The two of them were so big, and the two of them were so big.

In the changing room of the mall, Ning Zhu held a tape measure and gently measured in front of Li Yin, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Little Li Yin, you've grown up a little!"

Li Yin was a little confused: "What's a little bigger?"

Ning Zhu happily took the tape measure up, pinched a distance with his fingers, and measured and said: "Chest circumference, last time it was not at all, this time it's already A!"

Li Yin looked down in disbelief, reached out and touched it, and her face immediately turned red.

Oh my god! It's really a little bit! It's not hard 'chest muscles', but a little bit soft.

But she knew very well that she had not grown bigger, but had changed because of the re-condensation of her body through her original body.

Just like the perfect controller will never change once it is fixed, the body is a projection of the original body. No matter how much it is condensed, it will be the same as the original body in the end.

No! I should be able to grow a little taller! Definitely! It's just that the energy is not enough!

Ning Zhu seemed very happy, and took up the underwear next to her and looked at it. It was still the style she bought for her before, but it seemed a little bigger.

But it doesn't matter. Little Li Yin finally doesn't have to wear children's underwear anymore and can change to ordinary styles. Congratulations!

When the two walked out of the mall, Li Yin had already changed into a white dress, with white socks and leather shoes underneath, looking cute, like a doll.

Ning Zhu was also satisfied. There were many photos of Li Yin's shameful expressions on her mobile phone. This feeling of having the upper hand made her unable to stop.

Standing on the street, when Ning Zhu was still thinking about what to eat, Li Yin had already received the message sent back by Xie Yunxiao.

Two copies, one is a map of the location of the superpower organization, and the other is the record of her interrogation of the rich man.

First, I clicked on the map to take a look. It was a bit far away, underground in an abandoned park in the sixth ring road.

Then I clicked on the interrogation record.

With the help of Master Zhou, the rich man naturally had no chance of lying.

He knew the superpower organization and was very familiar with it. They had cooperated with it many times. Not only her, but many local rich people knew that they had dealings with this mysterious organization in secret.

According to him, this superpower organization is called "Underground Parliament", and its members are all superpowers with extraordinary abilities. They hide in the shadows of the city and do unknown things.

Many things that cannot be put on the table will be entrusted to them to do. The price is of course not cheap, but they are handled quite cleanly.

There are eight known members, two women and six men. He has never seen these people's faces and does not know their names. He only knows their code names, which are all related to animals.

For example, the landlord's cousin, codenamed Weasel, may be related to his ability to make people see hallucinations.

But now these lists are meaningless, most of them are dead.

If this organization only has these people, there should be three left alive.

As for who it is, Li Yin is still unclear, as long as she goes to the scene to take a look, the truth will be revealed.


The behavior of this superpower organization always feels a bit strange.

It is actually taking tasks to make money, not some deeper conspiracy.

Then what is the meaning of its existence? What do the people who support it want to do? Just to make money?

He and Ning Zhu sent the shopping home, and then while Ning Zhu was packing, he said hello to her and went out alone.

Because the location of the community is relatively remote, there are basically no people here, and Li Yin does not need to look for a hidden location.

Just find a corner where no one is, close your eyes, and split a trace of the energy of the body into your body, which makes her gradually float up, rushing to the sky in the blink of an eye, and disappearing without a trace.

Li Yin found that she could fly, which was an ability she had dreamed of before, but after mastering it, she felt a little distressed.

The main thing is that more than one person has said that no one who can fly is normal...

Am I a normal person? Of course I am!

This matter must not be discovered by Xie Yunxiao!

Her speed is not slow at all. It took less than ten minutes to reach the location marked on the map.

This is a deserted park. There are no residential or commercial buildings around it. It seems a bit lonely. No wonder the location of the underground parliament was chosen here. It is indeed more hidden.

Li Yin slowly landed on the ground, waved his hand to summon the invisible fire axe, and with a thought, they immediately broke through the soil and rocks on the ground and took Li Yin down.

After drilling about five or six meters, the bottom

A space appeared, a hall, quite spacious, with some broken furniture in the middle, bloodstains and white lines marked by the Abnormal Bureau on the ground.

Li Yin closed his eyes, and an invisible wave instantly swept through the surrounding space. After confirming that there were no people and monitoring equipment, he activated his ability.

Unlike the small area covering the body surface last time, this time the broken space extended outward for about two meters before stopping.

Li Yin knew that this was not his limit, but this distance was enough, and it would become uncontrollable if it expanded outward.

Under the influence of the ability, everything around him quickly fell into a nightmare, whether it was the broken tables and chairs, or the stone bricks on the ground, all showed a lazy look.

And above their heads, wisps of colorful light bands gradually floated out.

Slowly walked forward, first contacted the table light band to check the memory.

Because they are not living creatures, there is no particularly impressive memory, so they can only be seen from front to back.

This memory should have started a week ago. It was a little blurry, and there was no one in the picture. She chose to skip it and started until the first person walked into the hall.

It was a middle-aged man, thin, with a pointed face and monkey cheeks. He looked a bit like the landlord. He should be his cousin.

He sat on a chair next to him and didn't say anything.

Soon the second one came, a young man, who also didn't cover his face.

He looked very active. As soon as he came in, he greeted the middle-aged man: "Uncle Huang Wei, the last mission went smoothly. How much money did you get?"

"Four million."

The middle-aged man, Uncle Huang Wei, answered expressionlessly, but his eyes revealed a hint of pride.

Hearing this, the young man's eyes flashed with envy, and then asked: "What is the mission this time?"

Huang Wei's expression became solemn, he lowered his voice and said only two words: "Clean up."

Li Yin caught the tense atmosphere from the conversation between the two, and she continued to check the next memory.

The third, fourth... until the seventh person appeared, they were all discussing the details of the mission.

This mission was still commissioned by a wealthy man, but the target made Li Yin frown.

It turned out to be the Abnormal Bureau of a certain county!

Just because the other party found that his factory had illegal sewage discharge, he used this underground parliament to eliminate it.

Li Yin narrowed his eyes and had already had murderous intentions towards this man.

The people of the Abnormal Bureau fought to protect the safety of ordinary people, but he wanted to wipe them out for personal gain.

Such people do not deserve protection.

At this moment, a woman in a black windbreaker walked in. Her appearance made the atmosphere of the whole space weird, as if she brought an invisible sense of oppression. She did not speak, but just stood there quietly, and everyone unconsciously avoided her eyes.

It's a big fish!

Li Yin immediately made a judgment.

She wanted to see the woman's face clearly, but it was covered tightly by the hat and mask, and even her body was wrapped in a large windbreaker, and the outline of her figure could not be seen at all.

The only clue now is the woman's height, which is 1.72 meters, and looks very tall.

She spoke slowly, and her voice sounded extremely cold, "Huangzhou, are you sure you have cleaned up this mission?"

The woman's voice echoed in the empty hall, and every word was like ice chips, piercing the hearts of everyone present.

Huangzhou's face changed slightly, and he answered hesitantly: "It should... It should be fine, we all do it according to the previous procedures."

The woman's eyes swept over everyone present: "Should? This word will not appear in the dictionary of our "underground parliament". If something goes wrong, you know the consequences."

Huangzhou's back was instantly soaked with cold sweat. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his mind: "Yes, I know. If something goes wrong, I will handle it myself and will not let the organization be implicated."

The woman snorted and turned to leave, as if the people around her had no value to her, just a group of ants.

Li Yin frowned. She sensed a strong disdain from the woman just now. She didn't understand what the woman was doing here.

Just to warn Huang Wei? And since she looked down on this group of people, why did she gather them together?

As the woman left, the conference room fell into a brief silence, and everyone seemed to be relieved.

The young man just now spoke again: "Uncle Huang Wei, what did you do to make her so angry?"

Huang Wei shook his head: "I don't know, my mission this time was perfect, without any mistakes."

"It's really strange..."

From their tone, Li Yin heard the concern for their companions, but for the woman, there was only


The weasel looked at a tall man opposite and asked, "Gray Wolf, did you attack my nephew? What's wrong with you recently? You've lost control more and more times."

The man called Gray Wolf shook his head blankly: "I don't know. I've been a little uneasy recently. I often have short-term amnesia and can't remember many things."

The others also frowned, not believing that Gray Wolf would do such a thing as hurting his companions and their families.

"After that woman appeared, everything seemed to be wrong."

A man wearing glasses whispered, but was quickly covered by the person next to him.

"Are you crazy? Do you want to die by saying bad things about her here?"

The man trembled all over and stopped talking.

They talked about the mission for a while, and then they dispersed. Everyone seemed to be worried when they left, as if there was a shadow hanging over their hearts.

About two days later, these people gathered in the hall again, but the atmosphere this time was more solemn than last time.

The man with glasses disappeared, and they were all discussing it. But not long after, with the arrival of the woman in the windbreaker, the gray wolf suddenly began to mutate, and turned into a hideous monster at a very fast speed. He killed everyone at the scene recklessly, and finally left with the woman.

This sudden scene made Li Yin confused.

It felt that the memory of this table was no different from seeing it, and he was even more confused.

But he could guess roughly.

The woman was probably suppressing these people with force. The gray wolf became what it is now because of him. She took the gray wolf away in the end, and there must be some purpose.

Just as Li Yin was thinking, there was a strange sound on the ground under his feet. Looking in the direction of the sound, a female corpse suddenly appeared behind him, staring at him straight, with only endless coldness in her eyes.

Is there any backup?

Before the female corpse launched an attack, the invisible fluctuations around Li Yin instantly turned into several golden ropes, which tied the female corpse tightly. As she raised her hand slightly, the broken space directly wrapped it in it.

Looking at the colorful light bands floating above her head, the corners of Li Yin's mouth gradually curled up.

I was just worried that I couldn't understand it, and you came to me.

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