hand and observed it carefully. The uneasiness in her heart seemed to have faded a little.

Are there two Sun Tingtings in the world?

The one in the class was very clear in her memory. She was one of her few friends, but the mysterious Tingting who suddenly appeared gave her a more mysterious feeling.

for familiarity.

What is going on?

Holding the black stone, for some reason, Li Yin felt her eyelids getting heavier and heavier. She slowly let go of her hand and fell asleep on the bed.

It was still the strange campus, and she woke up in the dark room.

Li Yin held the axe beside her and chopped it skillfully on the wooden door. She soon broke a big hole, got out of the room, walked in the corridor, and looked for suspicious figures.

The black fog especially liked to hide in the corners of the classroom and the end of the corridor, as if playing hide-and-seek with her.

Li Yin observed carefully and searched seriously, not letting go of every corner. As long as she found it, she would chop it with an axe without mercy.

She didn't know why she did this, but she felt that it was right to do so. It was a task she had to complete in this dream.

But today's black fog seemed a little different.

When she chopped it, Li Yin heard a faint scream in her ears.

Is it an illusion?

Turning her head and looking at the black mist behind her, Li Yin felt a strange feeling in her heart.

These black mists seemed to have a tendency to turn red.

Shaking her head, everything in front of her returned to normal.

She continued to move forward in the corridor, swinging the axe in her hand with cold light, smashing the black mist into pieces.

The strange cries in the school became fewer and fewer, and Li Yin's brain became clearer and clearer.


In the originally peaceful and peaceful city, there were suddenly many twisted monsters. They roared wildly and killed people on sight. The whole city fell into chaos and panic.

Only one supermarket was still peaceful and peaceful.

Sun Tingting returned to the supermarket and prepared to find her two sisters to discuss the current situation.

But she didn't see anyone. She moved her ears and heard rustling sounds.

She silently approached the counter and stuck her head out, just in time to see her two sisters rolling in a ball below, their clothes in disarray.

Her face flushed immediately.

How come all my friends like girls?

"Sister Su! Sister Mu Yi! Why are you still doing this kind of thing after all this time!"

Li Mu Yi got up, tidied up her messy clothes, and said apologetically: "Sorry, Tingting. We were too careless and were seen by a child."

Su Ji also stood up, and it was hard to tell whether she was embarrassed or indifferent on her face: "She is an adult, not a child."

Sun Tingting was speechless.

Is this what you care about?

However, after more than a year, she has become familiar with the personalities of her two sisters, and can only sigh and accept their nonsense.

"Stop it, this is not the time to joke. There are suddenly many monsters outside, killing people on sight. The world we live in is almost eroded!"

Li Muyi didn't care about this matter, but asked: "Has the crystal been handed over to her?"

Sun Tingting nodded: "Yes, she should be at home now."

Li Muyi jumped over from behind the counter: "Let's go! Go to her house and take a look. As long as the plan succeeds, the monsters outside don't matter at all."

After that, she took the lead and walked out.

Sun Tingting hurriedly followed, still asking: "Sister Muyi, what is that stone used for? What is your plan?"

Li Muyi thought about it and gave an example: "Have you used the old-fashioned hand-pumped water well in the countryside?"

Sun Tingting nodded. She came from the countryside, so of course she had used it.

"The energy in the crystal is the water in the bucket, which is the key to her seeing the world clearly."

"So simple?"

"It's that simple. For a strong person, this is enough."

Sun Tingting shook her head. She still didn't know how powerful her roommate was. Even the two sisters who gave her the ability were in awe of her.

She only knew that the world she was in was created by Li Yin.

If it weren't for this world, she would have been killed by those twisted monsters.


In the dream world, Li Yin was still chasing the black fog, but her movements gradually slowed down and she became hesitant.

The black fog seemed to gradually dissipate, revealing a hint of red below.

But Li Yin couldn't see clearly. There seemed to be a layer of white fog in front of her, blocking her sight. She frowned, and the strange feeling in her heart became stronger.

She stopped and tried to push away the white fog in front of her, but no matter how hard she tried, the fog always followed her.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard behind her. Li Yin turned around and saw a mop handle coming towards her face.

It was a ball of black fog, trying to attack her.

Li Yin vaguely remembered that there seemed to be such a thing in the past. In other places, black fog only knew

When fleeing, it will fight back or organize other black fogs to fight back together.

It seems to be a special existence.

Subconsciously raised the axe to block it, and the axe blade collided with the mop rod, making a dull sound.

Li Yin stared at the black fog, and the strange feeling made her unable to ignore it.

But there seemed to be a voice in her heart constantly urging her, hurry up! Kill it! Must kill it!


Li Yin questioned herself for the first time.

Why should I kill them?

She thought so in her heart, but the axe in her hand was swung down without hesitation.

At this moment, there was a deafening explosion from the outside world. Li Yin, who was sleeping, frowned because of the explosion, but did not wake up, but turned over, and the necklace on her neck happened to touch the black crystal.

In an instant, the fog in front of her eyes dissipated, revealing the real world hidden under the black fog.

The gorgeous school of unknown style disappeared, replaced by a dilapidated scene.

The gate was rusty and shaky, as if it would collapse at any time. The iron chain and lock on the door had long been rusted, leaving only a broken warning.

The school building was full of cracks, the walls were mottled, the windows were broken, and the broken glass swayed in the wind, making a harsh whine; the tiles on the roof were scattered, revealing moss and weeds.

On campus, the dilapidated playground was occupied by weeds, and the faded fitness equipment was dumped to one side; the door of the library was open, and it was dark inside, with only rows of dilapidated bookshelves looming.

The air was filled with damp and decayed smells, which was very different from the previous splendor.

But these were not enough to shock Li Yin. What really made her unacceptable was that the black fog that was hacked to death around her was actually all living people!

They lay on the ground, their limbs twisted, their faces in pain, their eyes wide open but dull, the red on the ground, it turned out that their blood had gathered together, it was shocking.

Looking at the person in front of her again, Li Yin was stunned.

It turned out to be a girl, a little over 1.5 meters tall, wearing a shabby school uniform, with messy hair draped over her shoulders, her face full of dust and tears, with despair in her eyes, as if waiting for her destined death.

What surprised her most was that this girl looked 70% similar to herself!

This... How is this possible?

The axe in Li Yin's hand slowly slid to the ground, and she widened her eyes and looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief. Her heart was like being hit by a heavy hammer, and a burst of intense pain spread.

That face that was so similar to hers, like a reflection in the mirror, but with endless pain and despair, made her feel unprecedented confusion.

Li Yin trembled and stretched out her hand, wanting to touch the girl, but was afraid that this move would break the strange tranquility.

The girl seemed to see the clarity in Li Yin's eyes and spoke slowly.

Her voice was extremely ethereal, as if it came from the other side of the world, but without a trace of emotion.

"Nightmare... is it time to wake up?"

The girl slowly stretched out her hand, her fingertips trembling slightly. Li Yin stared at the outstretched hand in a daze, and its trembling seemed to be transmitted to her heart, making her whole body tremble.

What kind of feeling is this?

Why do I feel like I'm... going to die?

Her hand moved forward uncontrollably and slowly held the dusty little hand together. Time stopped at this moment, and the whole world was collapsing. Only they stood firmly in place, as if everything around them had nothing to do with them.

"Well, nightmare, it's over..."

This sentence blurted out uncontrollably.

After the words fell, Li Yin felt empty under her feet, her body fell rapidly, and white mist gradually filled her vision, which was a sign of waking up from a dream.

But she could vaguely see that there was still a figure standing in the sky.

It was not the girl who looked similar to herself. She was sure that it was herself.

Above the sky, Li Yin stood there with a dull look. Suddenly, a look of fear appeared in her eyes, gradually expanding to her entire face, so that her whole body began to tremble.

She slowly turned her head and looked at the endless void, as if there was some terrible existence lurking there, making her tremble all over and unable to restrain herself.

She retracted her gaze, turned around, took heavy steps, and disappeared step by step in the long river of time.

Li Muyi and the other two who had already rushed downstairs just saw a monster with a body size of ten meters, flapping its wings and slamming into the residential building.

She cried out inwardly, "Not good!"

The white light rose from her whole body, and she quickly rushed towards the room where Li Yin was.

But before she ran a few steps, she suddenly stopped.

She saw,

The monster suddenly shattered, turning into black water dripping down.

At the location where the monster attacked, a terrifying breath suddenly erupted, like a sleeping beast awakening from the abyss, and the whole world quickly collapsed under her breath.

But Li Muyi smiled.

She knew that it was Li Yin!

"The dream is over, and next, face the real world..."

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