The truth is that the situation is not good at all.

"This is really not a good time..." Xie Yunxiao couldn't help but sigh.

When the official was about to announce the existence of the anomaly, it was discovered that there was such a dangerous force hidden in the Anomaly Bureau.

The key is that we don't know what they are going to do.

If they make a big scene in front of the whole country on the day of the announcement, I'm afraid the whole country will fall into panic.

But if they really find out about that person and force him to do something desperate, and cause huge chaos in the capital before the day of the announcement, I'm afraid the result will not be much better.

Xie Yunxiao grabbed her hair in worry, but she couldn't tell any senior officials because she was worried that the senior officials she contacted were the masterminds behind the scenes.

Now the only person she can rely on is Li Yin.

He raised his head and asked weakly: "Li Yin, do you think we should continue investigating?"

Li Yin did not answer, but lowered his head to pick up the mask dropped by the windbreaker woman and looked at it in his palm.

The style is the same as the windbreaker woman in the underground hall, but there are some differences in the details.

They are not the same person.

Close your eyes, your consciousness sinks into the nightmare world, open your eyes again, you have come to the corner of the "ghost's" clothes, and find that she is moving rapidly underground.

Li Yin doesn't know her direction, but it should not be the NG Institute.

Retracting her sight, holding the mask in her hand horizontally, the scattered pieces of meat on the ground seem to have life and quickly gather in her hands.

Not long after, a complete windbreaker woman appeared in front of the three people.

Looking at this scene, Xie Yunxiao felt his scalp tingling.

His good comrade's previous ability looked very decent, whether it was the translucent form or the later starlight form, it exuded a sense of otherworldly purity.

But since the end of the battle of Linhai, why are her abilities getting weirder and weirder?

It's okay, as long as she is still on our side.

Otherwise, with the huge shadow of Linhai that covers the sky and the sun, it would be easy to destroy a country.

At that time, looking at the weird smile on the corner of the windbreaker woman's mouth, Xie Yunxiao always felt that she looked familiar...

Li Yin didn't care what they thought, and asked the windbreaker woman: "Do you have any memories of her?"

The expression on the windbreaker woman's face moved, as if she had not adapted to the human body, and she was terribly stiff, but she said respectfully: "Master, yes."

"Have you seen the person behind the scenes?"

She shook her head: "I was killed by No. 2, and the transformation operation was carried out in the research institute. In my impression, Xu Xuan is our leader."

Hidden really deep...

Li Yin looked in the direction of Xu Xuan again, ready to see if she would become a nightmare creature.

But after waiting for a while, the minced meat on the ground was still minced meat, and there was no sign of gathering.

Li Yin also decided not to wait any longer and threw the mask on the woman in the windbreaker. The mask seemed to come alive, quickly crawling to the woman's pale face and automatically putting it on.

"You guys deal with the scene, and then return to your original position and wait."

The woman in the windbreaker nodded her head, and another voice came from the broken window upstairs.

Xie Yunxiao looked in the direction of the voice, and it turned out that the corpse that he had torn into several pieces was now alive and became Li Yin's subordinate.

This move was really terrifying...

"What should we do now? Is there any point in going to Huaifeng County?"

Xie Yunxiao's meaning was very clear. Since these ghosts were puppets and knew nothing, there was no practical meaning in ambush those people in Huaifeng County.

"Then we don't have any other clues, right?"

Xie Yunxiao nodded silently.

"Moreover, if you want to reduce the possible impact of the person behind the scenes, you must not stay in the capital. Since he wants to attack the Abnormal Bureau as the last battle, perhaps he has already completed the preparations and is waiting for an opportunity for you to be alone."

"Luring the snake out of its hole?"

Xie Yunxiao turned around and glanced at the NG Research Institute.

The person behind the scenes should have received the news, and most likely knew that it was me who was investigating him.

Since he chose to end with the attack on the Abnormal Bureau, it is likely that he has completed the preparations as Li Yin said, and now he may be quite powerful.

Even I will be affected by my memory unconsciously, I am afraid that when she really appears, I will have no power to fight back.


Looking at the cute girl next to me who is a little over 1.5 meters tall and wearing a white dress

Little girl, Xie Yunxiao felt a sense of relief inexplicably.

No matter what the other party is, with this girl here, there will be no problem.

"Then let's go, I'll be the bait, if he really comes out, it's up to you."

"Don't worry."

Li Yin narrowed his eyes. Just now, the nightmare creature attached to the ghost disappeared, disappeared very suddenly, and there was no trace of it in reality.

It was obviously discovered and killed by someone.

The person who took action was definitely not a female corpse that could be beaten and fled in embarrassment by two nightmare creatures. If the guess is correct, it should be the person behind the scenes.

Li Yin turned his head to look in the direction where the breath disappeared, as if crossing the space and looking at the person.


Retracting his gaze, looking at the bloodstains on the ground that had been cleaned up, Li Yin snapped his fingers, and the dead silence around him gradually returned to normal. The sound of conversation sounded again, everything seemed to be awakened from a dream, and the whole street was filled with a lazy atmosphere.

But people didn't seem to realize that they had just fallen asleep, and continued to do what they were doing before, as if nothing had happened.

Li Yin and the other two had already gotten into Xie Yunxiao's car, driving on the road to Huaifeng County.

Xie Yunxiao was a little confused: "We are killing people in a big way on the street, aren't you worried about being recorded by surveillance?"

Li Yin looked at the information in his hand and replied without raising his head: "Don't you have it?"

Xie Yunxiao's mouth twitched: "I want to hear your way of dealing with it."

"I just controlled them all."


When Xie Yunxiao was confused, she felt that her car suddenly lost control for a moment, and then quickly regained stability. She slammed on the brakes and stopped it on the side of the road.

"What happened? The car just..."

Li Yin's voice sounded: "It's just like this, do you understand?"

Xie Yunxiao scratched his head, still a little puzzled: "What did you do?"

"Just check if your car has been tampered with, just keep driving."

The method of checking is very simple, turn the car into a nightmare creature, and everything will be solved.

Li Yin just discovered that when transforming an object into a nightmare creature, as long as he sneaks into the nightmare world and erases its original consciousness, there will be no laziness and collapse on the ground, and he can directly take over the body.

Very convenient.

And the nightmare world is not the weak chicken in reality. Even if it is an evil god, as long as he enters the nightmare world, he can crush it to death with one finger!

As for the situation of the car, there are indeed monitoring devices and positioning devices, a total of five, two positioning and three monitoring, one of which is hidden very deep, and it is definitely impossible to find it by ordinary methods.

Li Yin left it alone, making the other party think that this one was not discovered, so that he could find it by following the signal.

By the way, if I turn it into a nightmare creature, can I let it tell me the location of the person behind the scenes?

No, what am I thinking? How can the monitoring device talk?

I lowered my head and continued to read the file.

The scope of suspicion this time has been narrowed down to a very small number, almost all of them are senior executives or heads of important laboratories.

Li Yin flipped through their files one by one, trying to find the abnormality, but until the last page, he did not find any significant abnormality or suspiciousness.

These people, whether in terms of educational background, work experience or personal life, seem so conventional that it is difficult for people to associate them with the evil force hiding in the dark and controlling everything.

"So cunning."

Li Yin sighed and closed the folder in his hand.

He looked up at the scenery passing by quickly outside the window, but his heart was in deep thought.

The person behind the scenes obviously knows how to hide. Not only did he keep his identity secret to the extreme, but even the clues that might be left behind were carefully cleaned up.

There is also the core of perfect control and the white crystal, which always gives Li Yin an illusion.

This seems to be the organization of some kind of creature, just like the stone slab that caused the tragedy at Linhai University, which seems to be the skin of a certain evil god.

But what kind of creature can have such powerful power, and just some organizations can give birth to a perfect controller, an existence that surpasses the evil god?

A real god?

Li Yin shook his head, threw away the messy thoughts in his mind, and continued to read the information in his hand.

"Xie Yunxiao, this person named Zhao Han, why would you list her as a suspect with her status?"

Xie Yunxiao did not look back, but just glanced slightly: "She is one of the leaders of the 'living crystal' project, and she is also the first person to conduct experiments on living crystals. She has a long career, but she has not been promoted for some reasons. It is said that she once proposed a crazy plan to use human lives and living crystals to create a group of crazy people to send to the battlefield.

, and then let the perfect controller kill it afterwards, recover the living crystal, and keep it for next use. Perhaps because of this incident, she has never been promoted, but has been marginalized. "

Ning Zhu asked: "Is the living crystal the white crystal you mentioned?"

Xie Yunxiao nodded: "Yes, including the core in our body, it is the research direction of the living crystal project."

"So, she is very suspicious?" Li Yin picked up the information and checked it carefully, but still found nothing abnormal.

If you have to find one, it's only academic qualifications. Compared with other senior executives and responsible persons, Zhao Han's academic qualifications are a little bit inferior and seem very ordinary.

Even if she was not promoted because of this incident, it is reasonable.

"Also, her reputation in the research institute is not very good. Some people are saying that she relied on her relationship with the minister to climb to her current position. Some people say that she is the minister's lover; some people say that she is a relative of the minister's family..."

Ning Zhu was a little surprised: "The minister you are talking about, is he the highest leader of the Abnormal Bureau system?"

"That's him. "

Li Yin laughed: "I didn't realize you like gossip?"

Xie Yunxiao said helplessly: "I don't like gossip, but there is someone next to me who likes gossip."

She was talking about Qin You.

After all, you can't play with your phone or access the Internet in the research institute. Apart from books, the only entertainment is to listen to the researchers gossip...

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